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Kai'sa has a similar problem to Vayne. This time though she has decent mobility and farming. She can get up in your face and bully you out of taking part in fights in the late game.
Vayne is a weird one, sometimes you win hard and sometimes she wins hard. The real problem is that she can just outscale you hard and make it impossible for you to fight her. Because of that I consider her a major threat.
Lucian can either be a free lane, or your biggest counter. I consider this one a skill matchup personally. His biggest advantage over you is his chase potential with his dash+ult. He rely's on winning lane to win out versus Jhin in the late game though, so just don't feed and you're good.
Yassuo feels too reliant on his team to assist him in the botlane. He wins early because of his decent damage, dashes and of course windwall. However as long as he doesn't get too many kills early on you can bully him out once you get your first item.
Twitch is often a winning matchup. His early game is super weak so look to bully him with your Q and fourth shot. If you have an all in support like Nautilis you can try to look for a kill at level 3.
Nautilus has really good cc for you to combo with your W. Plus he's super tanky and has decent peel. Great support for Jhin.
Pyke feels like he can't play as safe as Naut but his all in is insane. Plus his ultimate is just really good so that's always a plus.
Zyra is one of my favorites just because she does a lot of damage. Use Dark Harvest here, you will not regret it.
Thresh is good but is also a little harder to play. If you get a good Thresh though you'll win lane. Just make sure to click the lamp!
Lux is good for her root and high damage, but if you're versus a hook support and they manage to hit a hook one of you are likely to die.
Fiddle is decent for his poke damage and silence, but has a similar problem to Lux except he doesn't have a root.
Vel'koz is amazing for his poke, however the lane feels like a glass cannon.
Just don't like Yumi. Her damage is good but she's to easy to jump on early game since it can sometimes feel like a 2v1 until level 6. She's a good support just not a good one for Jhin.
I feel like Soraka has the some problem as Yumi just without as much poke damage. She's good into some lanes like Sivir Yumi but just dies to hook supports.
Nautilus has really good cc for you to combo with your W. Plus he's super tanky and has decent peel. Great support for Jhin.
Pyke feels like he can't play as safe as Naut but his all in is insane. Plus his ultimate is just really good so that's always a plus.
Zyra is one of my favorites just because she does a lot of damage. Use Dark Harvest here, you will not regret it.
Thresh is good but is also a little harder to play. If you get a good Thresh though you'll win lane. Just make sure to click the lamp!
Lux is good for her root and high damage, but if you're versus a hook support and they manage to hit a hook one of you are likely to die.
Fiddle is decent for his poke damage and silence, but has a similar problem to Lux except he doesn't have a root.
Vel'koz is amazing for his poke, however the lane feels like a glass cannon.
Just don't like Yumi. Her damage is good but she's to easy to jump on early game since it can sometimes feel like a 2v1 until level 6. She's a good support just not a good one for Jhin.
I feel like Soraka has the some problem as Yumi just without as much poke damage. She's good into some lanes like Sivir Yumi but just dies to hook supports.
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