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Lucian General Guide by IPodPulse

AD Carry Magic? No, That's Just Good Aim

AD Carry Magic? No, That's Just Good Aim

Updated on January 26, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author IPodPulse Build Guide By IPodPulse 6,835 Views 16 Comments
6,835 Views 16 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author IPodPulse Lucian Build Guide By IPodPulse Updated on January 26, 2014
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Hello everyone and welcome to my Lucian guide. Lucian is a very unique ADC, his move set gives him movement speed and scales great off damage. His abilites make him a lane bully, making most ADC's useless. He is a double edged sword when it comes to CC since he gets both his benefits and disadvantages from it. And he has a great lore that you should read when you have the chance. Any way I hope you enjoy the guide and comments are more than appreciated, so don't hesitate to comment.

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Pros and Cons


+ Lane Bully
+ Excels at farming
+ Amazing Poke
+ Great damage later on
+ Long Range Ultimate
+ Awesome Skin
Let's start with Lucian's Pros. He has a great move set that increases movement speed, his Relentless Pursuit is a great way to escape form ganks and secure the kill. His dueling potential is great because of his passive, Lightslinger which allows you to auto attack twice. He works great with supports that have some sort of CC like Leona. Overall he is a great champion to play with his great poking capabilities and huge amount amount of damage.


- Mana hungry
- Ultimate is hard to land
- CC ruins him
- Very squishy
- Thresh stole his wife
As with every champion Lucian also has his flaws. One problem with Lucian is his mana, is abilties use up a lot of mana can can often leave you oom very quickly. Relentless Pursuit is only able to remove slows. Though it can be used to dodge other CC it only takes away effects of anything debuff that has a slow. His Piercing Light can be a very hard move to hit. He also is weak to CC, stuns, silences, snares, etc will make playing him very hard.
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Summoner Spells


This is the first summoner spell you should always take. Even though Lucian already has 1 escape it is always good to have a backup plan. This spell is great for escaping ganks from the enemy jungle, catching that enemy that is right at your fingertips, and more.


This is one of the second summoner spells you can choose for Lucian. It is the most common summoner spell for ADC's and overall a great spell. It is a great spell for trading attacks with the other enemy ADC's, escaping from a fight underneath the enemy tower where Barrier can save you from the tower's killing blow, and more.
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Runes and Masteries


Tier 1 // We put 4 points in Fury and 1 point in Butcher for the increased attack speed and the additional damage against minions. This helps with farming and attacking.

Tier 2 // We put 3 points in Brute Force and 1 point in Feast for the increased attack damage and the health and mana gain. These are very important for Lucian, especially early game.

Tier 3 // We put 1 point in Martial Mastery and 3 points in Executioner for the increased attack damage and the amount of damage increased to a target under 50% health. This is great for farming and trading damage with the enemy.

Tier 4 // We add 3 points in Warlord for the 5% increase in bonus attack damage. This is great for the items we buy. Think of this as a less powerful version of Rabadon's Deathcap but for AD

Tier 5 // We then add 1 point in Frenzy and 3 points in Devastating Strikes for the increased attack speed when Lucian critically strikes and the armor and magic penetration. This is good for team fights and trading damage with other enemies.

Tier 6 // Our final point is put in Havoc for the increased damage. This mastery is great for everything. Farming, attacking, jungling (Killing jungle monsters). Always take a point in this.


Tier 1 // We add 2 points in Block and 2 points in Recovery for the damage reduction and the health regen. These are very important for Lucian since he is a squishy champion.

Tier 2 // We add 1 point in Unyielding and 3 points in Veteran Scars for the reduced damage and the extra health. Like i said earlier, Lucian is very squishy. So these masteries will increase his survivability by a lot.

Tier 3 // We then add our last point in Juggernaut for the 3% increased health. This mastery is great for Lucian, without it your in game health would be much lower.


