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Ability Order
Get Excited! (PASSIVE)
Jinx Passive Ability
I got the Mafia Jinx Bundle right away. Didn't really get to play her much in the first few days but I've been messing around in normals. My friend told me he had a teammate play Jinx in the jungle and actually do pretty well, so I decided to try it out. My normals MMR is really low (I mostly play against silver V and all bronze players) so I am aware this may not work at all in higher ELO matches. However, playing Jinx in the jungle has been a few of the most fun games I've ever played so I wanted to introduce it to the world and see what people think. I even finally made an account on this site just to do it. So This may be really ugly and it may be terrible, but please don't rage and I'd appreciate any feedback and help I can get. EVERYBODY JUST HAVE FUN!!!
Preferable start is smiteless red, straight to blue. you can chose whether you want to gank at lvl 3 or not. I prefer to level my (Q) and keep farming, opting usually for lvl 4 and 5 ganks. Ward entrances to the enemy jungle to be aware of their movements. This gives you a huge advantage in your ability to control the tempo of the game. You can use your information to hit a lane when the jungler is elsewhere or you can counter gank.
Once Jinx has her ultimate she has incredibly long counter gank potential. Say someone gets low you can use your ultimate to finish them off (hopefully hitting grouped up champs to maximize damage) and utilize Get Excited to get to the battle and turn the tide.
Once Jinx has her ultimate she has incredibly long counter gank potential. Say someone gets low you can use your ultimate to finish them off (hopefully hitting grouped up champs to maximize damage) and utilize Get Excited to get to the battle and turn the tide.
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