His stun and burst combo along with his clear speed allows him to invade fairly early well before you have any amount of damage to deal with him.
Do not let him scale.
His wraps and Ult can be annoying but if you save your Q to burn his wraps you could gain the advantage.
Lots of %MaxHP damage and quite slippery. If he doesn't have ult you'll be fine IF you counter his W's 3-rd damage with your W. If you have the Item advantage you should be fine in a fresh 1v1.
Highly annoying but if you manage to silence her and stride break her you should be fine with your E. Consider building MR boots over Symbo's.
Can and will outscale you early due to how cheap Crit items are right now and how busted Eclipse is for Graves. I'd recommend permabanning him until Rito puts him back in the box of shame.
Possible Major threat if you don't build enough Armor but if you have at least 3 armor items along with the aforementioned core build you'll be fine.
Absolute joke. Q > E > Thumbies.
Will beat you in a 1v1 due to busted ADC items and annoying kiting, but if you starve her of her stacks she withers and dies (shocker I know)
You must have Black Cleaver mid to late game to deal with her quickly enough before the other monkeys on her team realize she's doing something and join in. Otherwise no big deal early and fairly strong late if she has enough Heartsteel stacks.
Dodge hook and you win. Didn't dodge hook? Uninstall.
Just don't target her in team-fights and never 1v1 her *ever* if it's late game. No amount of MR is going to save you. Tenacity is trash so she will Perma CC you.
Go on. Dodge the point and click CC. I dare you. Hug the bear. Force and MR boots should be enough along with Mosstomper shield to deal with her initial Q > W if she ults ignore the bear as it does piss poor damage and moves too slow to catch you. Her cooldowns and E shield are bad compared to your Big Brain Q > E combo.
One of the best Enchanter Supports in the game for brain dead bruisers like Garen. If she builds Battle Standard focus down her CC'd target like it's going out of style. With Yuumi attached to you, you never have to worry about pressing W again. If she's a bad Yuumi then Int her so hard into the enemy team that she rage quits /j.
MY BELOVED! His Kit works so well with Garen its ridiculous. No need to use Stride's active when Braum puts two stacks of his passive on your target with his Q > AA. His free Stun and bonus damage from his passive will give you enough time to full combo someone before they have a chance to run away. Not to mention his W giving you free Armor and MR scaling off of his AND his E deleting projectiles and sponging up that succulent damage. Don't forget his amazing knock-up from his ult. Absolute UNIT of a champion. (totally not biased what so ever. I'm definitely not a Braum Main.)
He will take your executes and not apologize and will flame you for "taking his executes" he can go eat Epic Monsters for all I care.
Could work but she can be reserved and not push in with you due to her lack of durability. If she's a good Zyra then GG's but if she's a bad Zyra then GG's.
One of the best Enchanter Supports in the game for brain dead bruisers like Garen. If she builds Battle Standard focus down her CC'd target like it's going out of style. With Yuumi attached to you, you never have to worry about pressing W again. If she's a bad Yuumi then Int her so hard into the enemy team that she rage quits /j.
MY BELOVED! His Kit works so well with Garen its ridiculous. No need to use Stride's active when Braum puts two stacks of his passive on your target with his Q > AA. His free Stun and bonus damage from his passive will give you enough time to full combo someone before they have a chance to run away. Not to mention his W giving you free Armor and MR scaling off of his AND his E deleting projectiles and sponging up that succulent damage. Don't forget his amazing knock-up from his ult. Absolute UNIT of a champion. (totally not biased what so ever. I'm definitely not a Braum Main.)
He will take your executes and not apologize and will flame you for "taking his executes" he can go eat Epic Monsters for all I care.
Could work but she can be reserved and not push in with you due to her lack of durability. If she's a good Zyra then GG's but if she's a bad Zyra then GG's.
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