These are the runes we use for Lucian. We start with 9 Greater Mark of Attack Damage to improve his early game damage output. This is very important, especially with farming and poking other ADC's. We then add 9 Greater Seal of Armor to help with damage from the enemy ADC and the enemy jungler. Then we go with 9 Greater Glyph of Magic Resist . Most supports now a days have magic damage so protection early game is going to be helpful. Then to top off our rune page, we add 2 Greater Quintessence of Life Steal and 1 Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage. This will increase our sustain by a lot. If you start Doran's Blade or Long Sword the health you gain back in increased significantly and will help you a lot when you are taking damage.
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After using an ability, Lucian's next auto attack within 6 seconds will strike twice. The second shot deals 50% of Lucian's AD, but fully applies on-hit effects. Minions and monsters take full damage from the second shot. The second shot can critically strike. If the target is killed before the second shot can go off, the second shot will automatically shoot at something else.

After a 0.35 second delay, Lucian fires a laser in the direction of the target enemy, dealing physical damage to all enemies in a 1100-unit line. Minions take 75% damage

Lucian fires a shot that explodes in a cross pattern upon hitting an enemy or reaching the end of its path, dealing magic damage and marking enemies hit for 6 seconds.
If Lucian damages a marked target with his basic attacks or abilities, he gains 40 movement speed for 2 seconds. This does not consume the mark.

Lucian dashes a short distance and removes all slowing effects. Relentless Pursuit's cooldown resets if Lucian scores a kill during The Culling.

Lucian starts firing shots in the target direction for 3 seconds, each shot dealing physical damage to the first enemy it hits. The number of shots fired scales with his attack speed. The Culling deals quadruple damage to minions but not monsters.
While using The Culling, Lucian's basic attacks are disabled and he cannot activate Piercing Light or Ardent Blaze. He can, however, move freely and activate Relentless Pursuit.

The Culling can be reactivated to end the effect early and it is interrupted by crowd control effects that inhibit basic attacks.
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Let's start off with boots. These are the most viable boots for Lucian, we use these boots because off the movement speed and the attack speed boost. The movement speed is great with Lucian's kit. The increased movement speed is very helpful for abilities like The Culling and Relentless Pursuit. The attack speed boost is great for The Culling and with Lightslinger, the damage increases and the amount of damage you can deal over time also increases.

This is the first item that you should try and get. The AD it provides will increase your damage significantly. Your poke with Piercing Light will be huge and your basic attacks hurt much more. The lifesteal it provides is really good as well. You can make plays with your team and if you took a lot of damage a couple shots to a minion and you will be as if you never took damage

This is one of the best items for Lucian. It gives all the stats Lucian needs, provides a great passive that works amazing on Lucian because of Lightslinger. You should be getting this item everygame, it makes laning much easier and you go through enemies like warm butter.

Alright looks like you need some tank killing power! This item will do the trick, with 35% armor penetration and 40 attack damage you will forget that tanked were even tanks. This item is a great item for Lucian, it works well with all his abilities and is great for enemies with armor.

Alright so they don't have much armor but stacking health? Well this is the item for you with 25 attack damage, 40 attack speed, 15% lifesteal and a passive that makes you go through enemies like warm butter. Like i said earlier this item is great against enemies with large amounts of health but low armor because of the 5% current health it deals as bonus physical damage.

Your final damage item, it gives 70 attack damage, 25 critical strike chance and a passive that makes you hit even harder. We start to end off our build with this item, the damage it gives is not required so much early game and is quite expensive to get early so we get this near the end of our build. But it is well worth it, the stats it gives are perfect and is honestly the best way to start ending your build.

One of your final items and probably one the best defensive items you can get for Lucian. It provides a good amount of armor and magic resist, and a passive the negates death. The only downside of this item is that the cooldown is 5 minutes long, so use it well!

This is the other final item you can get for Lucian and some would argue the best. The item gives Lucian 450 health, 55 magic resist and a passive that will block an enemy spell. It has a very short cool down making this item great for team fights. Especially if you are getting focused.

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Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks that you should use when playing Lucian. If you have anymore that were not listed be sure to say!

1. Turn on smartcast range indicators. This will make landing your Piercing Light much easier. You can predict player movements with it allowing you to land your abilities.

