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The pros and cons of Zyra i have now played a fair few games with Zyra and found her really fun to play with. The cons can be, i feel that if you don't have something to boost your attack speed that you are at a disadvantage because the damage that she can scale to is incredibly good and very useful in team fights. Pros are that she can do alot of damage as just mentioned and if you your abilities correctly you should get a good and positive KDA which we all want!. Also another plus that i have found with her is that if a person if running away you can just hit your Grasping Roots and you basically are granted a kill. Her ultimate is extremely fun to use and also extremely important at the same time, if you hit it at the right time you have basically turned the team fight around which is very important. Also if you are trying to invade Baron or Dragon you can hit your ultimate on multiple targets which is also a great plus to have!.
Teamwork is critical in LoL as we all know but with Zyra i fell she can single handedly turn a team fight around. I was playing her bot lane with can be strange in some cases but i feel that she was fine if not dominant there. Especially in team fights Zyra excels in what she is supposed to do and that is to deal damage and kill people!. She especially excels in 2v2's in her lane.
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