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Amumu General Guide by Hahano

Meet and Beat the Junglers

Meet and Beat the Junglers

Updated on August 12, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hahano Build Guide By Hahano 10 1 8,121 Views 10 Comments
10 1 8,121 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Hahano Amumu Build Guide By Hahano Updated on August 12, 2011
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Amumu
  • LoL Champion: Nocturne

Change Log

This guide will give you anything you need to decide what jungler to play, why to play them, what to do as them and how to beat them!
  • 8-11-2011: New bars added!
  • 8-10-2011: Addition of sections for what team they go well on/don't go well on and counters.
  • 8-9-2011: Many rating changes due to a clarification on rating scale. There is now a 1 and a 10 for every category and characters are rated based on their relative skill in that classification.
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This guide was created to bolster my other guide's character selection as well as giving key hints and tips that space didn't offer without making it even longer than it already is. If you have comments or disagree somewhere, let me know and we'll take care of it together.
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Grading Criteria

= 1/10 (Lowest)= 10/10 (Highest)

The grading is based on a comparison of all of the junglers. While someone might score high in a category, this doesn't mean the overall game and every character considered. Take Post-Jungle for example. Just because a character scores a 1/10 doesn't mean that they are useless or worse than someone else in the cast. They're just the weakest out of the jungle of the junglers. This means that at least one character will have a 1 and another will have a 10 and the others are graded on a scale on how well they perform relative to those characters.

Difficulty: The difficulty of the champion to perform all of their jobs in the jungle. While it might be easy to afk jungle with Nunu, I would rate his difficulty higher because you have to perform a lot of counter jungling and ganking in order to be useful enough to warrant him on a team. This does take into account the late game, how hard it is to get the character there and how hard their role is.

Easiest: Gangplank
Hardest: Shaco

Jungling Speed: The speed at which they can clear the jungle, reach level 6 and clearing after that.

Fastest: Udyr
Slowest: Rammus

Jungling Sustainability: The ability to stay in the jungle and come out with enough life/mana to successfully complete a team objective without being a liability. This takes into consideration buff dependence.

Most Sustained: Fiddlesticks
Least Sustained: Rammus

Ganking: How well your jungler ganks other lanes. Junglers with good CC are better than junglers without in this respect (Trundle trumps Master Yi in ganking).

Best Gankers: Rammus, Xin Zhao
Worst Ganker: Master Yi

Ability to Deflect/Recover from Counter-Jungling: How well your character responds to someone messing up their jungle route. This can include messing your buffs up, stealing wraiths, killing you in the jungle or negating your presence in the game overall.

Best: Udyr Trundle
Worst: Shaco Rammus

Ability to Counter-jungle: Determination of whether your character can get in and out and do damage to the enemy jungle. Please note that counter-jungling is not walking up and stealing their wraith camp with smite at level 1. That's child's play. It hurts the enemy jungler, sure, but it's really very minor if you don't keep up the pressure.

Best: Nunu & Willump Shaco
Worst: Rammus

Post Jungling: How well this jungler does after he has left the jungle, how crucial their role is and their ability to fulfill it.

Strongest: Amumu Gangplank
Weakest: Shaco Xin Zhao

Tips and Tricks: Any small strategies or quirks to the character.

How to Beat Them: Things that you can do in order to make their life difficult, weeding out good players from the bad ones. If they overcome your attempts in this, they will be at best even with your jungler. This section includes how to counter jungle them!

Putting them on a team: Teams, situations and compositions that this champion does particularly well or poor against.
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  • A jungling tank
  • Excellent teamfighting ability
  • Two types of CC
  • Relies on his team to do most of the damage
  • One form of CC is a skillshot
  • Cries a whole lot

MMMWhile some people might think that this little fellow isn’t hard to play, in order to jungle properly with him he is tough. You have to be able to land your skillshot bandage on command, he is rather slow in the jungle, doesn’t regain any health without regen or potions, relies heavily on mana and has to be in every teamfight. Juggling what needs to be done with Amumu is a daunting task, though well worth learning.

Jungling Speed:

MMMWhile you can clear Wraith and Wolf camps quickly with Despair and Tantrum combos, killing blue and red buffs is like pulling teeth.

Jungling Sustainability:

MMMHis only saving grace is that he doesn’t take much damage. He has no life steal on hit and relies pretty heavily on either blue buff or a large mana pool to do anything. A philo stone is almost necessary on him to stay in the jungle.


MMMHis ganking is very strong. He can gank any time passed level 3 and after level 6 he has two different forms of CC, not to mention two strong AoE spells to take down duo lanes.

Ability to Deflect/Recover from Counter-jungling:

MMMAmumu is susceptible to counter jungling. While he has decent recovery paths, losing blue is harmful and he needs to hit 6 quickly. He cannot stop a strong jungler from taking his minions as he doesn’t do much single target damage, so he can get abused without a team to back him up.

Ability to Counter-jungle:

MMMHe can get in and do a small camp quickly, but taking down blue or red buffs will keep you longer than you want to be in their jungle. However, if he is detected, he can use the bandage toss to juke through walls and escape relatively easily.

