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Ability Order
Crimson Pact (PASSIVE)
Vladimir Passive Ability
I only created this guide to see how this guide thing works, that's one reason I don't show tips and tricks an so on, I made a guide about Vlad because I dont agree with the top ones that already exist about him. This is how I (!) play Vlad. I don't say this is perfect, I only think this is an option.
Transfusion is your bread and butter spell, this is what makes Vlad, stealing HP from the opponent and making it your own, thanks to it low cooldown, you can use it to harass and farm.
Sanguine Pool is a great escaping mechanism, take one point early and max it last.
Tides of Blood is a great farming spell since it deals a ton of AoE-Damage, make sure to stack it up if u think a fight results.
Hemoplague, the cool thing about this ability is not the damage itself but its passive, open up with you ult and spam your abilitys like hell, focused on the enemy Carry or Caster.
Sanguine Pool is a great escaping mechanism, take one point early and max it last.
Tides of Blood is a great farming spell since it deals a ton of AoE-Damage, make sure to stack it up if u think a fight results.
Hemoplague, the cool thing about this ability is not the damage itself but its passive, open up with you ult and spam your abilitys like hell, focused on the enemy Carry or Caster.
I like to go for a standard 21/9/0 choose 3 points in
or in
depending on what lane u are going to go. (3 points in
and one in
if u are going top, if you are going mid, the other way round.
Starting Items
It depends on what lane you are going to play, if mid or top. Against a heavy AD like Riven, Doran's Shield also is an option. To dodge Skillshots like Nidalee's Javelin Toss, open up with Boots and 3 Health Potions. Another item many people like to start with is Regrowth Pendant, I personally don't like this, but it also works.
Core: Sorcerer's Shoes, Will of the Ancients, Rylai's Crystal Scepter I go for those items in almost every game.
Viable items: Void Staff, Guardian Angel, many people like to go GA, I dont think it is really necessary because you will end up very tanky thanks to your passive. Void Staff is also not necessary imo because u got Abyssal Mask what will hurt a lot!
Of course go for Elixirs in certain situations, I think I don't need to explain which ones.
It depends on what lane you are going to play, if mid or top. Against a heavy AD like Riven, Doran's Shield also is an option. To dodge Skillshots like Nidalee's Javelin Toss, open up with Boots and 3 Health Potions. Another item many people like to start with is Regrowth Pendant, I personally don't like this, but it also works.
Core: Sorcerer's Shoes, Will of the Ancients, Rylai's Crystal Scepter I go for those items in almost every game.
Viable items: Void Staff, Guardian Angel, many people like to go GA, I dont think it is really necessary because you will end up very tanky thanks to your passive. Void Staff is also not necessary imo because u got Abyssal Mask what will hurt a lot!
Of course go for Elixirs in certain situations, I think I don't need to explain which ones.
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