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Runes: Master Yi Build
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Master Yi spell group
Challenging Smite
Ability Order My Ability way
Double Strike (PASSIVE)
Master Yi Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Show All
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
1v1's u easily
The backbone of Master Yi. Max first. Use this to carefully avoid abilities, and tower shots, you can avoid almost anything, even a Karthus ultimate if you time it correctly. You become untargetable and do insane damage, this ability can also critically strike dealing more damage. Auto attacks reduce its cooldown, and Double Strike helps reduce it too. It is also possible to avoid targeted abilities such as Lissandra ultimate however this will only be graphical side, and it will not go off cooldown however it can mind boggle them and they may not realize they can cast it again. You have two ways of dodging abilites, due to Alpha Strike having a cast time, it can dodge the cc however still taking the damage if timed correctly, this is useful for abilities that have no projectiles such as Infinite Duress and lissandra ultimate, thus you can buffer the stun duration during alpha strike.
Max third. Honestly makes little difference, but it can help tank a LOT! It reduces damage and increases the heal the lower health you have. This can be used as an auto attack reset, and even reduces tower damage, but not as much as regular abilities or attacks. This ability can also help tank ignite, so don't forget! Use this ability if getting focused down. A good Master Yi knows why this ability is so under rated! This ability also pauses your Highlander and Wuju Style duration, so a good example to use this is when you're unable to damage the opponent e.g. a Teemo blind, or a Jax Counter Strike not only are you reducing their damage, but you're also pausing the duration of your ultimate and wuju style.
Max second. The passive itself gives Master Yi a huge damage steroid. The active allows yi to do on hit true damage on hit. Remember do not waste the active on towers as it does nothing at all, and while on cooldown, you lose the 10% extra attack damage.
Max whenever you can. Gives Master Yi insane mobility and attack speed, and allows him to become immune to ALL SLOWS! Yes, this includes attack speed reductions from champions like Malphite and Nasus. The passive is also what makes Master Yi a monster, not as broken as he used to be, but still a 70% reduction in cooldowns when he scores a kill or assist. This means score a kill, attack twice, and your Alpha Strike is off cooldown again, yes the ability that just used.
Master Yi is considered a broken, and easy to play champion, however I will show you that this is a common misconception, and in fact he takes a lot of knowledge to play to his fullest potential. Master Yi can be quite overwhelming if played correctly, however you can easily distinguish a good Master Yi from a bad one. Master Yi requires timing, with his Alpha Strike, requires quick fingers, and reactions such as using Meditate to tank abilities, and using it as an attack reset to outduel, or secure a kill at a rapid speed.
Master Yi can be played in almost any lane, and can do very well. In the jungle is where he is considered to be a god due to his insane clear speed, and dangerous ganks. In lane, he is considered sub par to other laners however he can surprise a lot of unexpecting players as he is rarely played in lane, this can surprise unsuspecting people with his damage. I will discuss the differences and why each one has their respective strengths further in the guide. But for now, I will focus on jungle Master Yi
Remember, your team still needs cc so I highly advise unless you're really good with this champion not to pick him at all if you lack cc, if you're good with him, you'll be able to out rotate the enemy meaning you'll be able to capitalise on their positioning on the map, and either take a tower, take a dragon or just generally push a lane, as well as avoid confrontations which you can't win. Overall, you need to think whether your skill alone on Yi can win you the game, or whether picking another champion who will provide the needed utility your team needs.
The main strategy with Master Yi is to try and focus the squishy champions who hide in the back line such as the ADC, or AP mage via either simply using Ghost and Highlander to run straight through the front line of tanks and go right for their back line by using Alpha Strike to dodge any cc they throw at you, or try to flank them from a side you know isn't warded via the use of Oracle Alteration If the enemies are ahead, you can try split pushing to pressure lanes however you should be prepared to trade objectives such as dragon, and baron so split push smartly! Master Yi is one of the best champions in the game to tower dive with as he can use Meditate to tank the tower shots and use it as an attack reset, as well as use Alpha Strike to completely dodge the tower shot, once the kill is secured. you can use a reset to deaggro the tower shot by using Alpha Strike onto a nearby enemy minion.
tl;dr Yi is an easy to play champion on paper, but takes more thought and is hard to pressure with if in the wrong hands. Jungling is all about pressuring lanes, so being a good Master Yi and a good jungler are two completely different things, Master Yi may not be too mechanically hard, but he does require a lot more thinking than other champions such as Vi who simply press r on a squishy and cc lock them, and due to her being tanky, she can afford to get hit by cc abilities whereas Yi cannot.