Post Jungling:
MMMAmumu is frequently banned in lower ELO matches and that’s because his late game is pretty fierce. While the OP flavor of the Riot patching methodology champions are banned in higher ELO, Amumu’s ability to feel overpowered because your entire team is snared is great. He will tank well, gets more dangerous the longer a fight goes on and has a great toolkit to employ, even if he falls behind.

Tips and Tricks:
  • You can use your bandage to juke through walls and situations to make yourself harder to be caught. Think if you’re on top side and are running from their team. You can bandage toss to Baron (or Dragon if on bottom) to get through impassable terrain without having to flash.
  • When in a teamfight without blue buff, your mana will rapidly deplete with Despair. Because of this, you have to be sure to have enough to cast your ultimate and bandage toss so sometimes Tantrum has to take a back seat.
  • While Amumu doesn’t do carry damage, he does do damage over time. Keep this in mind because your job is not to kill people, it is to use your bandage toss and damage to protect your team and soak up damage.
  • If you become Amumu’s friend he will be 34% more effective.
How to Beat Them:
  • Amumu is blue buff dependant early on, generally. Though he can get a mana crystal and go to wraiths and get it later, taking his blue buff with your team will set his ganks and development back.
  • He is an amazing team fighter and has a ridiculous initiate. In situations where your team is dancing or facing off with the other team at a distance, he can bandage in and snare your team. Be careful not to overextend against his team because a swift wipe can ensue.
  • Remember that his damage is supplemental and he shouldn’t be focused or targeted unless it is convenient.
  • Do not fight him in a cluster. Just don’t.
  • Other than these tips, he really isn’t an unstoppable menace. He relies on his team to do the heavy lifting while he soaks up the damage. Try to take his damage down and worry about the little man later.

Putting them on a team:

MMMAmumu goes very well on AoE style teams. If you have at least one other person with an AoE ultimate ( Annie, Sona, Katarina, etc), Amumu will go very well. He also is an excellent teamfighter, so a relatively squishy team will appreciate him. If many early ganks are needed, he is not the right champion.

>Example Team: Annie (mid), Rumble(top), Amumu (jungle), Miss Fortune(bot), Sona (bot) The AoE dream team. I have had this comp before and it's absolutely ridiculous. Amumu ult + ANY OTHER ULT ON YOUR TEAM = assured death to bare minimum 1 person.

>Good against: Most of the cast.

>Bad against: Janna (anti-team initiate), Nocturne (jumps over your ultimate to destroy your carry anyway)
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  • Amazing counter-jungling, ganking, killing, nuking, second smite. This ability is just completely amazing, end of story.
  • A jungling tank
  • Excellent teamfighting ability
  • Two types of CC
  • Probably better in a lane
  • Primary form of ganking CC is hard to hit. ( Rupture)
  • Needs a good amount of farm to be great
  • Gets too big to see other characters

MMMHis routes are very flexible, he can counter jungle well and most of his difficulty comes in landing ruptures for ganks. Overall he breezes through the jungle and does amazing in teamfights as long as you’re not just autoattacking. There is a lot of finesse to be had with Cho’Gath, but like Mordekaiser, he can be played alright by many.

Jungling Speed:

MMMOnce Cho gets points into his E ability, he does great damage to all the minions (like a second auto attack’s worth). His skills all do a good amount of AoE damage and once you have Feast you get DOUBLE SMITE POOWERRRRRRRRRR. He isn't as fast as the other autoattackers or low mana cost skill junglers, so despite a second smite (on a minute cooldown) he isn't lightning.

Jungling Sustainability:

MMMBecause of his passive damage and regaining after kills, Cho’Gath can just jungle forever without using skills or can use his skills with a blue buff and jungle even faster. He isn’t extremely buff dependent, but it goes a long way on him.


MMMRupture, rupture, rupture. The problem is that you have to land it in order to gank a lane that isn’t turbo extended. It’s not easy to land if they have invested in wards at all, since they will see it coming, and if they dodge it you just wasted a bunch o’ time. Post-6 Feast is nice, but you’ll likely be getting stacks instead of saving it.

Ability to Deflect/Recover from Counter-jungling:

MMMHis ability to do kill you early on relies primarily on his team. While he can CC you indefinitely and does do a good amount of damage, someone with a Wriggle’s will tear you up if you’re at equal health. Cho can keep someone in the jungle long enough that a teammate can get there to help and doesn’t die quickly, so if your team is somewhat aware, he can punish you if he catches you. He does have a ton of routes and changes that he can make in order to deal with loss of experience, so that’s good.

Ability to Counter-jungle:

MMMCho can eat your buffs, small camps or just clear your minions quickly. When you try to take offense to it, he screams in your face and then sends hellspikes at you while you chase him. Cho’Gath is very strong at being in enemy territory while simultaneously making you afraid of what to do about it.

Post Jungling:

MMMThis is a tricky one. A top lane Cho’Gath would get a 10/10 without question. His utility, damage and disruption in a teamfight is nearly unmatched by anyone in the game. However, your inability to be killed relies heavily on being farmed, as is the case with most jungle tanks. This means that you won’t have the items or farm that a top lane Cho would and therefore suffer by being squishier than you should be. Because of this, I gave Cho a 7/10 because you’re still effective, just not a terrorizing cannibal machine.

