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Recommended Items
Ability Order
New Destiny (PASSIVE)
Graves Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
You are going to suffer. A lot. You have much less range, and if you step in a trap, you are probably dead. If you get close to her, you'll probably kill her. Try to poke with the new Q.
Now Graves is more of a close-range burst ADC, has less range than before, but deals a lot of damage in close combat.
+Close big burst damage
+Tankier than other ADCs
+W can be very useful for ganks/tf
+Shotgun shots like a shotgun!
-425 range, has to get close to enemies to AA
-No hard CC, W only slows briefly
-A bit immobile, 345 MS helps a bit
-No legendary/ultimate skin :c
+Close big burst damage
+Tankier than other ADCs
+W can be very useful for ganks/tf
+Shotgun shots like a shotgun!
-425 range, has to get close to enemies to AA
-No hard CC, W only slows briefly
-A bit immobile, 345 MS helps a bit
-No legendary/ultimate skin :c
I'll go in more depth later
Starting items
Cull is one of the new starter items. This item is VERY good in Graves. As you know, Graves now shots 4 bullets (8 if crit/10 with IE). With this item, if you hit DIFFERENT enemies with each bullet (Like 4 different minions), you'll heal 3 HP for each enemy you hit. This means that, in early game, you can easily recover 12 HP with each AA.
Doran's Blade, the old start item. Still good, take it if you are against an ADC that's gonna give you a bad time(Caitlyn, for example)
Health Potion,the red potion. It heals you. Take one at the start of the game, buy a few when you come back from lane.
Infinity Edge is still important with Graves, but now is more than ever. Instead of criting with 8 bullets, you crit with 10 bullets. More bullets=More damage=They die faster=You don't die
Bloodthirster. 75 AD, 20% lifesteal and a nice shield passive. You should always take this one.
Death's Dance, one of the new lifesteal items, dealing physical damage heals you 12% of the damage done. This includes AA, Q and R. And has a nice anti-burst passive, 12% of the damage dealt to you is instead turned to bleed for 5 seconds. This includes physical and magic damage, didn't test with true damage, like Darius' Noxian Guillotine. Take this item against assassins or burst enemies.
Mercurial Scimitar now gives 10% lifesteal and 75 AD, take this against hard CC teams. You can take it with another lifesteal item.
Not so good lifesteal item
Blade of the Ruined King isn't very useful for Graves. Yes, you want AS too, but damage is much more important for Graves. And now you have new items against tanks, like Lord Dominik's Regards
Armor Penetration
Last Whisper now builds into two different items:
Lord Dominik's Regards, which is pretty good against tanky comps and
Mortal Reminder, that helps against squishy enemies or enemies that can heal themselves.
Attack Speed
Phantom Dancer got reworked and has a bit less of Attack speed and Critical strike chance, and doesn't give passive movement speed and ignore unit collision. Now, it has two unique passives: Spectral Waltz, which gives 12% movement speed and pass through units when you are near an enemy and Lament, the last champion you hit with your AA does less 12% damage to you. You should always get it, the bonus movement speed will help compesate that 425 AA.
Statikk Shiv it's a bit better now. Less Attack speed and movement speed, but more Criticial Strike chance and damage. You should try to get it earlier than Phantom Dancer
Not so good attack speed items
Rapid Firecannon, the new energise item. After getting energised, it gives an empowered AA with more range that deals bonus magic damage. It's a good item, but a bit useless with Graves. We want to fight close to the enemies so that all bullets hit.
Runaan's Hurricane stats got a bit changed, but the passive doesn't work with Graves' AA, so getting it only for stats is not worth it.
Don't forge to take the Elixir of Wrath!
Items' presentation is done, I'll go in more depth later
In the meantime, have some tips:
-When attacking a tower, try to stay closer so that all bullets hit to deal more damage.
-Remember that your Q will detonate instantly if it hits a wall.
-E resets your AA and gives a bullet, so try to use it after you AA.
-R gives you a knockback, I'll test if you can pass a wall with it.
In the meantime, have some tips:
-When attacking a tower, try to stay closer so that all bullets hit to deal more damage.
-Remember that your Q will detonate instantly if it hits a wall.
-E resets your AA and gives a bullet, so try to use it after you AA.
-R gives you a knockback, I'll test if you can pass a wall with it.
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