Master Yi can be played in almost any lane, and can do very well. In the jungle is where he is considered to be a god due to his insane clear speed, and dangerous ganks. In lane, he is considered sub par to other laners however he can surprise a lot of unexpecting players as he is rarely played in lane, this can surprise unsuspecting people with his damage. I will discuss the differences and why each one has their respective strengths further in the guide. But for now, I will focus on jungle Master Yi
Remember, your team still needs cc so I highly advise unless you're really good with this champion not to pick him at all if you lack cc, if you're good with him, you'll be able to out rotate the enemy meaning you'll be able to capitalise on their positioning on the map, and either take a tower, take a dragon or just generally push a lane, as well as avoid confrontations which you can't win. Overall, you need to think whether your skill alone on Yi can win you the game, or whether picking another champion who will provide the needed utility your team needs.
The main strategy with Master Yi is to try and focus the squishy champions who hide in the back line such as the ADC, or AP mage via either simply using Ghost and Highlander to run straight through the front line of tanks and go right for their back line by using Alpha Strike to dodge any cc they throw at you, or try to flank them from a side you know isn't warded via the use of Oracle Alteration If the enemies are ahead, you can try split pushing to pressure lanes however you should be prepared to trade objectives such as dragon, and baron so split push smartly! Master Yi is one of the best champions in the game to tower dive with as he can use Meditate to tank the tower shots and use it as an attack reset, as well as use Alpha Strike to completely dodge the tower shot, once the kill is secured. you can use a reset to deaggro the tower shot by using Alpha Strike onto a nearby enemy minion.
tl;dr Yi is an easy to play champion on paper, but takes more thought and is hard to pressure with if in the wrong hands. Jungling is all about pressuring lanes, so being a good Master Yi and a good jungler are two completely different things, Master Yi may not be too mechanically hard, but he does require a lot more thinking than other champions such as Vi who simply press r on a squishy and cc lock them, and due to her being tanky, she can afford to get hit by cc abilities whereas Yi cannot.
Season 9.15 runes have been reforged!
The primary keystone of Master Yi is
Lethal Tempo
Why lethal tempo?It's because when u are in fight with somebody u use ur E or Q for example,this keystone will give you burst of Attack Speed.So it will help you a lot early game in 1v1s.In late you will be able to pass the limit of Attack Speed wich is 2.50,u can go up to 3.53.
Is the only rune that is worth it in this line
Gives you bonus Attack Speed and its stacks 1 to 10.Maximum i think its 18% bonus attack speed
Coup de Grace
Generally you should be ganking low health champions, so this rune is ideal for jungle yi. Go Cut Down for yi top or if there are just a lot of tanks on the opposing team.
Sudden Impact Will do more damage for your Q
rentless hunter
This is probably the best choice for jungle yi. It gives you more movement speed which will help with ganks.
The primary keystone of Master Yi is
Lethal Tempo
Why lethal tempo?It's because when u are in fight with somebody u use ur E or Q for example,this keystone will give you burst of Attack Speed.So it will help you a lot early game in 1v1s.In late you will be able to pass the limit of Attack Speed wich is 2.50,u can go up to 3.53.
Is the only rune that is worth it in this line
Gives you bonus Attack Speed and its stacks 1 to 10.Maximum i think its 18% bonus attack speed
Coup de Grace
Generally you should be ganking low health champions, so this rune is ideal for jungle yi. Go Cut Down for yi top or if there are just a lot of tanks on the opposing team.
Sudden Impact Will do more damage for your Q
rentless hunter
This is probably the best choice for jungle yi. It gives you more movement speed which will help with ganks.