Tips and Tricks:
  • Learn to combo. You can silence, rupture, feast for a surprise lots and lots of damage all in one swift action. Gauge their life total and how much damage you have and just burst them for 40% of their life to secure kills.
  • You have some nasty CC, so use it. In a teamfight, Rupture their damage or the guys going after your carries. Silence as many people as you can and then eat the nearest close to dead person.
  • You can cast rupture where you are standing if you predict that someone will be coming all up in your jammy. This allows you to go from the defensive to offensive very quickly.
  • If your Cho’Gath gets too big, just play a few rounds of “Touch the Enemy Nexus” to lose some stacks and decrease in size. (Don’t actually do this).
How to Beat Them:
  • WARDS WARDS WARDS WARDS WARDS. Yes, that many. His ganks rely heavily on landing Rupture and if you ward your near bushes, he won’t be at a range where it will hit you before you see him. Dodge the rupture and you’re set. If they have more CC to guarantee the Rupture, make sure you don’t put yourself in a position that their stun and his rupture can be chained (on bot lane don’t go close to river bushes, stay against the outside of the map, etc.)
  • Respect his damage. He isn’t like Amumu where a 1v1 is “How long do I feel like punching this crying guy in the face?” Cho’Gath will knock you up, double auto attack with his E spikes and silence you just before he literally eats you up. He will burst you for hundreds of damage, do not take that lightly.
  • If you don’t focus Cho he will CC your whole team repeatedly. If you do, he will take forever to die. So with this in mind, try to make fights quick, spread out and target oriented. If you run as a cluster up to Cho and his team, he’ll just pop you all up and surprise you’re dead.
  • Cho’Gath has no escape mechanisms other than Rupture and his cooldowns aren’t very short. If you can dodge his rupture when chasing him, welcome to a big, easy target.
  • In a teamfight, be aware that he can chomp you for 650 damage and if you see the beast approaching, leave quickly.
  • He is very hard to counter jungle because of his versatility, but you can always take a camp or two as long as you’re warding your own.

Putting them on a team:

MMMCho goes great on teams without much hard CC and against teams that have very important casters. He provides two forms of it and lots of tankiness and a nuke to boot. He can protect a team pretty well and the lower health the enemy gets, the scarier he becomes.

>Example Team: Orianna (mid), Yorick (top), Cho'Gath (jungle), Tristana (bot), Soraka (bot) This comp gives your team tons of damage and anti-caster style destruction while using your casters to maximum benefit. Orianna's burst combined with a Cho'Gath stomp/silence/feast will kill even the tankiest of characters. You can also have an instant fight with Trist on bottom if you happen to land a rupture and she rocket jumps in.

>Good against: Ezreal, LeBlanc, Tristana (all with skill based escape mechanisms that are squishy. Silence wrecks them.)

>Bad against: Nobody, except if your team lacks damage. He can beat himself in that regard.
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  • The only true AP jungler
  • Has a huge impact on a teamfight with a well placed ultimate.
  • Terrify is one of the most ridiculous CC effects in the game at 3 seconds long.
  • Two types of CC (Silence/Fear)
  • Extremely squishy.
  • Early ganks aren’t that great since you only have drain or a short fear.
  • Easy to be focused or killed when ganking
  • Everyone hates you because of your fear duration, sound set and that they got aced by a scarecrow

MMMI rate a lot of junglers high in difficulty, and mostly because I really want to get the point across that jungling with them properly is really hard. Fiddlesticks’ jungle route is cake and I figured out how to kill minions in about 0 games of playing him. However, he is a very squishy character, can’t gank as well as others at lower levels and dies a lot more than, say, Amumu in a teamfight. He is tough to get used to and mastering his ultimate is an art form.

Jungling Speed:

[clor=#000000]MMM[/color]Fiddlesticks’ early speed comes from the fact that he doesn’t really have to recall. Ever. Seriously, the man gains enough health to make my stomach turn. Then, after he is level 5 or so with 3 points into Drain, he can chain drain with blue buff and just clear things fast (see Dragon, Baron). However, he still has to sit and drain every minion to death.

Jungling Sustainability:

MMMThis should be a 15 out of 10. Play the guy and you will realize that he’s never below full life and has no mana issues after a Doran’s Ring and runes kick in.


MMMI’m giving him a 6. His ganks before level 6 are ok, he will kill someone extended far because drain does good early damage. His ganks after 6 would be spectacular if you didn’t know how to ward. His fear is really good in combination with other CC, but that’s not what qualifies you for having good ganks.

Ability to Deflect/Recover from Counter-jungling:

MMMTaking his blue negates his absolute silliness (solo dragon at level 5) and he is very squishy, despite being at full life. If you are an offensive jungler with any form of disruption ( Three Talon Strike, Rupture, Unspeakable Horror), the best Fiddlesticks can do is fear you and run like hell.

Ability to Counter-jungle:

MMMHe can get in and take a camp or buff from you relatively quickly at later levels. The problem is he is so squishy and has only a single escape mechanism, so if detected it will become hard to get across the river.

