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Lucian Build Guide by oblivion1112001

Lucian, Black power.

Lucian, Black power.

Updated on August 23, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author oblivion1112001 Build Guide By oblivion1112001 2,475 Views 0 Comments
2,475 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author oblivion1112001 Lucian Build Guide By oblivion1112001 Updated on August 23, 2013
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Team Comp

As lucian you want a good support that can tank for you and throw down some stuns, i would suggest a Leona as support due to the fact that her stun+ulti will give lucian enough time to lay waste to the enemy adc or support, for jungler you can have anyone honestly, just as long as it is not a kill ***** jungler like shaco you should be fine.
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Summoner spells

Summoner spells are self explanatory, as adc you want to survive as long as you can, and if you are able to stay in fights for long periods of time as lucian, you will get free penta kills :D
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Lucian is strictly based on destroying his enemies. High armor pen will allow his ulti and Q to deal tons of damage, if you can get a brutalizer in lane your Q will begin to **** damage. Also buying BT is a fantastic choice due to the fact that he does massive damage with the 100 damage you get from full stacking your BT, Full stack Bt= Happy ulti. The frozen mallet is a viable option if the team you are facing are full of escape artists because u can use ur W to give yourself speed boosts WHILE slowing the enemy down. Also at level 18 black clever will give your ulti a 30 second cooldown which is fantastic, you basically become lux but with an ulti that 1 hits everything.
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As long as you do ad runes it doesnt really matter what you get, i would suggest keeping the Lifesteal quints due to the fact that they give some great recovery in early game. You can get armor pen runes too if the opponents you are facing are tanky, or if you just want that extra armor pen thats fine too.
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All things considered lucian is a pretty viable ADC, he can become useless if he has no peel like most adc, his high burst/high armor pen is great for tankier teams, i hope you enjoyed this build and dont forget to rate it up if you want more! this is my first build so sorry if you see any mistakes and feel free to speak up if there are some mistakes. leave your opinions in the comments. Happy hunting summoners. PEACE!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author oblivion1112001
oblivion1112001 Lucian Guide
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Lucian, Black power.

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