Sometimes people run Smite Teleport but these fall off late game as you're down an offensive/defensive summoner spell which could be used to either get a kill, or escape and prevent a death. It is good in certain situations,. Teleport also received a heavy nerf in which its cast time is now longer, and the cooldown no longer gets reduced when used on a tower.
Useful spells to take
Self explanatory. If you're jungling, take smite as jungling without this is pretty difficult. You could take this in lane as it can actually give you lane sustain by smiting the krug/gromp when you're low hp due to smite changes, as well as giving you the chance to buy jungle items like bloodrazer.
Use this if you want to play it safe. Being able to escape bad situations or secure kills. Also enables late game, flash Alpha Strike Wuju Style auto, instantly kill the adc if you build critical strike, Note: good supports WILL Exhaust you as you become targetable as they can still SPAM Exhaust on you
Due to the changes, this spell is now a staple for me as it makes up for the Highlander nerf, and overall gives Master Yi the ganking power he needs due to its extremely low cooldown, also the movement speed buff scales with level as well as allows you to move through units, so this spell is excellent for flanking, early ganks, and generally over powered as it allows you to engage like a monster
Useful against high burst assassin type champions such as Kha'Zix Fizz Rengar Riven and a few more. Exhaust will allow you to pressure the map easier with a targeted slow that reduces their resists, attack speed, and damage output making Master Yi impossible to duel at all portions of the game, heck he can even 1v3 if he exhausts the main carry. Combined with red smite Master Yi will be unkillable in 1v1 situations even if enemies bring their own exhaust due to Yi being able to dish out true damage, and being immune to the attack speed slow, and movement speed slow
Use this if you're either in lane or just dislike Flash and you want to play aggresive, this gives you kill pressure and can also secure those much needed resets to ace a team.
Good against match ups where you'll be forced out of lane a lot, or you wish to play it safe. Adds a lot of pressure when you're laning due to the devastating power you have if laners are over extended.
Okay spells
Not really that useful, but good for baiting, or useful for tanking Ignitebut regardless you shouldn't really take Barrier
Same as Barrier, but the movement speed can be useful. Heal isn't as good due to a lot of laners running ignite, and if you're ignited, half the effectiveness of heal along with Barrier able to shield for more damage, and running this along smite is a poor choice.
Completly rubbish, and never use:
All other spells.
Useful spells to take
Self explanatory. If you're jungling, take smite as jungling without this is pretty difficult. You could take this in lane as it can actually give you lane sustain by smiting the krug/gromp when you're low hp due to smite changes, as well as giving you the chance to buy jungle items like bloodrazer.
Use this if you want to play it safe. Being able to escape bad situations or secure kills. Also enables late game, flash Alpha Strike Wuju Style auto, instantly kill the adc if you build critical strike, Note: good supports WILL Exhaust you as you become targetable as they can still SPAM Exhaust on you
Due to the changes, this spell is now a staple for me as it makes up for the Highlander nerf, and overall gives Master Yi the ganking power he needs due to its extremely low cooldown, also the movement speed buff scales with level as well as allows you to move through units, so this spell is excellent for flanking, early ganks, and generally over powered as it allows you to engage like a monster
Useful against high burst assassin type champions such as Kha'Zix Fizz Rengar Riven and a few more. Exhaust will allow you to pressure the map easier with a targeted slow that reduces their resists, attack speed, and damage output making Master Yi impossible to duel at all portions of the game, heck he can even 1v3 if he exhausts the main carry. Combined with red smite Master Yi will be unkillable in 1v1 situations even if enemies bring their own exhaust due to Yi being able to dish out true damage, and being immune to the attack speed slow, and movement speed slow
Use this if you're either in lane or just dislike Flash and you want to play aggresive, this gives you kill pressure and can also secure those much needed resets to ace a team.
Good against match ups where you'll be forced out of lane a lot, or you wish to play it safe. Adds a lot of pressure when you're laning due to the devastating power you have if laners are over extended.
Okay spells
Not really that useful, but good for baiting, or useful for tanking Ignitebut regardless you shouldn't really take Barrier
Same as Barrier, but the movement speed can be useful. Heal isn't as good due to a lot of laners running ignite, and if you're ignited, half the effectiveness of heal along with Barrier able to shield for more damage, and running this along smite is a poor choice.