Post Jungling:

MMMSince people don’t take kindly to just chillin around getting drained, Fiddlesticks turns into a fear bot that’s super squishy. Since his spell damage comes from drain, he’ll use his high cooldown CC effects and that’s about it. He can, however, change a game with a well placed ultimate. It’s really the only reason this isn’t a 2/10. A well placed Fiddlesticks ultimate wins games, and that’s that.

Tips and Tricks:
  • Learn how to use your ultimate and when. It sounds straightforward, but it’s the key to doing well with this guy. As I said above, without it you’re just a CCbot and nobody cares.
  • Fear the right targets. If enemy Irelia is coming right at you, fear her to save yourself. You are a squishy, so you are a high priority target, learn to position and protect yourself properly.
  • Remember that you are squishy, even with drain. Drain can sometimes keep you alive through people beating on you if you have enough AP, but be wary of hard CC to stop the channel.
  • Even though I shouldn’t tell you this, it’s usually a good idea to solo dragon at level 5 with a blue buff. See a guide on what items and such, but it’s possible and know that you’re risking a flash in order to secure dragon.
How to Beat Them:
  • WARDS WARDS WARDS WARDS WARDS. Yes, this again. His level 6 ganks rely on surprise crowstorms and if you ward your near bushes, he won’t be at a range where it will hit you before you see him. If you see Fiddlesticks coming, it’s best to just get far, far away and stay there. His ultimate will ravage your manparts (or ladyparts, whatever you’ve got to work with).
  • Focus him, but not too much. Fiddlesticks is a squishy, however he has strong CC and a powerful drain effect with enough AP. If you’re not making progress on the killing, don’t go berserk and chase him across the world.
  • Never, ever fight a teamfight when he is MIA or you are all bunched up. A 5v5 for your team quickly turns into a 0v5 because Fiddle just ult’d in from the wraith spawn to wipe your team completely.
  • Ward dragon early. This will be help secure it for your team, or at least make sure he isn’t doing so for his.
  • Take exhaust in draft mode! An exhaust on a Fiddle that just ult’d into you will DRASTICALLY reduce his damage because of the -% reduction as well as move speed reduction.

Putting them on a team:
MMMFiddlesticks can land well on any AP-light team. He won't be a stud on a squishy team as there needs to be a teamfight, so a tanky DPS team with ability to take advantage of his ultimate works best. He also works very well with AoE characters and against teams with a single threat.

>Example team: Brand (mid), Singed (top), Fiddlesticks (jungle), Leona (bot), Corki (bot) The Singed/Leona combo allow for enough CC and AoE damage on top of Corki and Brand poking from impossibly far away to allow time to set up a perfect ultimate window. Get in there and crush 'em.

>Good against: Malzahar, Katarina, anyone else with channels

>Bad against: Assassins like Akali and Poppy who can instant kill him.
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  • Global ultimate!
  • Team steroid!
  • Amazing ranged harass!
  • Healing debuff, slow, damage and stacking passive!
  • Is a pirate!
  • None.
  • Has Scurvy.
  • Always banned.

MMMHe breezes through the jungle with his steroid buff ( Raise Morale), has a ranged slow with his passive and Parrrley, and a global. While some difficulty can arise in having the map awareness to use his ultimate properly, he is overall a simple and awesome character.

Jungling Speed:

MMMA bit slow until you get the Wriggle’s. He can do some decent damage but won’t clear the jungle fast without giving him a bunch of worthless aspd runes.

Jungling Sustainability:

MMMHe has a built in heal as well as the highest base life of any character in the game. If you get a cloth armor and potions he won’t get that low and once you get a Wriggle’s you’ll barely lose any life. He is a little blue buff dependent early on, but only if you are spamming your Parrrley and heal, so you can get around it by being smart with your mana.


MMMHe can come into a lane and apply a slow (even more with red buff) with parrrley and then buff the lane partner(s). Once he is in your face you are pretty much toast, so flash and ghost are frequently used which make him a strong ganker. Once his ultimate hits he can shank anyone on the map that is low health, turn the tide of a teamfight or have a legendary quality gank on someone.

Ability to Deflect/Recover from Counter-jungling:

MMMGangplank does enough damage that coming into his house is usually a mistake. He can’t necessarily stop you from leaving too easily so he doesn’t score god tier. He can be mobile enough to repel your entrance and stop most people that come at him, so he is better than Amumu in that respect. His Remove Scurvy also helps greatly if you are jumped in the jungle and have to get out immediately.

Ability to Counter-jungle:

MMMHe just doesn’t have the tools to get in and out fast enough on a consistent basis. He can do camps faster when he has wriggle’s lantern, but it is still not approaching the speeds of the other junglers as he still has just auto attack and a weak Parrrley to take care of business.

Post Jungling:

MMMAfter you leave the jungle at first, your Raise Morale will be insane when organizing team pushes on towers. It will remain very good in teamfights and group situations and your ultimate will as well. After you have burned these, however, you’re reduced to more of a Parrrley bot because he is a melee champion that can’t always charge in. He should be built tanky DPS because of Raise Morale, so you can take a hit and have a great global while buffing your teammates. Seems good.

