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Choose Champion Build:
Burst | Early-Mid Boost| Surva
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Iceborn Subjugation (PASSIVE)
Lissandra Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Counters you in many ways possible, roaming as u can, feed yourself and farm, to win him u need to win in other aspects than winning on duel, such farm and roaming.
Lissandra a frost witch.
Skill Sequence
Pros / Cons
Team Work.
This is my first guide, im from LAN, my name is Adrian my username is cant post it lmao.
I saw a potential in Lissandra because of her utility and how deadly she can be if well played. However she is not meta, and she is still weak against people who also master their champions.
This is not how people play Liss, but this is how i play it, i like it and i find it very useful and strong. She can give a lot of cc, and burst down a carry such as the ADC or the MID, or freezing a feeded tank, so your team down him quickly. I also dont disegard the fact Lissandra needs a damage buff, or a mini rework.
I have not ranked with it yet, because rankeds are goin to be restarted in some days, but for sure i will. I wanted to share this build because i found it very useful and strong.
I saw a potential in Lissandra because of her utility and how deadly she can be if well played. However she is not meta, and she is still weak against people who also master their champions.
This is not how people play Liss, but this is how i play it, i like it and i find it very useful and strong. She can give a lot of cc, and burst down a carry such as the ADC or the MID, or freezing a feeded tank, so your team down him quickly. I also dont disegard the fact Lissandra needs a damage buff, or a mini rework.
I have not ranked with it yet, because rankeds are goin to be restarted in some days, but for sure i will. I wanted to share this build because i found it very useful and strong.

This is the strongest mastery for Lissandra because this complement, the lack of damage she have, also, this mastery is the best for bursting down a champion. Specially if you have 3 damaging spells like Lissandra does.

This one is also very strong in his Lissandra equals to cc in many ways, this help you very much in early and late, and is very good for boosting your lack of damage, but i still think this mastery needs to be buffed. We can't choose any of the others because they dont suit for you.

This is also the best of his tier for you, you need this to buff your lack of damage. And it works very well with this build because you roam and lot, and ure focused to be strong in early and deadly in mid late game. For sure this is pretty much the strongest of the the tier.

You have 2 active items, this mastery reduce their coldown for 50% after maxed, this is a very strong option and for me the best of the tier, Protobelt is a core item of your spell combo and having this mastery will reduce its cooldown by much!.

With 40% CDR this boost it to 55% to your ulti, and your ultimate is a key spell for your combo and u need it to be useful in teamfight by locking a tank or a carry.

Sounds ironic this build is focused to boost at early, but u will need this if you reach late/mid game, and i dont think concentrated mind is stronger as this after lvl 20, because u wont have 70% of your hp the whole fight, since you need to enter in the middle of the teamfight to cc and get the adc or the carry. Also i think u can boost your early with the scorch.

You can use scorch if u want to secure the kill at early and get feed earlier, but i've found those 48 Ap at minute 30 or 24 at 20 more useful because u will be a killing machine at mid game. And u need every bit of damage boost for securing the kill.
Lissandra spells are very out of the meta, but they are useful and strongers if well played. She have a very good kit of abilities, but predictables at high elo. She is pretty much strong overall if well played. I never will disegard the fact she is weak and out of the meta, but she is my favorite champion.
Her skillset is very out of the date compared to other kits and very much mana high cost.

Just a manaflow ring with 12 long seconds of cooldown. Is very useful because u can always Push the lane with it and poke with it, trust me is useful, but is still weak in comparision to most of the passives.
"Every several seconds Lissandra's next ability costs no Mana. This cooldown is reduced whenever Lissandra impairs an enemy's movement with an ability (does not apply to movement-impairing effects from items)."

Ice Shard
Main damage spell, you poke with it and use it as your main spell for the combo killer. Not much to say about it, but it reduce the coldown of your passive for every champion hit and slow a lot, so you can kitt with it, thats why Liandry comes at this build, because is a weak spell, but have much potential.
"Throws a spear of ice that shatters when it hits an enemy, dealing magic damage and slowing Movement Speed. Shards pass through the target, dealing the same damage to other enemies hit.
Throws a spear of ice that shatters when it hits an enemy, dealing 70/100/130/160/190 (+70% Ability Power) magic damage and slowing Movement Speed by 16/19/22/25/28% for 1.5 seconds. Shards then pass through the target, dealing the same damage to other enemies hit."

Ring of Frost
Lissandra second best spell, u can cancel animations with it lock enemy movovements spells and lock for kitting, have very good damage and is in area. Is one of the main spells for the combos. Althought the damage is weak a little, but is instant and aoe, so is still useful, Liandry boost it as well Void Staff.
"Freezes nearby enemies in ice, dealing magic damage and rooting them.
Deals 70/110/150/190/230 (+40% Ability Power) magic damage to nearby enemies and roots them for 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5 seconds."