Completly rubbish, and never use:
All other spells.
Which jungle item to rush? This is mostly personal preference but if you plan on ganking a lot pre-6 I suggest using Stalker's Blade otherwise stick with Skirmisher's Sabre as it offers a strong DOT true damage effect which deals more damage, and even more if you're hitting them the whole time as the effect refreshes every auto attack and lasts 4 seconds, as well as burns them for 3 seconds. Effectively late game you can deal about 380 true damage which is only 100 less then ignite, on a 50 second cooldown which also reveals them and reduces their damage output by 20%! This makes 1v1ing certain champions much easier such as Vayne, Jax fiora and more.
Master Yi jungle has a lot of different paths but I find the best path is by rushing a bloodrazer into Blade of the Ruined King due to the slow component, however Guinsoo's Rageblade after bloodraze isn't a bad idea either as it makes 1v1ing you almost impossible.
Switch boots for any situational boots you may need, this build is very strong because you can kill tanks and squishies very easily. However in terms of hard carrying bad team mates, Guinsoo's Rageblade is the best. Remember the item is expensive so alternatives are The Black Cleaver Phantom Dancer and other defensive items.
item choices which are really good:
Randuin's Omen If they have a lot of critical strike damage such as Yasuo
Guardian Angel is a really good late game item due to decent stats + second life.
Guinsoo's Rageblade is an overpowered item WHEN STACKED, however due to difficulty stacking, I don't recommend unless you know exactly what you're doing with the item, and how to stack it properly. This item got a nice buff in which it no longer loses the 25% attack speed when combined making it a very solid item, but once again difficulty stacking makes it hard to use. It is more for an objective base Master Yi game where you're split pushing a lot thus have the item stacked, or doing baron.
"Silence build" sort of
So, what is this build? Well, I used to use an adaptation of this build before the build became known in which I used to go infinity edge, double phantom dancer in season 5, and that gave us 90% critical strike chance being able to just mow through just about anybody, this was due to devourer being a sub par item, until the tank meta rose in which it became an efficient item when I released my tank build, and more so when sated came out. Aka I built this Yi Meta :)
You will want to either rush Stalker's Blade or only buy the Hunter's Talisman to save 300 gold, and go straight for a Pickaxe or B. F. Sword whichever you can buy first, and buy a Dagger + Cloak of Agility as this will give you attack speed and critical strike chance without sacrificing slowing down your infinity edge much, and also enables your dps to be still decently high, more attacks = more crits, then proceed to finish Infinity Edge You'll now have a huge early power spike being able to crit around 500s 20% of the time in which the enemies have around 900-1200 hp bars, and snowball from there. Next get either Statikk Shiv or Phantom Dancer, after you'll want Quicksilver Sash if they have cc, or life steal, you can build a 3rd critical item Statikk Shiv or Phantom Dancer depending on item you built before. Generally you're very squishy but you'll kill anything, and everything. There's VERY few champions that can 1v1 you with this build as you'll just kill them with your insane true damage hitting over 120 per hit, as well as 1k critical strikes, along with your Alpha Strike hitting over 1k, but obviously if you make a mistake, or get cc'd, it will be costly! If you feel you'll need up front burst damage rather than dps which the Statikk Shiv offers, going Essence Reaver will remove any mana costs you have. and offer you beefy stats as well as giving you 70% critical strike with two items, finish Statikk Shiv for the final 30% for 100%!
Unlike silence, I build Ninja Tabi as the item is BROKEN! It gives you huge early tanky spike in which the ADC can do almost nothing to you due to huge damage reduction, allows you to tank towers with ease due to insane early armor, I mean, 22% damage on top of a 60% damage reduction from armor, OUCH! I rarely build treads even vs hard cc champs as Mercurial Scimitar will do the job for me, the 30% tenacity isn't going to save you as you'll die instantly if you don't qss it anyway. If the game gets very late, sell your boots and buy Lord Dominik's Regards to cut through those beefy tanks, if they get tankier early, consider not purchasing Essence Reaver and buying Lord Dominik's Regards. If vsing ap team, a Maw of Malmortius is an excellent choice. This build I would consider the hyper carry build where you can't rely on your team, aim the adc as you will kill them in usually 2 hits.