Tips and Tricks:
  • Parrrley applies on hit effects, so red buff, Frozen Mallet, critical chance, etc. are applied at a range, which is a huge deal.
  • You reduce the healing of champions by 50%, so be sure to shoot any enemy healers like Warwick, Vladimir, Swain or someone being focused if they have a Soraka.
  • Your Remove Scurvy is a quicksilver sash on demand. Make sure you save this to remove things such as stuns, suppresses and other CC effects and don’t just blow it for a quick heal.
How to Beat Them:
  • Don’t be at low life and recall somewhere that Gangplank can see you. He can and will ultimate on you and death occurs. Treat him almost like Karthus in that when you enter a teamfight be aware that he can chunk your whole team down and/or finish off stragglers.
  • Don’t let him kite you with Parrrley. It has a short cooldown and he will try to keep shooting you and backing off. Once you’re in range, he isn’t as hard to deal with if you outman him.
  • Try to bait his ultimate off by engaging in a fight that you can easily leave. This will cause him to shoot his ultimate off early and they will not have it for the next fight. Once his ultimate is down, a lot of his power is diminished, so take advantage of that time.

Putting them on a team:

MMMGangplank fits on any team but the "we built pure AD for funsies"

>Example team: Anything.

>Good against: Anyone.

>Bad against: Nothing really. This might seem like a cop-out, but GP is extremely strong right now and the only reason to not play him is because he's banned. He can be a tank, AD carry, both and has awesome everything.
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Jarvan IV

  • Very strong ganks
  • Has some of the best initiation in the game
  • A tank that jungles
  • Wants more farm than the jungle offers, but still does alright
  • Mana dependent
  • Riot likes nerfing him

MMMHis jungle is relatively easy, he gains passive tankiness and the E+Q combo is pretty easy to land. When you want to cataclysm someone, you just click ‘em and bam it’s killing time. When you want to start a fight you just E+Q in and R and then your team comes in and much rejoicing is had. The tricky part is knowing where and when to initiate.

Jungling Speed:

MMMEarly on he has a bit of trouble clearing it and only gets a little faster after Wriggle’s. His mana costs are really high, so you’ll be relying on auto attacks more often than not, which leads to a slower jungle overall.

Jungling Sustainability:

MMMHe is pretty blue buff dependent to jungle quickly and has to take sub-optimal runes in order to do it properly. You will be left auto-attacking often or running out of mana when ganking, which leads to lower life and less reliable ganking. Because of these things, I don’t rate him as a very sustainable jungler.


MMMThe only thing you might run into is a low mana pool with Jarvan. Other than that he gives your partner(s) an attack speed buff, has a sick knockup, slow/shield and his ultimate is ridiculous as well. He can gank as early as level 2 with a lot of power and overall a really strong ganker from the jungle.

Ability to Deflect/Recover from Counter-jungling:

MMMIf you come at Jarvan, you’ll likely regret it. He can be dropped by the stronger junglers in a fight, but he will dish out some pain rather quickly due to his passive and damage.

Ability to Counter-jungle:

MMMJarvan takes way too much mana and time to do anything of use in their jungle. You can fish around for a kill, but that’s not guaranteed and most of the reason he has more than a 0 is because he can just E+Q out of the jungle whenever he wants.

Post Jungling:

MMMHe has a bit of Cho’Gath syndrome where he wants more farm than the jungle will allow. Despite this and because of his passive stat boosts, he is still a great late gamer. He has some sick initiation, great tankiness and an awesome ultimate. Overall Jarvan is a very strong character to have on your team, despite Riot’s distaste for him.

Tips and Tricks:
  • L2E+Q, ‘nuff said.
  • Your true tankiness won’t come out until later in the game. Don’t go around pretending like you’re the fortress of annihilation after you get Merc Treads and a HoG or something, because you’re not.
  • Please remember that you can turn cataclysm off when they flash out of it. It’s important.
  • Just because your initiation is strong doesn’t mean kill yourself. Make sure you know what you’re javelining into.
How to Beat Them:
  • Save your flash for after he cataclysms. He if he clicks you as you flash, he will fly after you in a hilarious, yet deadly, fashion.
  • Take his blue. I guarantee he won’t appreciate it, so make sure you mark the timings and keep taking his blue from under his nose or ward his blue to catch him doing it.
  • When he is coming out of the jungle, see if you can take note of his items. He is often just a strong CC and auto attacking damage dealer, but killable depending on his current life and mana. This is different than top lane Jarvan of old, where he is nearly unkillable and does insane damage.
  • Learn to gauge his mana pool. He is stricken with Sion mana costs, so after an E+Q and ultimate he might not have enough to E+Q again immediately.
  • In the late game, he won’t be as farmed as he should be unless fed. If that’s the case, he can be ignored depending on his item comp because he won’t be running Atma/Warmog/Triforce at the same time. He’ll be either off-tanky or full-tank with not an amazing in between.

Putting them on a team:
MMMJarvan goes well on a team that needs a tank, initiation as well as predicted lane help. He has very strong early ganks, so you can pick a weaker or low cc lane for one of your comps in the early game and have him bolster it better.

