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Vi Build Guide by JunglerMania

Other Jungle Vi in S4 by JungleMania

Other Jungle Vi in S4 by JungleMania

Updated on February 16, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JunglerMania Build Guide By JunglerMania 3,239 Views 0 Comments
3,239 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author JunglerMania Vi Build Guide By JunglerMania Updated on February 16, 2014
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Introduction and tips

Hello guys i am JungleMania i ended season 3 gold 2 was closed to plat but didnt succeed which is also my aim for this season to get platinum! My favourite role is jungling cause it has a big responsibility and also suits to my gameplay. Vi used to be one of my favourites junglers and i was happy to see that this strong jungler is also in the meta on season 4. Lets tell you some tips about how i jungle and succeed in winning my games until now in season 4. I start with blue and then before going to red buff i always want to get the wolves which help me to reach level 3 after getting the red buff. Always after this i am 1 level up again every lane so i force to gang mid if possible . To get the kill is not everything . You can just go to a lane try to gang and force your opponent to flash out.This is also good but can be better. From my experience i have understand that ganging a lot is not a good strategy and in this way if your gangs are not effective you will be 1-2 level behind instead of that farming and clearing up your jungle is more effective in early game.I always have as aim to have about 45 cs in 10min and 100 at 20min so i am in same or more level as all lanes!Times are really important!!! A good jungler needs to know when to go to blue and red buff and also not making a gang at the moment your blue and red will respawn as you give the upportunity to your opponent to get it for him. Another tip is to try gang bot at about 6-7 level and get a kill on adc so your team can rush a dragon and the enemy team can not do much about it.I think thats all for a start. Its the very first time i recommend a build i hope you like it guys and wait for some feedbacks and we can discuss everything ! I am open to any tips or questions


PS: I will improve this build with more tips and counter jungle methods.Also runes must be changed.In every new meta attempt this build will be updated as soon as possiblw
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JunglerMania
JunglerMania Vi Guide
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