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Not much you could do against him as he can constantly poke you and even dive you when possible.
Play passive and don't try to fight her. Once she is Lvl.6 stay near tower to prevent dive. Try to dodge her Q with ult when she is in range.
Very heavy skill match up. You both have to plan ahead on when and how to engage and counter attack.
Trade with him pre-6, after that just play safe. He can cast his ult while you are ulting him to cancel it and will leave it on cd. He can still cast ult after you zone him. This gives him advantage to damage you and heal instantly.
Don't fight him. Stay near tower and behind minions to avoid poke. Jumping into his turrets is the last thing you want to do before making him fed. However once you have at least 3 items(excluding boots) will should be able to 1v1 him unless he is overly fed.
Just jump him as much as possible to avoid him poking you with Q. His ult is pretty much useless once you have yours. No reason you would lose to him unless you get camped.
Whenever your passive is up, just jump him and get out. You out trade him 100%. Avoid pushing if he is in lane to give him chance to farm under tower safely. Your ult can me used to dodge his.
Try to get to Lvl.2 first and bully her with damage. Pre-6 you have advantage. After she reach Lvl.6 just try to farm passively and ask for ganks. Use your ult to dodge her passive daggers.
Early game you will feel like you are in hell. Try to stay in good position where she can't land her E. Don't get her fed and once you have your core items it will be your chance to shine!
Try not to lane up against her as she can pretty much poke you to death or finish you instantly with a click shot ult and combo you. your best bet is have your jungler camp you before she reaches Lvl.6 and make her behind.
Skill match up. Early game she will poke with E and auto attacks. Once after Lvl.6 only fight her when you have ult to dodge ability(s). If you get snared you can still use your E to dodge her other ability(s), like her ult (you are only able to use the hook while snared.)
Gives cancer just like Teemo. Pre-6 is your only chance to passively farm up. Once he reach Lvl.6, beg for gank or else good luck.
A skill match up between how well you can dodge her Q's. Her E does not block your ult. Your ult does not dodge the second part of her ult, therefor you will take full damage and be stunned upon landing. Best bet is to E out if possible.
Hard match up. In lane, try to poke him when his shield is down at minimum, and do not fight him face to face unless you have advantage. Your ult is most of the time useless against him as he pretty much have all click shot.
Skill match up. Pre-6 will be painful as she can poke a lot. After Lvl.6 engage only when you have ult and dodge her ult with yours.
Try to survive early game from heavy long range pokes, and mid/late game will be easy.
Fairly easy to beat early game. Jump straight in right after he uses his W. Best to bring ignite to against him as it shows his path of invisibility, so you can hopefully land a E on him to reveal him and ult.
Absolute cancer, try to either ask for lane swap or dodge if he is picked in champion select against you.
Heavy skill match up. Try to bait out all his mana as he has very low mana efficiency early game. Trading might be a good idea if jungler is not near by. Skilled Ziggs can cancel your E by using his W and opens up gap for counter attack.
Avoid fighting him pre-6. Try to stay in enough distance where when he ults on you, you can E onto tower AND CHOOSE THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION OF WHERE HE ULTS FROM to instantly stun him and use AA and Q and ult combo as fast as possible to keep him under tower aggro and hopefully kills him. High chance you will get camped by their jungler because 2 of them can dive you pretty easily.
Not much he can do against you as you have nothing he can block. As long as you land your E and dodge his tornado with your ult, then everything will be fine. Though do not get too aggressive and dive unless have clear advantage.
Hard match up but still possible to win if you get a lead. Biggest threat are her plants. Try to avoid them as much as possible and dodge her E and/or ult knock up with your ult.
Skill match up with a little advantage on your side. Only jump on him with your E(not ult) if you manage to bait out his E. Try to keep him in your ult range to dodge his ult with yours (needs intense reflexes). Watch out as his E can stop your E.
Early game is a hard match up. Try to play as passive as you can until you have to core items. E can be used to escape his E and counter attack.
Almost impossible to kill even with ganks. His passive allows him to have massive amounts of health, which makes your true damage not as effective. His pool can dodge your ult and your ult will be on cd.
Heavy skill match up though you have a slight disadvantage early game because of heavy pokes. Late game try to save your E for his ult and your ult to dodge combo if possible.
Twisted Fate
Not much you can do against him in lane due to his range and ability to farm under tower. Don't use your teleport back to lane and save it for follow up unless you have to use it either you need to defend tower or will lose a huge wave of farm.
Bullies you early game and you can't out trade him unless you have a lead.
Stay behind minions, get tier 1 boots on first B. If you dodge her knock up, immediately jump on her. Don't jump on her if she has her knock up unless you have ult.
If you dodge her E, immediately jump on her and save your ult for her when you are somewhat around or less than half health. Be careful on jumping on her when she has her E up as she can combo you instantly.
Play very carefully early game as he can slow you down, which also slows down your E. Jungler can easily gank you with zilean's slow on you and speed boost on him so try stay near tower.
Pokes you to death early game, so try to stay back and make him push so you can either farm under tower or ask your jungler for help. Don't trade with him unless he is oom.
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