>Example Team: Vladimir (top), LeBlanc (mid), Jarvan IV (jungle), Kog'Maw (bot), Jax (bot) All lanes don't have a lot of CC, but can dish out damage after a knockup. Additionally Vladimir is a weaker laner until around 9, Kog'Maw's early game is very squishy and LeBlanc is scary when fed. Because of all the early ganks available and tankiness to the lane, securing a kill should be a breeze.

>Good against: Teams with channels and no anti-initiate

>Bad against: Alistar, Janna, teams with safe or weak lanes. You won't get as much opportunity to gank and get the farm you want.
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Lee Sin

  • Very versatile in builds and style
  • Can do a lot of early burst
  • Very sustainable in the jungle, even with no items
  • Voiced by Faramir from Lord of the Rings (Dilios in 300). Badass.
  • Gigantic skill ceiling
  • Is really difficult to do well with
  • Ganks rely on a skillshot
  • Is blind

MMMLee Sin isn’t as straightforward as the other characters. While his energy system and skills make jungling relatively easy, his damage and ability to do it is difficult. He relies on landing a skillshot for a lot of damage and has so many skills that are easy to mess up and frightening if you do them right. He can control the map very well if done properly and will punish people for being out of position.

Jungling Speed:

MMMHe can clear the jungle pretty quickly, especially once his skills get going more. The AoE and increased attack speed from his passive really help get it done quickly.

Jungling Sustainability:

MMMHe has a shield to soak up some damage, lifesteal from deactivation of that skill and no mana to worry about at all. He can stick around the jungle for a while and only gets better with his Wriggle’s.


MMMWhile it is possible to gank on Lee Sin, he only has his initial burst that completely relies on landing a skillshot. Otherwise you can just run from Lee Sin and team and be just fine. The power of his ganks mostly relies on your lane partner having a form of CC in order to guarantee your skill shot landing. If that happens, you will likely score a kill since you do a lot of damage.

Ability to Deflect/Recover from Counter-jungling:

MMMLee Sin has an effective toolkit to shield damage, gain life back, close a gap on a target and cripple the opponent. Because of this and his high sustainability, he is almost untouchable in his jungle, on top of not needing blue buff for mana.

Ability to Counter-jungle:

MMMLee Sin may not be able to get in and clear your creeps as fast as Nunu, but he will certainly cause trouble, clear a camp and potentially kill you. He is an excellent duelist and most junglers will have to retreat instead of fighting him.

Post Jungling:

MMMOverall, Lee Sin hasn’t been the most effective after his jungling unless he has been fed or fed a teammate. He can do decent burst damage, kick people into/away from the fight and can shield an ally. While these are all excellent abilities, he can’t knock away as often as Alistar, shield as much as Orianna or Janna, and can’t burst as hard as Jax or Irelia, so the effectiveness of what he does is often overshadowed by other champions.

Tips and Tricks:
  • You can tower dive with Lee Sin relatively easily if you have minions or an ally in the correct location. Much like Katarina’s Shunpo or Jax’s Leap Strike, you can warp out to an ally in order to not take any more damage.
  • If you land his gap closer, you have time before you have to activate it again. This allows you to play games with when you want to engage and initiate on someone.
  • If you can close the gap to a minion or player behind your target it gives you the opportunity to kick them into a tower or ally.
  • To quickly poke, kick an enemy and shield back to an ally. This gives you an opportunity to get free damage in since he does not have mana to worry about and there isn’t much time to react if done properly.
How to Beat Them:
  • Lee Sin is a great duelist, do not fight him straight up. Instead, try to catch him out of position or prevent him from being able to simply kick you away.
  • When he comes in to gank your jungler or is jungling himself, go help your team and coordinate something to take him down. He can juke through trees, so don’t overextend yourself.
  • If you see Lee, try to move around a lot in order to make his skillshot miss. A lot of his power comes from that, so dodging it will save you a lot of damage.

Putting them on a team:
MMMLee Sin goes well on a team where you have strong lanes and won't need a lot of ganks. This allows him to roam the map harassing the enemy jungler and lanes to a lesser extent in order to keep people on the other team down. He also works amazingly with any CC help from a lane.

>Example Team: Annie (mid), Irelia (top), Lee Sin (jungle), Taric (bot), Ashe (bot) Having a stun/slow in each lane allows you to land your skill shot unconditionally, which will absolutely net kills. It does so much damage.

>Good against: Junglers weak to early invasion, low burst damage teams

>Bad against: A decent amount of CC, tankier teams
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Master Yi

  • Possibly the best post-fight cleanup character ever.
  • Can backdoor easily (win games on his own).
  • Can just clean up bad players/low ELOs because he does tons of damage.
  • Cannot be slowed
  • Absolutely no CC
  • Some routes are Alpha Strike chance dependent
  • Hard to use effectively on all team compositions
  • Can be stunned, snared, exhausted and suppressed instead

MMMMaster Yi is a special guy. He will mop up people that don’t know how to deal with him or is useless if they do. He isn’t the best teamfighter, but excels at chasing people down and killing them. You have to know when and where to enter a teamfight and push towers, but other than that you push R and auto attack for the win.

