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Pantheon Build Guide by DinoXI

AD Offtank Jungle like a true spartan

AD Offtank Jungle like a true spartan

Updated on November 8, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DinoXI Build Guide By DinoXI 2,455 Views 0 Comments
2,455 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DinoXI Pantheon Build Guide By DinoXI Updated on November 8, 2015
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Welcome to my first guide on Mobafire!

Browsing through the Pantheon guides on this site I realised that there is no guide that matched my playstyle.So I would like to teach you guys how I play my beloved spartan and help you get better with him.

Keep in mind this is my first guide so there will be things that I left out.
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Pros / Cons

AMAZING ultimate
Can easily dive with passive
Has the highest movement speed with Yi
Ranged Q
Targeted CC

    If behind stays behind
    Not really much mobility
    Has one CC ability with high cd
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Creeping / Jungling

With Pantheon you should always start on the bot side of the map.

Purple team:Gromp>Blue>Red>Start ganking pronto

Blue team:Golems>Red>Blue>Start ganking pronto

If you want you can even do a lvl 2 gank on bot,it will usualy end as a kill or burned summoner spell(depending on which elo you're at).

Don't gank bot before 6 or when the enemy team is overextending.When you get 6 ganking bot is pretty straight forward:you use ult behind the enemy(now they need to go into your team or into your ult)and you just q>w>e their adc.It's just simple as that.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DinoXI
DinoXI Pantheon Guide
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Jungle like a true spartan

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