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Rage Gene (PASSIVE)
Gnar Passive Ability
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Early game, shaco is a nightmare, because he can come into your jungle at all times. You can take him as mega gnar.
My name is jkuhl8 and I am a jungle main. I am by no means great at league of legends, but I enjoy playing it and consider myself a decent player. I like to play gnar in the jungle alot (partially because I love gnar but hate top lane :P), and get flamed by a surprising amount of people in champ select when I pick it. However, I have also changed alot of peoples minds about it, and generally they accept it as viable after they see me do it, and be succesful. So, I decided to create this guide, to share my personal build with everyone. I encourage you to try this build out, and hopefully, you will have as much fun with it as I have. This is my first guide, so sorry if the format is a bit off from the usual.
Regardless of what side you start on, you are going to want to follow this path.
Golems (Smite) --> Redbuff --> Bluebuff (Smite) --> Gank (optional) --> Wolves --> Golems
This is what I find to be the optimal route. When you're fighting the camps, you NEED to be able to kite them, which involves running around after each auto attack. This will give you more sustain than alot of the current "meta" junglers, and you will be able to stay close to full health. Generally, if the champion(s) that is going to leash you is melee, and not willing to tank the golems, don't bother getting a leash. This a setback because the golems will deal to much damage to you. For ganks, you are going to want to stay behind the enemy to prevent them from escaping. Save your jump for chasing, or incase of a countergank. Keep in mind that mini gnar is better for jungling, and mega gnar is better for ganking.
Golems (Smite) --> Redbuff --> Bluebuff (Smite) --> Gank (optional) --> Wolves --> Golems
This is what I find to be the optimal route. When you're fighting the camps, you NEED to be able to kite them, which involves running around after each auto attack. This will give you more sustain than alot of the current "meta" junglers, and you will be able to stay close to full health. Generally, if the champion(s) that is going to leash you is melee, and not willing to tank the golems, don't bother getting a leash. This a setback because the golems will deal to much damage to you. For ganks, you are going to want to stay behind the enemy to prevent them from escaping. Save your jump for chasing, or incase of a countergank. Keep in mind that mini gnar is better for jungling, and mega gnar is better for ganking.
There are a few cool things that you can do with gnar.
Since procing mini gnars w gives you a massive speed boost, it is very easy to kite some melee champs.
Picking up gnars boomerang after it travels back will greatly reduce the cooldown on that skill. Same goes with the boulders that he throws.
If you jump on top of an enemy as mini gnar, you will hop again, and also apply a stack of hyper. This can be useful for escaping as well. For example, lets say the enemy is near a wall, but you aren't next to the wall, so you cant hop over it right away. You could use your hop to jump on the enemies head, and then land safely on the other side of the wall.
When you are already in the process of transforming into mega gnar, if you use your jump, you will hop onto a unit if its there, and then hop again, transformed as mega gnar. You could use this as a tool to engage the enemy team.
When gnar is in the process of transforming, using any ability will finish the transformation, and he will become mega gnar. Since mini gnar's w has no active. It can always be used to become mega gnar. Keep in mind that you gain health in the process of transforming. This can be a life saver in really close duels. For example if you are about to die, and are transforming. Hit w to use the skill and gain bonus life. This has saved me countless time.
A good combo to use to engage in teamfights is to wait till your rage bar is full. Then use hop so that you bounce off something and into their team as mega gnar. Then ult them into a wall, or to your team. Finally follow up with your w to keep them stunned.
Since procing mini gnars w gives you a massive speed boost, it is very easy to kite some melee champs.
Picking up gnars boomerang after it travels back will greatly reduce the cooldown on that skill. Same goes with the boulders that he throws.
If you jump on top of an enemy as mini gnar, you will hop again, and also apply a stack of hyper. This can be useful for escaping as well. For example, lets say the enemy is near a wall, but you aren't next to the wall, so you cant hop over it right away. You could use your hop to jump on the enemies head, and then land safely on the other side of the wall.
When you are already in the process of transforming into mega gnar, if you use your jump, you will hop onto a unit if its there, and then hop again, transformed as mega gnar. You could use this as a tool to engage the enemy team.
When gnar is in the process of transforming, using any ability will finish the transformation, and he will become mega gnar. Since mini gnar's w has no active. It can always be used to become mega gnar. Keep in mind that you gain health in the process of transforming. This can be a life saver in really close duels. For example if you are about to die, and are transforming. Hit w to use the skill and gain bonus life. This has saved me countless time.
A good combo to use to engage in teamfights is to wait till your rage bar is full. Then use hop so that you bounce off something and into their team as mega gnar. Then ult them into a wall, or to your team. Finally follow up with your w to keep them stunned.
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