Jungling Speed:

MMMAlpha Strike and a passive/active damage boost makes your jungling fast and scales with the game, so you get faster and faster.

Jungling Sustainability:

MMMHe is really sustained after a Wriggle’s. He really never needs much mana unless you’re constantly Alpha Striking and you can always just mash E to clear quickly anyway. Once he gets the life steal going on, he stays really high and uses little mana. He could also care less about blue buff except for maybe the first one, just a little bit.


MMMThe dreaded 1. If you have Phage or a Red Buff, his ganks are pretty good. He has a solid gap closer and a steroid on his auto attacks that can lead him to some great damage. The problem, as always, is that people don’t let you auto attack them (it’s considered rude). So even with Highlander you’re left running up to people and smacking them. Without a slow effect, this approach is what I like to call “awful”

Ability to Deflect/Recover from Counter-jungling:

MMMHe doesn’t really shine until mid/late game when he has items anyway, has no ultimate or CC to worry about for ganking and isn’t dependent on blue buff. This combined with the fact that he can generally have good DPS at any stage of the game in a 1v1 means that he’s relatively resistant to counter-jungling. The only thing that would hurt Yi a lot would be taking his red buff as that’s his primary means of getting kills early game.

Ability to Counter-jungle:

MMMHe can do it, but it’s nothing special. Go in, Alpha, attack, get out. You might catch someone and try to kill them, but unless you have your ultimate or red buff, they can just run away from him.

Post Jungling:


MMMHe has a dual rating. I find Master Yi is a hit or miss character, to be honest. There are times where the comp or situations have led to you being down and he’s too squishy to really take care of anything. If your team lacks initiation or tankiness or organization, he can be very underwhelming. However, if you get a few kills and have a half decent team, you’re an unstoppable rape train. You will just walk in and kill people from full life without being fazed, then turn on your ultimate again and repeat for the number of people they have alive.

Tips and Tricks:
  • Through playing more, find out when it is right for you to enter a fight and activate your ultimate.
  • Remember to activate your E before going in on someone. This will give you a lot more damage and is essential to getting that damage in quickly.
  • Use your ultimate and Q smartly. Alpha is your only gap closer aside from running up, so if you can walk onto someone first THEN Alpha when the flash away, that’s a much better usage than “SURPRISE MISTR YIIIII” tactics.
  • Your ultimate resets when you kill people, so killing just one person on their team means you might be able to wipe all of the rest of them. He has some serious power in this respect, so make sure you harness it.
How to Beat Them:
  • Kill him. Nah, but seriously he is a squishy, for the most part, until he is auto attacking you. He needs to build damage to maximize his ultimate and killing power so throw a stun or two down on him and he’s out. Don’t be baited if you’re low health, though. He can just pop his ult and heal to full while slashing your life away.
  • Blind and Exhaust effects are very, very good against him. Much like Tryndamere, Master Yi is nearly negated by a well timed Exhaust, so take it.
  • If your team is starting to get low in scuffles, it’s best to just pack up and heal rather than force a fight. You might come out of it victorious, but Master Yi will pentakill your team if they’re low.
  • Keep Master Yi down. Don’t let him score easy kills or put yourself in situations where he excels. Think of him like a slower Akali in that if your team is low they are just food. Keep your health up and don’t engage Yi 1v1 if he has any kind of lifesteal as he will drop you like a bad habit.

Putting them on a team:
MMMMaster Yi is great on a team that has awesome teamfighting prowess where he can just pick up the pieces. Also does well in teams with soft or hard cc in the lane.

>Example Team: Orianna (mid), Rumble (top), Master Yi (jungle), Alistar (bot), Kog'Maw (bot) With this team Orianna and Rumble do lots of AoE poke damage while Alistar keeps them alive and Kog fires from the back. This allows you to come into the fight halfway through and take care of bidness.

>Good against: Most AD characters, squishies and idiots who don't leave when at low health

>Bad against: Exhaust!
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  • Punishes being out of position hardest
  • Seen play and extremely viable anywhere from low ELO to professionals
  • Does a ton of damage and is tanky or does tons and tons of damage and is squishy
  • One of the coolest designed characters in the League
  • Can be squishy in the early levels
  • Ganks are ok until level 6
  • Doesn’t do great against anti-initiate ( Alistar, Janna) or non-squishy team comps
  • Constantly asks if you’re tired

MMMHe is tough because he needs a good balance of tanky and damage items, but other than that just push r. He can get on top of someone, blind the other team and block a spell that stops him from doing so, which makes him a relatively easy and fierce character. He does scary amounts of damage and will quickly melt nearly anyone in the League.

Jungling Speed:

MMMOnce you get a few damage items under your belt, clearing the jungle is one Duskbringer and attack. His level 4 clear isn’t blazing fast, but because he gets faster and faster as the game progresses, I gave him a higher score.

