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Peak Rank 238 (335lp) on Zoe Top
Livestream Available : https://www.twitch.tv/kentrooo
Peak Rank 238 (335lp) on Zoe Top
Zoe top lane is only viable due to her bonus ms she gains from her w. This means that when she has her summs up,she can be very strong - especially so, with a spell shard adding up to three bonus ms procs to outkite.
Zoe plays a lot like any ranged top laner, she pokes when the enemy laner goes for cs and outkites. What makes Zoe top lane strong, is her ability to outkite with bonus ms.
Zoe has an early power spike from when she gets her first spellshard, the earlier she gets one the stronger she is. Alongside her short cd's on ignite and ghost, the spellshard enables high ms early to outkite the enemy.
A core facet of Zoe's top lane poke is hedging and empowered aa's. Q-aa-Q can be completed very fast if performed correctly. Often in top lane, it is not about hitting the q but rather the aa poke.
Zoe is strongest into bruisers and ranged matchups in the toplane. Tank matchups can often be difficult due to their ability to simply regen her poke and ignore her damage. This is the case with some bruisers that build lifesteal such as yone and fiora.
Due to the nature of top lane, some deaths cause the lane to be over for zoe. In these circumstances, Support Item can be built and Zoe can force dives and ganks in mid and botlane. This enables a split map in which your bot lane should become equally as fed as the top laner, nullifying the losing lane.
Zoe should rush swiftness boots and play full ms. Cosmic drive is no longer needed as she will never be able to side lane.
Zoe plays a lot like any ranged top laner, she pokes when the enemy laner goes for cs and outkites. What makes Zoe top lane strong, is her ability to outkite with bonus ms.
Zoe has an early power spike from when she gets her first spellshard, the earlier she gets one the stronger she is. Alongside her short cd's on ignite and ghost, the spellshard enables high ms early to outkite the enemy.
A core facet of Zoe's top lane poke is hedging and empowered aa's. Q-aa-Q can be completed very fast if performed correctly. Often in top lane, it is not about hitting the q but rather the aa poke.
Zoe is strongest into bruisers and ranged matchups in the toplane. Tank matchups can often be difficult due to their ability to simply regen her poke and ignore her damage. This is the case with some bruisers that build lifesteal such as yone and fiora.
Due to the nature of top lane, some deaths cause the lane to be over for zoe. In these circumstances, Support Item can be built and Zoe can force dives and ganks in mid and botlane. This enables a split map in which your bot lane should become equally as fed as the top laner, nullifying the losing lane.
Zoe should rush swiftness boots and play full ms. Cosmic drive is no longer needed as she will never be able to side lane.
Mid game
There are two circumstances in mid-game. Losing or winning in side lane.
If zoe is winning lane and is able to split push, this is a strong strategy. Zoe will push waves and when enemies appear, roam to gank another lane.
If zoe is losing lane, split pushing becomes a lot worse. Zoe should match th enemy laners siege and then roam when they leave. Pushing excess waves is not playing to zoe's win cons which is picks and ganks.
During mid-game, this build can stomp teamfights and win games. Zoe's ms with ghost alongside her items enablse her to run down enemies in teamfights and hit lengthy bubbles that would not otherwise be enabled. Such as quickly moving to get in range for a terrain bubble on the enemy squishy. This enables her to not need to play front to back and enables her to hit cc on important targets and assassinate key players.
Ghost enables a large portion of this mid-game power spike.
If zoe is winning lane and is able to split push, this is a strong strategy. Zoe will push waves and when enemies appear, roam to gank another lane.
If zoe is losing lane, split pushing becomes a lot worse. Zoe should match th enemy laners siege and then roam when they leave. Pushing excess waves is not playing to zoe's win cons which is picks and ganks.
During mid-game, this build can stomp teamfights and win games. Zoe's ms with ghost alongside her items enablse her to run down enemies in teamfights and hit lengthy bubbles that would not otherwise be enabled. Such as quickly moving to get in range for a terrain bubble on the enemy squishy. This enables her to not need to play front to back and enables her to hit cc on important targets and assassinate key players.
Ghost enables a large portion of this mid-game power spike.
Late Game
Zoe top plays like a typical late game. Look for picks, shove waves pre objectives and pop off in teamfights.
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