Glacial Path
Is supposed to be a deadly spell for entering but is not, u should always save it for scaping or starting the teamfight or reaching the adc/carry. However never use it as a damage spell, just for utility, is high coldown and manacost. When i say never, never do it, unless every enemy is down and u can secure the kill with it. This is the best spell of Lissandra because of the range, the utility and the mechs u can do with it!. If the rework her i hope they dont took this from her or at least make it better.
"Lissandra creates an ice claw that deals magic damage. Reactivating this ability transports Lissandra to the claw's current location.
Casts an ice claw that deals 70/115/160/205/250 (+60% Ability Power) magic damage to enemies hit.Reactivating this ability transports Lissandra to the claw's current location."
Frozen Tomb
Lissandra main spell of the combo, u can lock many things with it, a feeded carry a offensive tank or knocking your target in place so u can burst it. People say is a weak spell, and it is but is very useful because u can save yourself with it or insta-stun an enemy for 1.5 seconds + rooting from w 1.5+. This is one of the only spells that are objetive stunning. Like Pantheon W.
"If cast on an enemy champion, the target is frozen solid, stunning it. If cast on Lissandra, she encases herself in dark ice, healing herself while becoming untargetable and invulnerable. Dark ice then emanates from the target dealing magic damage to enemies and slowing Movement Speed.
On Enemy Cast: Freezes target champion solid, stunning it for 1.5 seconds.
On Self Cast: Lissandra encases herself in dark ice for 2.5 seconds, healing for 100/150/200 (+30% Ability Power), increased by 1% for each 1% Health she is missing. During this time Lissandra is untargetable and invulnerable but is unable to take any actions.Dark ice then emanates from the target dealing 150/250/350 (+70% Ability Power) magic damage to enemies. The ice lasts for 3 seconds and slows enemy Movement Speed by 30/45/75%."
Her skillset is very out of the date compared to other kits and very much mana high cost.

Just a manaflow ring with 12 long seconds of cooldown. Is very useful because u can always Push the lane with it and poke with it, trust me is useful, but is still weak in comparision to most of the passives.
"Every several seconds Lissandra's next ability costs no Mana. This cooldown is reduced whenever Lissandra impairs an enemy's movement with an ability (does not apply to movement-impairing effects from items)."

Ice Shard
Main damage spell, you poke with it and use it as your main spell for the combo killer. Not much to say about it, but it reduce the coldown of your passive for every champion hit and slow a lot, so you can kitt with it, thats why Liandry comes at this build, because is a weak spell, but have much potential.
"Throws a spear of ice that shatters when it hits an enemy, dealing magic damage and slowing Movement Speed. Shards pass through the target, dealing the same damage to other enemies hit.
Throws a spear of ice that shatters when it hits an enemy, dealing 70/100/130/160/190 (+70% Ability Power) magic damage and slowing Movement Speed by 16/19/22/25/28% for 1.5 seconds. Shards then pass through the target, dealing the same damage to other enemies hit."

Ring of Frost
Lissandra second best spell, u can cancel animations with it lock enemy movovements spells and lock for kitting, have very good damage and is in area. Is one of the main spells for the combos. Althought the damage is weak a little, but is instant and aoe, so is still useful, Liandry boost it as well Void Staff.
"Freezes nearby enemies in ice, dealing magic damage and rooting them.
Deals 70/110/150/190/230 (+40% Ability Power) magic damage to nearby enemies and roots them for 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5 seconds."

Glacial Path
Is supposed to be a deadly spell for entering but is not, u should always save it for scaping or starting the teamfight or reaching the adc/carry. However never use it as a damage spell, just for utility, is high coldown and manacost. When i say never, never do it, unless every enemy is down and u can secure the kill with it. This is the best spell of Lissandra because of the range, the utility and the mechs u can do with it!. If the rework her i hope they dont took this from her or at least make it better.
"Lissandra creates an ice claw that deals magic damage. Reactivating this ability transports Lissandra to the claw's current location.
Casts an ice claw that deals 70/115/160/205/250 (+60% Ability Power) magic damage to enemies hit.Reactivating this ability transports Lissandra to the claw's current location."

Lissandra main spell of the combo, u can lock many things with it, a feeded carry a offensive tank or knocking your target in place so u can burst it. People say is a weak spell, and it is but is very useful because u can save yourself with it or insta-stun an enemy for 1.5 seconds + rooting from w 1.5+. This is one of the only spells that are objetive stunning. Like Pantheon W.
"If cast on an enemy champion, the target is frozen solid, stunning it. If cast on Lissandra, she encases herself in dark ice, healing herself while becoming untargetable and invulnerable. Dark ice then emanates from the target dealing magic damage to enemies and slowing Movement Speed.
On Enemy Cast: Freezes target champion solid, stunning it for 1.5 seconds.
On Self Cast: Lissandra encases herself in dark ice for 2.5 seconds, healing for 100/150/200 (+30% Ability Power), increased by 1% for each 1% Health she is missing. During this time Lissandra is untargetable and invulnerable but is unable to take any actions.Dark ice then emanates from the target dealing 150/250/350 (+70% Ability Power) magic damage to enemies. The ice lasts for 3 seconds and slows enemy Movement Speed by 30/45/75%."
Lissandra have a long way to combo his spells and protobelt, im gonna upload all the sequences i can do for both saving yourself, helping friends and obviously burst.
Poking and pressure.

Show case!
Bursting sequence

Use Q again if alive, but i doubt it.
Show Case!
Poking and pressure.

Show case!
Bursting sequence

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Good Poke.
High Burst if well played, feed.
High CC
High Utility
Funny as ****
She have a mature woman as model, u feel professional as **** when playing her.
Lack of damage.
High manacosts.
High Cooldowns
Feels oddly when u are very confident with new champions.
Can be countered easily if your enemy is agressive.
Depends of team work very much, Lissandra is not a 5v1 carry.
Good Poke.
High Burst if well played, feed.
High CC
High Utility
Funny as ****
She have a mature woman as model, u feel professional as **** when playing her.
Lack of damage.
High manacosts.
High Cooldowns
Feels oddly when u are very confident with new champions.
Can be countered easily if your enemy is agressive.
Depends of team work very much, Lissandra is not a 5v1 carry.
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