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Pantheon Build Guide by ELO Warden

AP Carry Magic Pantheon (Epic Bot Lane Scrublord)

AP Carry Magic Pantheon (Epic Bot Lane Scrublord)

Updated on February 15, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ELO Warden Build Guide By ELO Warden 4,498 Views 0 Comments
4,498 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ELO Warden Pantheon Build Guide By ELO Warden Updated on February 15, 2015
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The Build:

Go full AP. Get shoes, then start building ap. Lichbane should always be part of your build.
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Why is the build order like that?

It's because you're supposed to get W and R whenever you can!!!!
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How to make the build actually work:

    -Play carefully, don't be overly aggressive since you're really squishy.
    -Don't feed.
    -Get as much kills as you can.
    -Play safely, don't just jump in team fights early - mid game. When you're full build, go for it.
    -Focus squishies.
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Laning with an ADC:

NOTE: Only do this build if you have the Ruthless Pantheon skin, come on it's really f*cking cheap. Ruthless Pantheon completes the package by making the magic happen with his perfectly toned body and revealing outfit (and no i'm not gay). I recommend that this build should only be used if you're friends with the ADC and that he/she is aware of how much of a scrub you're going to be.

Channing Pantheum:
Get W and R whenever you can. These abilities are your main and only sources of big damage (Lichbane later on). Get you and your ADC as much kills as you can in botlane, actually, nah. Screw your ADC, get all the kills, you're the f*cking man.

Build Order:
Build order goes how it's shown, starting with boots. Just do it. I don't really care about your boot enchantments, get whatever the hell you want.
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Late Game:

F*ck them scrubs up. You're the man. Jump on them, then proceed to penetration. Raw, hardcore magic penetration. When the team fight starts, use your ult on as much people as you can. Your ult deals 1,500+ - 1,800+ magic damage at level 18, depending on what you've built. If you've managed to reach 1,000 ap, that's 2,000+ magic damage for your ult, and 1,150+ magic damage for your W. Oh, and have I mentioned Lichbane? GG?
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ELO Warden
ELO Warden Pantheon Guide
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Magic Pantheon (Epic Bot Lane Scrublord)

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