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Illaoi Build Guide by HungryHeckHound

Top Illaoi Fundamentals Guide

Top Illaoi Fundamentals Guide

Updated on May 19, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HungryHeckHound Build Guide By HungryHeckHound 11,603 Views 0 Comments
11,603 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author HungryHeckHound Illaoi Build Guide By HungryHeckHound Updated on May 19, 2021
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Runes: Runes

Presence of Mind
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Illaoi Fundamentals Guide

By HungryHeckHound
For Your Viewing Pleasure
Here is a quick 9 minute video that discusses everything I'll talk about in this guide.
How to not loose at champ select
Illaoi is a great champ but she is easily countered. You typically want to play her in games where there are three melee or close quarters champs on the enemy team. If you got a ranged enemy team consider playing someone else.
Play If Dont Play If
1.The enemy team has 3+ melee or close quarters champs (ex Urgot)
2.The enemy team has little or no CC
1.The enemy team has a way to separate you from your tentacles (ex Mord Ult)
2.The enemy team is a majority range
3.Your team or the enemy team has Immortality ultimates like Kindred and Bard
Illaoi's Passive is Prophet of an Elder God. This is what spawns her tentacles. The cooldown starts at 20 and can go as low as 7.25 based on your level. You typically want to set them up in a triangle formation. That way you have the potential to hit the champ with three tentacles but know you'll hit them with at least 2. Check out this diagram by reddit user Rockified for a good idea on how it should look.
Q is the technical slam. You get a little bit of healing back when you hit them with your tentacle and that's about it.
Harsh Lesson is Illaoi's W. It tells the Tentacles who to attack. Nearby tentacles will then attack the spot where the idol hit the ground
Illaoi throws out her tentacle and tears out the enemy lander's soul. The spirits are then attacked by tentacles completely independent of any w as you put down. She then does percent health damage based off the damage to the spirit. If she kills the spirit, the enemy laner is made into a vessel. The enemy laner is also made into a vessel if he leaves the small circles that's created around the spirit. Once they become a vessel they spawn tentacles near. This can be even closer than the range that we typically have, which can lead to some pretty fun combinations. Vessels automatically get attacked by tentacles as long as they're in range.
Illaoi makes a circle around herself and everyone in the circle spawns a tentacle (spirits count). Harsh Lesson has a 2 second cooldown and tentacles attack 50% faster. You typically want to get as clumped up as possible, and then ult when everyone is inside the circle. Now, when you're in the circle, you want to typically attack the spirit, not the champion. In attacking the spirit, you can make the enemy champion a vessel and then you'll get more tentacle attacks. Your focus should be getting as many tentacle hits as possible.
Top Tips
You can flash during your Ult to close the gap.

After you pull the enemies soul if you hit the enemy before you kill the soul there is a chance the damage to the spirit will kill the enemy. That's honestly word vomit but I've rewritten that sentance like three times now and that's the best it will get.

You can w over walls

You are Immune to CC when youre in your ult which can save you in a dire straight
Core Build
Corrupting potion is a great place to start because it gives you healing and burn damage. A great strategy is to activate corrupting potion when you're about to attack the spirit or champ to get that little bit of burn damage.
You want to start with ironspike whip. The small healing it gives will save you during your early ults.

Though Goredrinker isn't as good as it used to be it still one of the best items for Illaoi and her kit. Activate it during fights, especially her ultimate, to keep you alive.
Plated Steelcaps are great for Illaoi because when you're the center of combat you need that armor to soak up that damage.
Ravenous Hydra is a really cool item because cleave activates on every enemy hit by a tentacle. It can really be quite devastating! Get Tiamat first to start your cleave right away
Thank You very much for reading. If you haven't watched my video I highly recomend that because I go more in depth there. Check out my other guides on Yorick, Rammus, and Nunu!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HungryHeckHound
HungryHeckHound Illaoi Guide
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Illaoi Fundamentals Guide

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