So? What champions threaten us?
Vayne with the 3 shot kill build, but if you have qss, nothing to worry about, just pop ultimate and kill her in 2 basics. Your Wuju Style will do 120-150 damage, and basics doing 1k, Vayne will only have 2k hp... And finally any champion with hard cc
Lane Yi items?
I often 90% of the times, go for Blade of the Ruined King into a Phantom Dancer, this build is quite cheap and the compnents from Blade of the Ruined King ARE VERY GOOD! The items to create this item are cheap so even going back on little gold will always net you at least some damage compared to Infinity Edge which requires 800+ gold per component. Blade of the Ruined King contrary to popular belief isn't just for killing tanks, the active also lets you do tower dives by slowing the laner, and can aid you in ganks. It also provides sustain!
The rest of the build is situational for example, if you're very fed, i'd be getting an infinity edge after the Phantom Dancer or if i'm vsing a tank, I would invest in a Last Whisper My typical end game build would look something like this: Blade of the Ruined King Phantom Dancer Infinity Edge Mercurial Scimitar Statikk Shiv Lord Dominik's Regards or the Mortal Reminder if they got healers like Soraka or Vladimir This build is what I build on Mid lane Yi also. Sometimes, I'd go for a Youmuu's Ghostblade for the out of combat movement speed and active after my Blade of the Ruined King in mid lane to keep up the pressure and ignore their armor allowing me to burst them but this item falls off hard on Yi so make sure you maintain the snowball.
Other item opinions
Trinity Force very decent but not as good on Yi as other champions such as Jax as Yi struggles to proc it often thus wasting the sheen component. It used to be a perfectly viable choice when it had critical strike chance, but now it's more of a fun item, or boot replacement item late game.
Essence Reaver surprisingly very good if you go for 100% critical strike chance but not exactly all that good on Yi by itself, the cooldowns are very strong but the item itself has very expensive components as well as only being able to build 1 "okay" component when full build. This item is more for the "I need damage, but also my cooldowns are too high!" Build this item if you need the final 20% critical strike chance. Dominicks in my opinion is better due to being cheaper, and having better stats for the components NOTE: You don't need dominicks if nobody is stacking armor.
Titanic Hydra is a fun off meta item however overall, Ravenous Hydra is still better however the auto attack reset component allows you to do a quadruiple strike if you do it correctly and be able to instantly double strike right after the first double strike, but other than that, the item is subpar.
Frozen Mallet In my opinion, this item is a waste of gold as if you need a slow, Blade of the Ruined King Randuin's Omen and Dead Man's Plate will all suffice your needs for slows as by the time the slows run out, you'd have almost killed them.
Death's Dance very good item when combined with Phantom Dancer however difficult to stick in a build unless playing top lane Master Yi This item isn't as good as The Bloodthirster due to thee 33% heal on aoe abilities, so if we hit 3000 with alpha, it would heal 120ish health but of course, hitting 3000 is very unlikely. Bloodthirster in my opinion is better.
The Bloodthirster same situation as Death's Dance however it gives 5% more life steal plus an overheal shield meaning you can take poke a lot more easier.
7.9 New items!
Gargoyle stoneplate is now a decent item however, at the end of the day, it's only an active and it reduces your damage. if you build Guinsoo's Rageblade it's actually a decent item however, without the active, you're very squishy. This item makes Yi a monster in 5v5s as he'll have around 6k hp for 4 seconds, however your damage will be reduced with the exception of his true damage meaning you might not be able to kill people.
Master Yi jungle has a lot of different paths but I find the best path is by rushing a bloodrazer into Blade of the Ruined King due to the slow component, however Guinsoo's Rageblade after bloodraze isn't a bad idea either as it makes 1v1ing you almost impossible.
Switch boots for any situational boots you may need, this build is very strong because you can kill tanks and squishies very easily. However in terms of hard carrying bad team mates, Guinsoo's Rageblade is the best. Remember the item is expensive so alternatives are The Black Cleaver Phantom Dancer and other defensive items.
item choices which are really good:
Randuin's Omen If they have a lot of critical strike damage such as Yasuo
Guardian Angel is a really good late game item due to decent stats + second life.