2. A great combo is Piercing Light-> Lightslinger-> Ardent Blaze-> Lightslinger. This combo usually kills people or puts them at low health. If they attempt to run away, a smart use of The Culling is a great way to secure the kill.

3. Ardent Blaze produces a flash of light when it explodes. This is great for bush checking.

4. A great escape strategy is using Ardent Blaze-> Relentless Pursuit-> The Culling. This combo will proc Ardent Blaze giving you a speed boost and allowing you to deal damage as well.

5. Relentless Pursuit also removes secondary slow effects. For example if Lucian has Wither and he Relentless Pursuit's the movement speed slow is removed along with the attack speed slow.

6. You can use Relentless Pursuit to dash through thin walls or borders

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Synergies and Counters

As I have mentioned before Lucian is a double edged sword. He both benefits from CC and has his disadvantages with CC. So in this chapter I will talk about some of Lucian's synergies and counters.


Black Light

The Thresh Prince of Bel-Air


These 3 supports are in my opinion the best supports for Lucian. They have tons of CC which help you out in lane and killing your enemy. They usually have a high amount of health so they can take so killing blows.


The League of Draven


No! I haven't seen Tibbers

These are some of Lucian's counters. These are going to be a pain to deal with, but if played right you can win these lanes.
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Early Game

Early game Lucian can go one of two ways. You either have a support that cannot make plays or cannot poke. Or you have a support that can make plays and harass the enemy.

If you have a support that cannot do much your best choice is to try and farm and harass when you have a good opportunity. Now when you harass don't spam your Piercing Light or you will drain your mana, instead only use it when you can guarantee you are able to hit the enemy otherwise save is until you are able too. When you have enough money for your items and your support is able to actually attempt to make plays then that's is when you can start engaging the enemy.

If you have a support that can do something, then you are able to have fun with Lucian. Like always you should start by farming, just because you are able to make plays doesn't give you a reason to not farm. In fact 14-18 CS is equivalent to one kill. Now start to poke when you are sure you can land the hit. Your support should be helping you out by making small plays and allowing you to hurt there ADC. When you are sure you can get a kill, tell your support and wait for the right opportunity.

Some great way to damage your opponent is with your passive Lightslinger. Use the following combo to deal good damage to your lane opponent. AA->Ability-> Lightslinger->AA. Your abilty will deal a good amount of damage to them and with Lightslinger your damage will be much higher than theirs.

Also with the introduction of S4 you are given a trinket. USE IT. even if it is for little things like checking if an enemy is in a bush.
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Mid and Late Game

Mid game is where Lucian shines! Usually at this point in game you should have you Bloodthirster, boots and either have or building Statikk Shiv. Laning phase should be over and if it isn't then you need to get that tower and get some more kills.

At this point in game you should start to live out your name AD Carry. Your team should start getting objectives like towers and dragon. Start engaging in team fights, skirmishes, ETC.

Now when you do have team fights and skirmishes don't ever be in front. That is basically asking to be killed. When you do get in team fights attack the enemy closest to you. I don't care if you their extremely squishy ADC is in the back protected by his allies. If you even attempt to get him you will die.

Also remember to still farm minions. They are still your best source of income. Even if you have all your teams kills you still need to farm.

Late game Lucian is when he can kill everything in his sight. By now you should have the full build or nearly done it. With Last Whisper you should be able to kill tanks easily, your Trinity Force should allow you do take on squishy's and the rest of your items will allow you to deal tons of damage.

Things you should know late game:

1. Stay with your team. You never know what can happen, the enemies can pop out of no where and attack your team while you are at bot farming a couple minions.

2. Position yourself. Team fights are going to be huge at this point in game, so play smart. Position yourself in an area where the enemy will have to go through your team to get to you.

3. Use The Culling. Whenever there is a team fight this should be your first ability you should use. With Last Whisper you will deal massive damage to the enemies, tank or not.
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Thanks for Reading!

Thanks for reading my guide, I hope you enjoyed it and an +1 would be great! Big thanks to jhoijhoi for her guide on how to make guides. Also A big thank you for everyone who has read the guide and enjoyed it.
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