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Jayce Build Guide by itzMon

Jayce - The Ultimate Solo Top Guide

Jayce - The Ultimate Solo Top Guide

Updated on July 9, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author itzMon Build Guide By itzMon 5 2 4,380 Views 6 Comments
5 2 4,380 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author itzMon Jayce Build Guide By itzMon Updated on July 9, 2012
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Hi everyone this is my build Solo Top build for Jayce. I've been seeing A LOT of people building Jayce just... no words to describe it. So far EVERY Jayce I've come across builds him as an ad range carry with no sustain. While that's not all that bad building him as an off-tank is way better. Just try it out if you dont believe me. Don't forget to vote/comment.
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Pros / Cons

[*] Ability to switch between Melee and Range.
[*] Has a great burst in damage.

[*] His Q and E combo is hard to get used to at first.
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Jayce gains a quick burst of movement speed and ignores unit collision each time Transform is cast.

To the Skies: Jayce leaps to an enemy dealing physical damage and slowing enemies. Shock Blast: Jayce fires an orb of electricity that detonates upon hitting an enemy (or reaching the end of its path) dealing physical damage to all enemies in the area of the explosion.

Lightning Field: Passive: Jayce restores mana per strike. Active: Jayce creates a field of lightning damaging nearby enemies for several seconds. Hyper Charge: Jayce gains a burst of energy, increasing attack speed to maximum for several attacks.

Thundering Blow: Jayce deals magic damage to an enemy based on their maximum health and knocks them back a short distance. Acceleration Gate: Jayce deploys an Acceleration Gate increasing the movement speed of all allies who pass through it. If Shock Blast is fired through the gate the missile speed, range, and damage will increase.

Mercury Cannon: Transforms the Mercury Hammer into the Mercury Cannon gaining new abilities and increased range. The first attack in this form reduces the target's Armor and Magic Resist. Mercury Hammer: Transforms the Mercury Cannon into the Mercury Hammer gaining new abilities and increasing Armor and Magic Resist. The first attack in this form deals additional magic damage.
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Summoner Spells

exhaust size64
Always a good spell to have to slow down enemy champions.

A good spell to cast on low health champions that try to run away.

Decent if you're Solo Top lane and need to get back to lane fast.

A great spell to use when trying to get that kill and/or escaping a gank.

If you want to chase down a running champion or just run away. (not really needed since you have your E which give you movement speed)
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Different items if you switch out if needed or wanted.

A great item if you're facing a team with heavy AD.

If you're facing a heavy AP team.

If you want more damage output and life steal.

If you want damage while facing an AP heavy team.

What can go wrong with a +99 armor and 20% atk speed reduction?
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A simple guide. I may add more later on depending if people respond to this build. Tty it out and enjoy. I may add some screen shots and video to this guide. Vote/comment will be appreciated. Thanks!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author itzMon
itzMon Jayce Guide
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Jayce - The Ultimate Solo Top Guide

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