Guinsoo's Rageblade is an overpowered item WHEN STACKED, however due to difficulty stacking, I don't recommend unless you know exactly what you're doing with the item, and how to stack it properly. This item got a nice buff in which it no longer loses the 25% attack speed when combined making it a very solid item, but once again difficulty stacking makes it hard to use. It is more for an objective base Master Yi game where you're split pushing a lot thus have the item stacked, or doing baron.
"Silence build" sort of
So, what is this build? Well, I used to use an adaptation of this build before the build became known in which I used to go infinity edge, double phantom dancer in season 5, and that gave us 90% critical strike chance being able to just mow through just about anybody, this was due to devourer being a sub par item, until the tank meta rose in which it became an efficient item when I released my tank build, and more so when sated came out. Aka I built this Yi Meta :)
You will want to either rush Stalker's Blade or only buy the Hunter's Talisman to save 300 gold, and go straight for a Pickaxe or B. F. Sword whichever you can buy first, and buy a Dagger + Cloak of Agility as this will give you attack speed and critical strike chance without sacrificing slowing down your infinity edge much, and also enables your dps to be still decently high, more attacks = more crits, then proceed to finish Infinity Edge You'll now have a huge early power spike being able to crit around 500s 20% of the time in which the enemies have around 900-1200 hp bars, and snowball from there. Next get either Statikk Shiv or Phantom Dancer, after you'll want Quicksilver Sash if they have cc, or life steal, you can build a 3rd critical item Statikk Shiv or Phantom Dancer depending on item you built before. Generally you're very squishy but you'll kill anything, and everything. There's VERY few champions that can 1v1 you with this build as you'll just kill them with your insane true damage hitting over 120 per hit, as well as 1k critical strikes, along with your Alpha Strike hitting over 1k, but obviously if you make a mistake, or get cc'd, it will be costly! If you feel you'll need up front burst damage rather than dps which the Statikk Shiv offers, going Essence Reaver will remove any mana costs you have. and offer you beefy stats as well as giving you 70% critical strike with two items, finish Statikk Shiv for the final 30% for 100%!
Unlike silence, I build Ninja Tabi as the item is BROKEN! It gives you huge early tanky spike in which the ADC can do almost nothing to you due to huge damage reduction, allows you to tank towers with ease due to insane early armor, I mean, 22% damage on top of a 60% damage reduction from armor, OUCH! I rarely build treads even vs hard cc champs as Mercurial Scimitar will do the job for me, the 30% tenacity isn't going to save you as you'll die instantly if you don't qss it anyway. If the game gets very late, sell your boots and buy Lord Dominik's Regards to cut through those beefy tanks, if they get tankier early, consider not purchasing Essence Reaver and buying Lord Dominik's Regards. If vsing ap team, a Maw of Malmortius is an excellent choice. This build I would consider the hyper carry build where you can't rely on your team, aim the adc as you will kill them in usually 2 hits.
So? What champions threaten us?
Vayne with the 3 shot kill build, but if you have qss, nothing to worry about, just pop ultimate and kill her in 2 basics. Your Wuju Style will do 120-150 damage, and basics doing 1k, Vayne will only have 2k hp... And finally any champion with hard cc
Lane Yi items?
I often 90% of the times, go for Blade of the Ruined King into a Phantom Dancer, this build is quite cheap and the compnents from Blade of the Ruined King ARE VERY GOOD! The items to create this item are cheap so even going back on little gold will always net you at least some damage compared to Infinity Edge which requires 800+ gold per component. Blade of the Ruined King contrary to popular belief isn't just for killing tanks, the active also lets you do tower dives by slowing the laner, and can aid you in ganks. It also provides sustain!
The rest of the build is situational for example, if you're very fed, i'd be getting an infinity edge after the Phantom Dancer or if i'm vsing a tank, I would invest in a Last Whisper My typical end game build would look something like this: Blade of the Ruined King Phantom Dancer Infinity Edge Mercurial Scimitar Statikk Shiv Lord Dominik's Regards or the Mortal Reminder if they got healers like Soraka or Vladimir This build is what I build on Mid lane Yi also. Sometimes, I'd go for a Youmuu's Ghostblade for the out of combat movement speed and active after my Blade of the Ruined King in mid lane to keep up the pressure and ignore their armor allowing me to burst them but this item falls off hard on Yi so make sure you maintain the snowball.
