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Lulu Build Guide by DynHoyw

Support Immortal Botlane Lulu

Support Immortal Botlane Lulu

Updated on September 8, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DynHoyw Build Guide By DynHoyw 3,186 Views 0 Comments
3,186 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DynHoyw Lulu Build Guide By DynHoyw Updated on September 8, 2022
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Font of Life
Bone Plating

Perfect Timing
Future's Market

+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


Summoner Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Immortal Botlane Lulu

By DynHoyw
There is a saying known exclusively by Lulu mains, it's even in the bible: "With no Lulu, there is no team. And with no team, there is no Lulu."

Based on my (currently) short experience as a mono Lulu, she is very dependent on her teammates, just like most supports. But because of that, she can usually guarantee the survivability of teammates during fights and teamfights. Unlike characters like Yuumi and Soraka, Lulu's supporting comes from sustain; she increases her teammates's damage by making them live longer, and if you and your lanemate teamworks well a 'buddy relationship' will be created: you stay alive by protecting your AD Carry, and they stay alive by killing all threats. Slow, Polymorph, Shielding, Max-Health Increase & CC are part of her kit, and they all have correct situations to be used. As shown below, i have displayed my prefered Ability Sequence exclusively based on the mythic item Shurelya's Battlesong. Why Shurelya? Well, it's just that there's no other good items for her. Also, the movement speed granted by shielding (which on this build has a cooldown of 3.5s)can replace W with its longer cooldown of 6s. Shurelya can, too, offer movement speed, but to all friendly units nearby, and its mythic item passive is of 5 CDR with each legendary item bought.

Sadly though, as i am a low-elo player, this guide might as well be untrustworthy or even deceitful thanks to my inexperience. But i can surely tell, a tanky Lulu with 120 CDR is the most fun and interesting way to enjoy Lulu and save teammates i have found. I can't guarantee this build is mine, since i have pieced it together based sheerly on issues i've found with a standard, full support Lulu conflicting with my play style.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DynHoyw
DynHoyw Lulu Guide
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