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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Mirror Image (PASSIVE)
LeBlanc Passive Ability
Can you trust this build?
Buy yourself 3 health potions and boots to start with no Mana potions is needed since you have Clarity. Haras the oposing mid with DISTORTION and cast again to get away safe. Buy sorcerers boots ASAP followed by a Void Staff. When you get MIMIC cast spells in following order for MAX damage output : QRWEQ. This should deal be able to kill a 50% hp enemy early game and late game the KILL combo can take out about 2-3k hp eaily.
By now you should be building into your Rabadons Deathcap. When you get this baby your damage just snowball's like CRAZY. Try to take out isolated hero's seeing you can not do alot of damage to multiple targets. Use the KILLER COMBO (QRWEQ) to pick them of easily. When you get ganked or confronted by 2 hero's retreat with DISTORTION and MIMIC it for maximum range!!
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