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Jayce Build Guide by Clotoss

Jayce: One man team: An In-depth Guide (Under Construction)

Jayce: One man team: An In-depth Guide (Under Construction)

Updated on July 9, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Clotoss Build Guide By Clotoss 2,544 Views 0 Comments
2,544 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Clotoss Jayce Build Guide By Clotoss Updated on July 9, 2012
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Interesting Introduction

This build was created to give you a general idea on how to play Jayce. I don't claim to know everyting. All I know is that I have had a lot of success with this build. I hope you find the same. Please read this guide before voting.

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Prime Pros and Crappy Cons

+ Great farmer
+ Versitile
+ Long ranged harass
+ Strong late and early game
+ Fun to play

- Hard to learn
- Squishy early
- No 'Real Ult' (Not really a con in my opinion)
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Intelligent Items

* Start off with some Boots and 3 Health Potion
* On your first trip back, get a Ruby Crystal and a Vampiric Scepter
* Build your Boots into Mercury Treads and your Ruby Crystal into a Phage
* Next, build a Tiamat. Yes, a tiamat. If you have a problem with it, read my 'Why Tiamat?' Chapter.
* Build your Phage into a Frozen Mallet and your Vampiric Scepter into a Bloodthrister.
* Finish off the build with items like Warmog's Armor, Phantom Dancer, Maw of Malmortus or Infinity Edge based on your role, the enemy team, and your playstyle. If you want, you can sell the Tiamat.
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Marvolous Masteries

Coming soon
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Succulent Skills

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Explanations coming soon
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Why Tiamat?

Tiamat is an underrated item. It gives your tons of damage and survivability early game and is excellent for farming and teamfights. If you really hate it that much, you can replace it with an item like The Brutalizer, but I highly reccomend it.
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Gorgeous Gameplay

Try to focus on farming and harassing. Let your opponent push and make sure your jungler can gank properly. Once you get your Phage you can play a little more aggressive. In general though, just harass with your q and e in Mercury Cannon form.

Gank your mid and bot lanes and clean up a few kills. You should begin to snowball. Try not to get overconfident. Make sure you keep your cs up. I can't stress enough how good of a farmer Jayce is.

In team fights, try and play the role of the initator. Start off with a w, then an e and q in Mercury Cannon form, then jump in with your q and w in Mercury Hammer form. Try and use your e to knock the enemy casters and squishies into your team.
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Funky Farming

I usually like to farm in Mercury Hammer form, as it restores mana. Just jump in with your q and pop your e. If there are a big group of casters, you can go into Mercury Cannon and use your e and q to severely damage or kill them (depending on your damage).
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Crazy Conclusion

To be added.
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