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Jinx Build Guide by Hanyang

I'm Korean, How to use Jinx Skill well?? Video Guide.

I'm Korean, How to use Jinx Skill well?? Video Guide.

Updated on March 16, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hanyang Build Guide By Hanyang 2,939 Views 0 Comments
2,939 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Hanyang Jinx Build Guide By Hanyang Updated on March 16, 2017
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Who am I

I'm Korean ADC player.
These are all my Guide in the biggest Korean LOL community.
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What you can learn

I will upload Korean Pro-Gamer, Top-Ranked(High Elo) plays.

You can learn 'How to use skills'

I hope you can be helped by video.
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Why the Fervor is good on Jinx

1. because of runaan\
because of runaan, the speed of stacking fervor is really fast. so you should use fervor.

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Why the Flash is important on Jinx

because of jinx's passive, his F is more important than other ADC.

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How to use Passive

1. anyhow she gets kill or assist
if she gets kill or assist points anyhow, it is her world.

2. when opponent attacks jinx to interrupt her towering
when enemy attacks to interrupt you, don't worry and keep focusing on towering.
if you successfully destroy the tower, you can easily get kiil point.
do not worry about enemy's teleport. you can avoid this with speed buff when you destroy tower.

3. you can easily survive in certain situation if you can get kill or assist point.
if you are not jinx you maybe die. but jinx is not because of her passive.

4. when towering
because her passive attack speed buff can be stacked, she is really good at towering

i will upload more tomorrow~
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hanyang
Hanyang Jinx Guide
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I'm Korean, How to use Jinx Skill well?? Video Guide.

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