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Ability Order
Whisper (PASSIVE)
Jhin Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Insanely difficult lane for Jhin, she has a point and click E and reseting gap closer W, not to mention her range is higher than Ashes, only thing you can do is Farm, then try and roam.
To tell you a bit of background, this build was made on some legitimate grounds, I am a Jhin Main and have loved the champion ever since he came out. This build is for people that want either to learn the champion or to improve their skills.
Try to poke your enemy opponent if the lane is rather easy (check the vs. Champion section for this) for the easy champions try to poke, poke, and then go in once they are low enough. Jhin has a very strong lvl 1-2, that's when you should communicate with your laner and set up a play. On your first back try to pick up a BF sword, then Cloak of Agility, finish IE and try to take objectives. Remember that your traps act as mini wards, they are invis and will slow the jungler if they try to gank you.
Remember...Never...I repeat...Never,try to siege a tower alone, yes your AD is high, but your reload makes it hard to go alone. If you want to siege a tower take the jungler, mid laner, or supporter with you it will make your life easier.
Mid game your goal is to take objectives with your team and try to pick people off, continue farming, but if you get rolling early and get a few items you can easily carry.
Team-fights- Stay as far in the back line as possible. When a fight breaks out and you see a W marked target, root them for your team to know who to focus(make sure it's a higher priority target. Then set you uly up in a place where noone will cancel it and shoot away. Try to lay your traps out at chokepoints and places were a fight might start(ex, Dragon, Baron, River Mid)
Mid game your goal is to take objectives with your team and try to pick people off, continue farming, but if you get rolling early and get a few items you can easily carry.
Team-fights- Stay as far in the back line as possible. When a fight breaks out and you see a W marked target, root them for your team to know who to focus(make sure it's a higher priority target. Then set you uly up in a place where noone will cancel it and shoot away. Try to lay your traps out at chokepoints and places were a fight might start(ex, Dragon, Baron, River Mid)
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