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Twitch Build Guide by LORDSneverWorry

AD Carry i was hiding hehehe

AD Carry i was hiding hehehe

Updated on August 15, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LORDSneverWorry Build Guide By LORDSneverWorry 1,699 Views 0 Comments
1,699 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LORDSneverWorry Twitch Build Guide By LORDSneverWorry Updated on August 15, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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This is my first Guide i made it because i feel like im the only one who plays twitch like this. so lets get started...
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playing twitch in early game can be so frustrating because u die instant and u dont deal dmg so u have to wait for the enemy does sth dumb or u farm till ur jgler comes and u can "steal" the kill with ur E
Twitch has the best engages when u and ur supp can communicate over TS or sth like that so u can use your Q and ur supp use the cc a good wngage optioon is when u come back on ur lane and use your q and let the supp bait but its important to use ur q to engage to get a good position and the bonus attack speed

when its about all mid buy a oracle trinket and activate it while u use q so u cant be seen i always position myself on the side where the adc and apc are but as close as possible to my team then i go ult and kill and if u get a kill instantly use ur refreshed Q to reposition yourself
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LORDSneverWorry
LORDSneverWorry Twitch Guide
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i was hiding hehehe

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