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Ability Order
Battle Fury (PASSIVE)
Tryndamere Passive Ability
Alright now this is the part where I tell you why choose which ones, when to choose them, and why to ignore some at the beginning. Well to start off, you want to get E or Q, and then choose the other one for your second level. I prefer getting E first, because I like to use it to do extra damage to minions, and sometimes get away in a hurry. Using Q is mainly a situational thing while fighting champions, but You usually use this one to heal up while fighting minions, and you want to use Q to keep at full health. I don't usually get W until the end, except for lvl 3, because, as I see it, it just slows them down while they run away, which usually u can catch up with them for that final hit with using E. The description says that it takes away damage from the enemy, but it doesn't last that long, and when you upgrade it fully -80 damage isnt a whole lot coming from people who will be doing around 200 damage, because you will probably be almost dead by the time that you think to use it. Alright now the ultimate move R. When Using R you have to remember that you are INVULNERABLE, which means you TAKE NO DAMAGE, so use this one when you just need some more time to kill the champion, but make sure you don't wait too long to use it, as they may still have one more skill to use, which can take you from 200 damage to 0, so be careful when waiting to use it.
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