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Master Yi Build Guide by YICARY

Jungle IN-DEPTH YI GUIDE S14 / Bonus: Titanic Hydra Burst Combo

Jungle IN-DEPTH YI GUIDE S14 / Bonus: Titanic Hydra Burst Combo

Updated on January 18, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author YICARY Build Guide By YICARY 6,716 Views 0 Comments
6,716 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author YICARY Master Yi Build Guide By YICARY Updated on January 18, 2024
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Runes: Standard Runepage

1 2
Lethal Tempo
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Gustwalker Smite

Gustwalker Smite

Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

IN-DEPTH YI GUIDE S14 / Bonus: Titanic Hydra Burst Combo

Im YICARY! i reached dia3 with a 75% winrate last split with Yi and diamond 1 with a 65% winrate. This Season is rly good for Yi and my goal is to climb even higher!
I just love playing Yi and sometimes i even stream it :)
Fullclear from top to botside or other way round.
depending on where ur strong side is, u wil ltake the early objectives. if ur botlane is winning, u take first drag and give voidgrubs. if ur top lane has prio, u take early voidgrubs. if all ur lanes are winning, try and take both.
normally u will take drag at lvl 5 after ur first 2 fullclears. its not necessary to gank a yi early, since u want to get ur ult as quickly as possbile. only gank early, if its an 80% play. so basically, its always an kill or atleast a flash.
after getting the first objective and hitting lvl 6 u will keep on clearing ur camps and only gank if u rly need to or u tracked the enemy jungler well, so u know when to countergank.
after early game its hard to say, how to exactly path. it depends on ur team winning or losing. if u have a lot of vision and a romaing support, u wann invade more and put wards into enemy jungle. if ur team is losing, u wanna secure atleast all the jungle camps u can in ur own jungle and try to clear vision and ward baron/drag.
combos / Titanic Hydra
for jungle camps clear: always aa first, then q. use ur w as an aa-reset or as a heal if ur low. w has a low cd nowadays, so dont worry about using it for higher clearspeed.
activate ur e NOT instantly and always DURING the aa-animation or q animation. it will still procc the damage and u have it a little bit longer.

for fighting: stack ur passive to be rdy if u wanna fight (ideally). if not mostly in early game,u wanna hold ur e for the first 3 auto attacks and then surprise him with ur damage -> double aa with ur e into insta w-reset aa again. most ppl wont expect ur damage and try to flash away-> and then u can just follo with ur q.

titanic hydra combo-> if ur passive is ready u can instantly stack ur passive again. well, u probaly already that u need to aa three times to get ur passive ready as yi. so if u a passive double aa with yi,u will already have ur FIRST STack. then u will instantly afterwards do a w-reset aa (ur SECOND STACK, and then instanly press the active of titanic hydra, since this also aa-rest (ur THIRD stack). Et voila, ur passive is rdy again for doing a double aa. if u do it cleanly , u will do 6 AAS in one combo.
Book recommendation
U can buy the "blue print Jungle Guide" Book on amazon. its pretty cheap and old, but makes u understand of some key mechanics of the game and how the game should actually be played. i hghly recommend it. i also watch some high elo yi mains like:
or Sinerias
i also can highly recommend to check out both of those guys to improve on ur yi builds and playstyle.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author YICARY
YICARY Master Yi Guide
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IN-DEPTH YI GUIDE S14 / Bonus: Titanic Hydra Burst Combo

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