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LeBlanc Build Guide by rEvicek

LeBlanc JUNGLE guide |r E v|

LeBlanc JUNGLE guide |r E v|

Updated on September 16, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author rEvicek Build Guide By rEvicek 76,022 Views 1 Comments
76,022 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author rEvicek LeBlanc Build Guide By rEvicek Updated on September 16, 2013
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Hello guys

Yeah, this sounds crazy, but it works. Everything depends on the picks of your team-mates. The really good time for LB jungle is, when your team is tanky. Of course than you can focus your build more for health, armor and magic resist, but the game is going to be a bit harder for you.

GANKS : This is just easy, if you are not totally drunk or stupid. Just remember one thing, never miss your E! If you are scared, take exhaust instead of flash, you have your W for eacape.

TACTIC AGAINST ENEMY PICK : LB is awesome against ADC's without escape (Ashe, MF, Sivir). Trust me, is really hard to do something against (Ez, Tristana, Vayne)

BEST MATCH UPS : LB is best with Leona, Taric, Sona, Blitz & Trash, you just need to wait for their stun or grab and after everything is gonna be allright.

Well I just hope than you are going to have a lot of fun with LB as a jungler, that's actually a main reason why I start play to her

P.S. : I just wanna recommend you the videos od Siv HD, he is playing LB in a great way, but just on mid lane. Still, try to learn his escape tactis and nothing is going to stop you.

Have fun guys :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author rEvicek
rEvicek LeBlanc Guide
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