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Ivern Build Guide by Depresso

Jungle Ivern Guide to Blossom/Spring up to

Jungle Ivern Guide to Blossom/Spring up to

Updated on September 21, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Depresso Build Guide By Depresso 2,892 Views 0 Comments
2,892 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Depresso Ivern Build Guide By Depresso Updated on September 21, 2020
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Runes: Standard Aery Page

1 2 3
Summon Aery
Nimbus Cloak

Future's Market
Cosmic Insight

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
the usual
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Ivern Guide to Blossom/Spring up to

By Depresso
Hello there!
Just a guide on my favourite champion Ivern. I'm not that high elo (D4) but I do hold a decent winrate and confidence in my Ivern gameplay.
I've played league since s8, and took a liking into Ivern since mid s8. I've been playing him ever since and now he's my most played champion and the champ I hold most knowledge of.
For any other questions you may have, feel free to add me on EUNE (Krondred) or EUW (BrambIefoot) the L is and i.
Is ivern a blind pickable soloq champ?
If you're an otp or a main, sure.
But if you're just picking up Ivern, I wouldn't first pick him or blind pick unless there's no possibility of a Graves/Nunu/Rengar which is usually always there.
champ also becomes 100x more powerful with a duo, especially bruisers and roaming midlaners.
Ivern has an unusual pathing.
For starters, be sure that your allies know that you DO NOT NEED A LEASH. Just tell them to cover.

You'd want to start at either buff.

Standard clear starting from Red would be: Red>Raptors>Pop potion>Wolves(can be skipped)>Blue>Smite Blue>Mark Gromp>Take raptors and red mark>Gank>(mark wolves if you did not before)>Take gromp>Gank again if you can.
From Blue imagine the red one in reverse. You'd go for blue, wait for gromps or actually go wolves, pop the pot, go raptors smite red gank then take the marks and gank.

However, if you think you might get invaded, be creative. Start at whatever camp and think about what time you'll arrive at the danger spot and when will the enemy arrive there. The power to think the enemy jungler's pathing comes with time and practice but once you get the hang of it Ivern becomes easier.
''lmao ap items on jungle janna??LOLXDXDXDDxdxdxdx''

Ivern has insane scalings on his abilities and ap makes daisy tankier. If you are ahead and turned your dark seal into a mejais with the lead you've gotten, you can for sure consider a Rabbadon
The ammount of stacks you have to even consider Rabbadons is in my experience around 15-20.
It takes a bit to pick up, but gets easier with time
Ivern is an unique champion and it's not really easy to pick him up due to his clear and getting used to your slow q and daisy mood swings. It gets easier so if you feel like you want to give up, just hang on a little longer.

Alot of players don't know how to work against you so you always have that as an advantage.
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