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+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Sunlight (PASSIVE)
Leona Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Hi I am Taiack. I used to be a Jungle main, I switched to Support at the start of season 8. I have managed to reach Diamond 3 playing Swain support, along with Alistar, Blitzcrank, Brand, and Jarvan the 4th. I also play tons of Leona. I will be attempting to put as much useful information into this guide as I can think of. This guide should be easy to follow. I will also be updating it as I think of better more ways to improve this guide.
If you're interested in Swain support, check out the Support Swain Train guide.
If you're interested in Swain support, check out the Support Swain Train guide.
Pros & Cons.
Leona is a pretty strong champion throughout the game.
Shes becomes tanky.
Her kit has decent amount of Crowd Control.
Is able to catch enemy Champions.
Passive adds damage to allies who follow up.
Ultimate has a low cooldown.
Has synergy with partner in lane, and any allies ganking,
Once she goes in, it may be impossible to get out alive.
Many match ups have tools to keep Leona away.
Pre 6, mostly reliant on
Zenith Blade - E.
Hard to engage against multiple disengage champions.
Shes becomes tanky.
Her kit has decent amount of Crowd Control.
Is able to catch enemy Champions.
Passive adds damage to allies who follow up.
Ultimate has a low cooldown.
Has synergy with partner in lane, and any allies ganking,
Once she goes in, it may be impossible to get out alive.
Many match ups have tools to keep Leona away.
Pre 6, mostly reliant on

Hard to engage against multiple disengage champions.
Rune explanation.

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Aftershock allows Leona to become very durable. This rune gives so much damage resistance. Also at the end of the effect, it explodes to deal damage. Synergy with ![]() |
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Conditioning gives decent resistances at 10 minutes into the game. The added % to resistances effect Aftershock, and Leona's ![]() |
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Leona's free resistance increases from ![]() ![]() |

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The extra potions give great sustain in lane. The bonus to increasing your mana pool is also good. They also work well with the next rune. |
The last 3 Rune slots.
Attack Speed (for auto attack trading)
Armor/MR (HP in this rune is very underwhelming.

Leona's abilities mark enemies hit with Sunlight for 1.5 seconds.
Any damage dealt by allies (other than herself) consumes Sunlight, dealing damage.
Magic Damage - 25-144 {Based on level.)

Leona's next basic attack gains 50 bonus range, deals bonus magic damage and stuns her target for 1 second.
Magic Damage - 10 / 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 (+ 30% AP)
Mana Cost - 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 MANA
Cooldown - 6 seconds.

Leona raises her shield, gaining bonus armor and bonus magic resistance for 3 seconds.
She then deals magic damage to all nearby enemies and retains Eclipse's bonus resistances for an additional 3 seconds if she damages an enemy.
Armor Resist Gain - 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (+ 20% bonus armor)
Magic Resist Gain - 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+ 20% bonus magic resistance)
Magic Damage - 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+ 40% AP)
Mana Cost - 60 MANA
Cooldown - 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 Seconds

Leona projects a solar image of her sword, dealing magic damage to all enemies struck.
If she damages an enemy champion, she will dash to the last one struck and root them for 0.5 seconds.
Magic Damage - 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+ 40% AP)
Mana Cost - 60 MANA
Cooldown - 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 Seconds.

Leona calls down a beam of solar energy to the target location after a 0.625 second delay, dealing magic damage to all enemies it hits and slowing them by 80% for 1.5 seconds.
Enemies hit by the flare's center are instead stunned for 1.5 seconds.
Magic Damage - 100 / 175 / 250 (+ 80% AP)
Mana Cost - 100 MANA
Cooldown - 90 / 75 / 60 Seconds
incandescence R (Passive)
Casting Solar Flare empowers Leona's next basic attacks with Incandescence, gaining 100 bonus range and dealing bonus magic damage.
Magic Damage 30 / 40 / 50 (+ 15% AP)
Enhanced Basic Attacks 3 / 4 / 5
Skill Order Explanation
Alright, im sure many of you think going
Eclipse - W shield max is optimal. Hear me out.
Eclipse - W is no longer needed to be leveled until
Zenith Blade - E is maxed because its resistance is complimented SO well from
Aftershock. Also the delayed explosion from
Eclipse - W can steal kills unwillingly, or go off too late rendering the damage useless. While both abilities deal the same damage and cost the same amount of mana. The sure damage and lower cooldown are able to 100-0 an ADC, or weak support up to 3 seconds faster than waiting for your
Eclipse - W to finally pop and possibly steal the kill with its damage.

