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Choose Champion Build:
Bottom Lane AD Carry
Jungle (*testing*)
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Clean Cuts (PASSIVE)
Xayah Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Xayah is a mobile AD carry with high damage and crit scalings .
She also does a lot of Damage from Abilites.
Great synergy with Rakan.
If you learn how to hit those Feather's properly and position yourself ; she is very, VERY rewarding.AND extremely fun.Especially with Rakan.
She also does a lot of Damage from Abilites.
Great synergy with Rakan.
If you learn how to hit those Feather's properly and position yourself ; she is very, VERY rewarding.AND extremely fun.Especially with Rakan.

LOVER'S LEAP: If either Xayah or Rakan Rakan is recalling, the other may move nearby and activate their own recall to join them. Both reach base at the time of which the initiator's recall ends.
Her passive can be very much used as poke and lanepush. Kinda hard at first to hit those high range Feathers tho.You gotta get good at it.
Lover's Leap is just another great addition if you have Rakan on your team . Can come in handy very often.

The feather-blades deal physical damage to all enemies they pass through, reduced to 50% against units beyond the first.
Again , great lanepush and poke with this ability . You can combine it with Passive and E. Really strong.Also , spellshields only block *1* of these Feathers, so you can still have damage on a Champion like Sivir with your Q.

BONUS ATTACK SPEED: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%
If Rakan Rakan is nearby, he will also gain Deadly Plumage, in turn increasing the bonus damage on each of them to 40%.
This is the ability you're going to be maxing last , tho it's still great. Even better if you have Rakan on your team since it has Synergy with him.

「 BASE PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 (+ 60% bonus AD) 」
Each Feather to strike a target deals 10% less damage than the last, with a minimum of 10% damage. Enemies struck by at least 3 Feathers are rooted for 1 second.
Much like a Kalista E , but you have to aim with it . In exchange , you get a Root with it . Very rewarding if you can hit it.

After a short delay, she unleashes a volley of feather-blades forward in a cone, dealing physical damage to all enemies struck and leaving a line of 5 Feathers at the end of Featherstorm's maximum range.
Xayah's Ultimate is one of the best Ultimates in the game . Actually , might be the best AD Carry Ultimate. You get Damage , Utility , an Escape ,Combos, AoE . Really nice things to have . Especially on an AD Carry.
I go Warlord's Bloodlust because of the movement speed and sustain.
Fervor wouldn't make much sense since you rely on abilities just as much as autoattacks. Warlord's Bloodlust just seems better right now.
[Testing:Thunderlord's Decree,not expecting anything crazy from it.]
I also choose Sorcery instead of Fury because of Q and E Damage.
Dangerous Game to do some sick 1v9 plays ecks dee
Fervor wouldn't make much sense since you rely on abilities just as much as autoattacks. Warlord's Bloodlust just seems better right now.
[Testing:Thunderlord's Decree,not expecting anything crazy from it.]
I also choose Sorcery instead of Fury because of Q and E Damage.
Dangerous Game to do some sick 1v9 plays ecks dee
Just be calm , cool , aaaaaand have Rakan or your team .
Honestly , she isn't that strong particularly if she isn't with Rakan (or you don't have a sick duo partner).
I wouldn't risk picking her in Ranked without Rakan. And everyone's gonna pick/ban Rakan and / or Xayah for a few weeks , maybe even months.100%.
Honestly , she isn't that strong particularly if she isn't with Rakan (or you don't have a sick duo partner).
I wouldn't risk picking her in Ranked without Rakan. And everyone's gonna pick/ban Rakan and / or Xayah for a few weeks , maybe even months.100%.
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