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Recommended Items
Runes: Recommended Runes
+8 Ability Haste
+10-180 Bonus Health
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Ability Build Path
Staggering Blow (PASSIVE)
Nautilus Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Against Aatrox, you will need to swallow your pride and utilize the protection of turret as often as possible. Trading with Aatrox is like stepping on a minefield of Lego bricks, knowing full well they are there before you. He wins almost all trades because of his innate healing passive on his E. The best way to play against this is as follows: 1. Play Under Turret You will need to let him push you under turret. Aatrox will be very aggressive, so trying to farm outside of tower range will be a nightmare. Brush up on your CS'ing skills because they will be needed here. Nautilus' Passive helps quite a bit with last hitting minions, but so does his E. Try your best to use your Q for disengaging rather than trying to hook him under turret. He will likely just dodge your hook with his E, and because he doesn't need mana, you will be digging yourself a hole by missing a hook. 2. Watch for you Jungler If your jungler is willing to come and gank (as they should) be prepared to Q. Once you hook him, walk PAST Aatrox. Most Aatrox players will take Flash/Teleport, so preparing yourself for the Flash away is critical for getting a small edge with takedown gold. 3. Do not be Tempted Aatrox looks low, maybe you can score a quick takedown and earn some gold to get back in the ring with him... WRONG. His ultimate is the absolute undoing of everything you just thought. Once the World-Ender takes flight, it's over. His additional movespeed, damage, and healing makes it nearly impossible to take him down on your own. Let him stay low, let him back, and try your best to keep your cool. Greeding against Aatrox is a bad idea.
Champion Build Guide
However, with over 180+ Ranked games and counting, my build has brought me great success in overperforming on Damage, Gold, CS, and KDA than most other Nautilus Builds.
I actually played this build as a joke at first... But after seeing how much insane success I've been having with it I decided to take it to ranked. Lo and behold I was winning nearly 70% of my toplane duels and taking first turret nearly 50% of the games I played. Sure, I started out in Iron, but as it stands I am in the top 5% Nautilus players in the World BY PLAYING NAUTILUS TOPLANE. A significant number of high end Nautilus players are supports, so personally, this is a great feat to accomplish being currently in Gold.
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