Early Game.
This Section will be expanded on with video examples. Due to the new patch, i need time to play, and gather said examples.
Level one youre going to try to not take damage, but get use out of your
Relic Shield. If a level one trade happens, the best you can do is
Shield of Daybreak - Q and gauge whether you can continue the trade, or just walk away.
Once you hit level 2, you can start looking for all ins. Most times your option to all in is to
Zenith Blade - E, (DO NOT PRESS
Shield of Daybreak - Q before Leona gets in range of your targeted Champion. Pressing
Shield of Daybreak - Q after
Zenith Blade - E is a bad habit many players form. This wastes mana and puts your key CC on a cooldown that wont refresh until it times out THEN cools down normally.) All you can do now is auto attack and move. You should be able to get up to 2-3 autos off after your
Shield of Daybreak - Q.
At level 3 the same trade as before can be enhanced by the additional
Eclipse - W and its [[passive. (Again, don't use any other abilities until you're sure that you're going in.) From here on most all ins will be a repeat of level 3.
Once you're level 6, you can engage from much further away with your
Solar Flare - R. Finding opportunities to engage with it may seem hard vs certain matchups with dashes. You don't have to use your
Solar Flare - R as the initial engage. If you manage to land your
Solar Flare - R follow up with the basic all in from level 3. As long as your partner in lane follows up with you, it should net a kill every time, unless you engaged on a tank support.
Level one youre going to try to not take damage, but get use out of your

Once you hit level 2, you can start looking for all ins. Most times your option to all in is to

At level 3 the same trade as before can be enhanced by the additional

Once you're level 6, you can engage from much further away with your

Warding Early.
You're not a support if you aren't providing and clearing vision for your team.
This ward map is for Blue Side
Red Marks - Control Ward Placement.
Yellow Marks - Support item Wards.
Dark Blue - Places your ADC might ward. IF they ward at all.
Place your control ward here, everytime. The only people who will clear it will be the enemy midlaner, or jungler who is trying to dive you.
The Support item ward placement will give you(and your team)info further in advance than the warding spots you probably are use to. Also these spots give more meaningful info to your midlaner(who can now ward topside) and your jungler (counter jungle/gank info.)
This ward map is for Red Side
Red Marks - Control Ward Placement.
Yellow Marks - Support item Wards.
Dark Blue - Places your ADC might ward. IF they ward at all.
Again. Place your control ward here. The only people who will clear it will be the enemy midlaner, or jungler who is trying to dive you.
The Support item ward placement will give you(and your team)info further in advance than the warding spots you probably are use to. The hard part is forcing your self to go ward. A very good time to move and ward is after forcing your lane in. You shouldnt miss more than 2-3 minnions of XP. (Ping your ADC to be careful wehn you do move to ward.) Also these spots give more meaningful info to your midlaner(who can now ward topside) and your jungler (counter jungle/gank info.)
If you need more information on warding Please see this warding guide. Use the right side panel to jump to the Support Warding sections.
This ward map is for Blue Side

Yellow Marks - Support item Wards.
Dark Blue - Places your ADC might ward. IF they ward at all.
Place your control ward here, everytime. The only people who will clear it will be the enemy midlaner, or jungler who is trying to dive you.
The Support item ward placement will give you(and your team)info further in advance than the warding spots you probably are use to. Also these spots give more meaningful info to your midlaner(who can now ward topside) and your jungler (counter jungle/gank info.)
This ward map is for Red Side

Yellow Marks - Support item Wards.
Dark Blue - Places your ADC might ward. IF they ward at all.
Again. Place your control ward here. The only people who will clear it will be the enemy midlaner, or jungler who is trying to dive you.
The Support item ward placement will give you(and your team)info further in advance than the warding spots you probably are use to. The hard part is forcing your self to go ward. A very good time to move and ward is after forcing your lane in. You shouldnt miss more than 2-3 minnions of XP. (Ping your ADC to be careful wehn you do move to ward.) Also these spots give more meaningful info to your midlaner(who can now ward topside) and your jungler (counter jungle/gank info.)
If you need more information on warding Please see this warding guide. Use the right side panel to jump to the Support Warding sections.
Team Fighting.
This Section will be expanded on with video examples. Due to the new patch, i need time to play, and gather said examples.
Leona is a great team fighting champion. Depending on your team comp. You can engage with R, continue to follow up with it. Engage with [[Solar flare - R and stay with your ADC. If your team has other engage, you can save your [[R for mid fight. She can provide so much CC in a drawn out teamfight, either peeling for allies or being a complete nuisance to the enemy team.
Since there are a few ways to team fight with her, i will try to give good examples on how these different variations win teamfights.
Peeling Example.
Engage Example.
Engage with ult. Peel Q Example.
Leona is a great team fighting champion. Depending on your team comp. You can engage with R, continue to follow up with it. Engage with [[Solar flare - R and stay with your ADC. If your team has other engage, you can save your [[R for mid fight. She can provide so much CC in a drawn out teamfight, either peeling for allies or being a complete nuisance to the enemy team.
Since there are a few ways to team fight with her, i will try to give good examples on how these different variations win teamfights.
Peeling Example.
Engage Example.
Engage with ult. Peel Q Example.
Tips and Tricks
This Section will be expanded on with video examples. Due to the new patch, i need time to play, and gather said examples.
Try to space out your abilities so that your lane partner is able to proc your many
Sunlight - Pasive effects.
Use your
Zenith Blade - E as your initial catch on to an enemy. If it hits immediately
Solar Flare - R on top of them, and continue with the rest of her kit. Since your
Zenith Blade - E immobilizes champions this gives you a sure stun with
Solar Flare - R.
Zenith Blade - E +
Flash combo. This extends the range of your
Zenith Blade - E. Many players don't know that you can do this with Leona.
I do not recommend using
Flash +
Solar Flare - R to engage. You will likely not be able to follow up with
Zenith Blade - E. Only do this if youre sure its going to work.
Try to space out your abilities so that your lane partner is able to proc your many

Use your

I do not recommend using

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