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Recommended Items
Runes: Tenacity
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Agro (IMO Better)
Champion Build Guide
Patch Updates
12.8 [Nothing hits Irelia Hard No META Change]
12.9 [Nothing hits Irelia Hard No META Change]
[ Q Heal reduced to 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11% AD from 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16% AD.]
[ Base health increased to 590 from 520. ]
[ Health growth increased to 124 from 110. ]
[ Armor growth increased to 4.2 from 3. ]
[ Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05 from 1.25. ]
Patch 12.11
[ E Cooldown reduced to 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 seconds from 18 / 16.5 / 15 / 13.5 / 12. ]
[ Q Heal increased to 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13% AD from 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11% AD. ]
[Greivous wounds nefs]
[ Standard effect reduced to 25% from 30%. ]
[ Enhanced effect reduced to 40% from 50%. ]
Big buffs! spesifically Q buffs mixed with greivous nerfs.
healing out of lane will suck but durring fights youre healing way mroe before the cut to sustain.
E buffs make E max better, still prefrence between w and e.
12.12 [Nothing hits Irelia Hard No META Change]
12.13 [Divine sunder changes]
Doesnt effect situationally
12.14 [Minor changes to boneplating and unflinching]
Still same build isnt major.
12.15 [Divine sunder changes]
Doesnt effect situationally
[Armor per level Increased to 4.7 from 4.2]
^^ Note Power spikes (Only doing Level Spikes)
[ Level 6 Old Armor - 57 ]
[ Level 6 New Armor - 59.5 ]
[ Level 9 Old Armor - 69.6 ]
[ Level 9 New Armor - 73.6 ]
[ Level 11 Old Armor -78 ]
[ Level 11 New Armor - 83 ]
[ Level 16 Old Armor - 99 ]
[ Level 16 New Armor - 106.5 ]
[ Base magic resistance increased to 30 from 28. ]
Armor buffs
- Old Armor
36 [1]
40.2 [2]
44.4 [3]
48.6 [4]
52.8 [5]
57 [6]
61.2 [7]
65.4 [8]
69.6 [9]
73.8 [10]
78 [11]
82.2 [12]
86.4 [13]
90.6 [14]
94.8 [15]
99 [16]
103.2 [17]
107.4 [18]
- New Armor
36 [1]
40.7 [2]
45.4 [3]
50.1 [4]
54.8 [5]
59.5 [6]
64.2 [7]
68.9 [8]
73.6 [9]
78.3 [10]
83 [11]
87.7 [12]
92.4 [13]
97.1 [14]
101.8 [15]
106.5 [16]
111.2 [17]
115.9 [18]
You might think the armor change did nothing to Irelia?
Well think again her Level 9 all in against AD champs now signifiganly increased now you get 73.6 base armor which is what you'd get at around level 10 for her with 4.2.
This isnt counting the scaling she also gets overall this makes her level 9, 11 more stronger than it already was.
MR Buffs help irelia Mid in a bunch of matchups but I dont think it's a big buff for her mid, Probably goes up .4% wr its a nice buff though
Patch 12.17 [Nothing too major]
Only thing to worry in 12.17 is skill matchups between Sett and Camille become a bit more favored to them but its still a skill matchup none the less. Maokai is also back in top, That matchup should be easier for you early until he gets enough items to out sustain you so make sure you end fast agaisnt him.
Patch 12.18 [Maokai nerfs makes matchup "easier" still beat him early and dont get outscaled.
Patch 12.19 [Waiting]
12.9 [Nothing hits Irelia Hard No META Change]
[ Q Heal reduced to 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11% AD from 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16% AD.]
[ Base health increased to 590 from 520. ]
[ Health growth increased to 124 from 110. ]
[ Armor growth increased to 4.2 from 3. ]
[ Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05 from 1.25. ]
Patch 12.11
[ E Cooldown reduced to 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 seconds from 18 / 16.5 / 15 / 13.5 / 12. ]
[ Q Heal increased to 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13% AD from 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11% AD. ]
[Greivous wounds nefs]
[ Standard effect reduced to 25% from 30%. ]
[ Enhanced effect reduced to 40% from 50%. ]
Big buffs! spesifically Q buffs mixed with greivous nerfs.
healing out of lane will suck but durring fights youre healing way mroe before the cut to sustain.
E buffs make E max better, still prefrence between w and e.
12.12 [Nothing hits Irelia Hard No META Change]
12.13 [Divine sunder changes]
Doesnt effect situationally
12.14 [Minor changes to boneplating and unflinching]
Still same build isnt major.
12.15 [Divine sunder changes]
Doesnt effect situationally
[Armor per level Increased to 4.7 from 4.2]
^^ Note Power spikes (Only doing Level Spikes)
[ Level 6 Old Armor - 57 ]
[ Level 6 New Armor - 59.5 ]
[ Level 9 Old Armor - 69.6 ]
[ Level 9 New Armor - 73.6 ]
[ Level 11 Old Armor -78 ]
[ Level 11 New Armor - 83 ]
[ Level 16 Old Armor - 99 ]
[ Level 16 New Armor - 106.5 ]
[ Base magic resistance increased to 30 from 28. ]
Armor buffs
- Old Armor
36 [1]
40.2 [2]
44.4 [3]
48.6 [4]
52.8 [5]
57 [6]
61.2 [7]
65.4 [8]
69.6 [9]
73.8 [10]
78 [11]
82.2 [12]
86.4 [13]
90.6 [14]
94.8 [15]
99 [16]
103.2 [17]
107.4 [18]
- New Armor
36 [1]
40.7 [2]
45.4 [3]
50.1 [4]
54.8 [5]
59.5 [6]
64.2 [7]
68.9 [8]
73.6 [9]
78.3 [10]
83 [11]
87.7 [12]
92.4 [13]
97.1 [14]
101.8 [15]
106.5 [16]
111.2 [17]
115.9 [18]
You might think the armor change did nothing to Irelia?
Well think again her Level 9 all in against AD champs now signifiganly increased now you get 73.6 base armor which is what you'd get at around level 10 for her with 4.2.
This isnt counting the scaling she also gets overall this makes her level 9, 11 more stronger than it already was.
MR Buffs help irelia Mid in a bunch of matchups but I dont think it's a big buff for her mid, Probably goes up .4% wr its a nice buff though
Patch 12.17 [Nothing too major]
Only thing to worry in 12.17 is skill matchups between Sett and Camille become a bit more favored to them but its still a skill matchup none the less. Maokai is also back in top, That matchup should be easier for you early until he gets enough items to out sustain you so make sure you end fast agaisnt him.
Patch 12.18 [Maokai nerfs makes matchup "easier" still beat him early and dont get outscaled.
Patch 12.19 [Waiting]
Thanks guys for reading my Guide. If you have any questions dont be afraid to ask in comments. Ill update this guide every 6 or so patches. Irelia has and probably alwyas will be my favorite champion due to potential of outplaying your opponent.
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