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Pantheon Build Guide by KingOfLostDreams

Top If Terry Crews had a spear

Top If Terry Crews had a spear

Updated on July 14, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KingOfLostDreams Build Guide By KingOfLostDreams 986 Views 0 Comments
986 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KingOfLostDreams Pantheon Build Guide By KingOfLostDreams Updated on July 14, 2019
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Recommended Items

Runes: Aggressive Lane

1 2
Lethal Tempo
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Font of Life

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Champion Build Guide

If Terry Crews had a spear

By KingOfLostDreams
General Notes
For full build you will want the Blade of the Ruined King and the Blood Thirster or another lifesteal item, these items will keep you healed and supply a large portion of your AD

Eventually, you will attack fast enough that your passive will be ready every 1.5 seconds combined the lifesteal making you mostly indestructible

The passive on Wit's end is a large source of damage and healing.

Ginsuwu's Rageblade represents the most attack speed your items will give you and gives a slight damage boost to your W and R

in the late game, it may be helpful to remove your boots in exchange for Nashor's Tooth for the extra CDR, On hit damage and attack speed (also increased W and R damage)

Statikk Shiv and Ravenous Hydra are both useful for CSing and dealing with minion hordes
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KingOfLostDreams
KingOfLostDreams Pantheon Guide
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