Other item opinions
Trinity Force very decent but not as good on Yi as other champions such as Jax as Yi struggles to proc it often thus wasting the sheen component. It used to be a perfectly viable choice when it had critical strike chance, but now it's more of a fun item, or boot replacement item late game.
Essence Reaver surprisingly very good if you go for 100% critical strike chance but not exactly all that good on Yi by itself, the cooldowns are very strong but the item itself has very expensive components as well as only being able to build 1 "okay" component when full build. This item is more for the "I need damage, but also my cooldowns are too high!" Build this item if you need the final 20% critical strike chance. Dominicks in my opinion is better due to being cheaper, and having better stats for the components NOTE: You don't need dominicks if nobody is stacking armor.
Titanic Hydra is a fun off meta item however overall, Ravenous Hydra is still better however the auto attack reset component allows you to do a quadruiple strike if you do it correctly and be able to instantly double strike right after the first double strike, but other than that, the item is subpar.
Frozen Mallet In my opinion, this item is a waste of gold as if you need a slow, Blade of the Ruined King Randuin's Omen and Dead Man's Plate will all suffice your needs for slows as by the time the slows run out, you'd have almost killed them.
Death's Dance very good item when combined with Phantom Dancer however difficult to stick in a build unless playing top lane Master Yi This item isn't as good as The Bloodthirster due to thee 33% heal on aoe abilities, so if we hit 3000 with alpha, it would heal 120ish health but of course, hitting 3000 is very unlikely. Bloodthirster in my opinion is better.
The Bloodthirster same situation as Death's Dance however it gives 5% more life steal plus an overheal shield meaning you can take poke a lot more easier.
7.9 New items!
Gargoyle stoneplate is now a decent item however, at the end of the day, it's only an active and it reduces your damage. if you build Guinsoo's Rageblade it's actually a decent item however, without the active, you're very squishy. This item makes Yi a monster in 5v5s as he'll have around 6k hp for 4 seconds, however your damage will be reduced with the exception of his true damage meaning you might not be able to kill people.
+ High AOE damage with thanks to Alpha Strike
+ Very difficult to catch and chase due to having highest base movement speed in the game, tied with Pantheon, as well as mobility with Highlander
+ One of the few champions who deals true damage consistently
+ Untargetable with Alpha Strike can make difficult to focus down
+ Resets make him dangerous if a person dies in a team fight.
+ Red smite is really strong on him
+ Can be a bit harder to itemize due to his true damage
+ Deceptively tanky thanks to Meditate and can tank high damage abilities whilst taking so little damage due to it.
+ One of the best champions in the game for cleaning up
- Weak to targeted crowd control.
- If abilities used incorrectly, can be left vulnerable
- Really difficult to play at high levels.
- Has no built in cc
- Needs something to Alpha Strike if gets caught out to escape
- Naturally Squishy
- Will always be focused down.
- Everybody knows what his abilities do
- You may be flamed by enemy team for playing a "Non skill champion"
+ Very difficult to catch and chase due to having highest base movement speed in the game, tied with Pantheon, as well as mobility with Highlander
+ One of the few champions who deals true damage consistently
+ Untargetable with Alpha Strike can make difficult to focus down
+ Resets make him dangerous if a person dies in a team fight.
+ Red smite is really strong on him
+ Can be a bit harder to itemize due to his true damage
+ Deceptively tanky thanks to Meditate and can tank high damage abilities whilst taking so little damage due to it.
+ One of the best champions in the game for cleaning up
- Weak to targeted crowd control.
- If abilities used incorrectly, can be left vulnerable
- Really difficult to play at high levels.
- Has no built in cc
- Needs something to Alpha Strike if gets caught out to escape
- Naturally Squishy
- Will always be focused down.
- Everybody knows what his abilities do
- You may be flamed by enemy team for playing a "Non skill champion"
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