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Ability Order
Void Shift (PASSIVE)
Malzahar Passive Ability
Introduction to the WOW! Jungle Malzahar guide
As Malzahar is an underplayed champ, u will not expect seeing him in either pvp or ranked. And when u play him jungle, u will expect ppl saying u r trolling. NO! It is not, I tried it in normal for my first match and first try for him, bcoz I think his skills are SWEET for jg.
During Mid Game, u should start ganking at Lvl 6. He is juz like warwick. Rmb his ulti? They are similar! Rmb the combo? Q,E,W,R, AN ENEMY HAS BEEN SLAIN. Ya, juz gank lanes that nid help, u will be putting alot of pressure on the enemies. Rush Liandry, then u r GODLIKE. Ghost is very OP to help u chase down enemies :)
At this part of the game, there will be alot of teamfights. DO NOT GO IN FIRST! wait for ur tank and 1 more person. DESTORY their ADC, aft that, use your ulti on the next person who is causing alot of Stress to ur team. ( Eg. Darius, Volibear, Riven, XZ). Juz keep repeating these steps. You are the person who deals TONS of DAMAGE. So do not charge into a teamfight straightaway.
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