Jungling Sustainability:

MMMHe does gain life back with his passive, and once he has Wriggle’s he does fine with health. Mana is more of the issue as it is a frequent occurrence that I run into where I stop my jungling to gank with R and only have enough mana for a single Duskbringer. He is blue buff dependent to stay in the jungle and then be able to gank in the early game. In the later game, you generally have enough time between fights and scuffles that mana isn’t as much of an issue.


MMMNocturne is able to gank fairly well at level 4. I have taken down duo lanes that are getting pushy on the bottom many times with just a single fear effect and lots of damage. The ability to deflect a stun to stop you is very powerful as that is the downfall of a few of the other junglers. After level 6, Nocturne’s ganking is off the chains because he can essentially teleport anywhere near him. This allows him to jungle and be in teamfights, which is an extremely valuable skill to have as a jungler.

Ability to Deflect/Recover from Counter-jungling:

MMMNocturne clears the jungle fast enough that he will most likely have his camps down before you can steal them. If you manage to get in and steal them and he sees you, chances are you’re not making it out alive. However, losing a camp or a little XP hurts him on his quest for level 6. His steroids in W and E very much allow him to catch up when behind because he doesn’t need as much damage or attack speed in order to hang with the big boys.

Ability to Counter-jungle:

MMMNocturne can get into your jungle and clear a camp quickly, then pop his ultimate and kill your buddies. Duskbringer into his passive attack will 1 shot the wraith camps after a certain period and that means he can get in and out very quickly. If he is discovered in the jungle he can just spell shield the cc and roll out faster than you on a cloud of smoke.

Post Jungling:

MMMNocturne is flat out game ruining if he has been fed and is otherwise a very useful character to have. When you are jumping someone, activating the ultimate will keep the team from knowing it is happening and can also get you into the rear of a fight on someone separated. If Nocturne is behind he can either not do enough damage or die too fast when jumping into the fray, so make sure to keep ahead or at least even or he will suffer.

Tips and Tricks:
  • Your ultimate can be used to prevent vision, even if you’re not there or teleporting in to anything. If your team isolates someone, use your ultimate and they won’t see that someone is dying and you will still get the assist for it, even if you are nowhere near.
  • Landing your duskbringer on all of the creeps in the camp will speed your jungle up greatly.
  • Sometimes when your team enters a fight, the best time to use your ultimate is in the middle or end of the fight. Remember your allies still have full vision and denying vision to enemy healers, supports or casters can save your team, not to mention the chaos that is involved in some dude jumping into the fray.
How to Beat Them:
  • Nocturne can come back from being behind fairly well, but remember the he will be even squishier. Many Noc players choose to go straight damage, which makes them very easy to kill and should be taken advantage of. Check their items!
  • When his ultimate goes off, communicate with your team via pings or voice as to who is getting attacked and where.
  • Avoid overextending when he was not recently seen somewhere and keep in mind that he can be anywhere at a given time.

Putting them on a team:

MMMNocturne goes well on many teams. Overall, he can play like a DPS assassin or a tanky initiator, so putting him on a team is a piece of cake.

>Example team: Your team doesn't matter, it's Nocturne. DARRKKKKKNESSSSSSSSSSS

>Good against: Squishies. Squishies are scared of the dark.

>Bad against: Alistar, Janna, very tanky comps
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  • Not extremely item dependent, so you can get lots of wards
  • Amazing counter jungler and lane pusher with his skillset
  • Lives forever if minions are near and has amazing base stats
  • Ultimate has the highest scaling of any skill in the game
  • Very early and strong ganks available
  • Needs the team to do well in order to win
  • His ultimate is really hard to land most times
  • His late game damage is very lacking
  • His legendary skin sucks. Bad.

MMMI might catch some heat for this, but I think Nunu is an incredibly difficult character to play effectively. He is not an inherently strong character damage wise, has scaling good enough to tempt you into AP and enough life to tempt you into building tank. You have to build him both of those things, usually tank first, which leads to a character that relies heavily on your team. Because of this, you have to support properly by landing iceballs on the right person, warding the map, counter jungling, buffing allies and overall being literally everywhere.

Jungling Speed:

MMMNunu blazes through the jungle with a double smite and continues that speed until later on. He might not be able to solo dragon, but he will certainly get the camps done quickly.

Jungling Sustainability:

MMMNunu never really loses life, has free spells from his passive and has a double smite. He can really be played conservatively so you never lose anything in the jungle and can give your blue buffs away.


MMMNunu can gank at level 2 if he wanted and it is a fierce gank. The slow applied as well as a buff to a teammate if you’re passed level 2 helps out a lot in securing a kill. After that he is an excellent midgame character as far as damage and utility goes and his ganking gets even better when he is level 6. He is really strong at ganking and the midgame, so take advantage.

Ability to Deflect Counter-jungling:

MMMHe doesn’t need as much development as other characters, so being able to spend extra money on wards and Oracle’s keeps you out of his territory because he knows you are there. If you are caught in his jungle, he will call in a team member, buff them and slow you forever. He also reacts well to being counter jungled because, as I said, he doesn’t need as much development.

Ability to Counter-jungle:

MMMNunu defines counter jungling. He is super fast at all levels thanks to Blood Boil and has essentially two smites. He will walk in, eat one of your camps and leave faster than you can think about it. He can stop you from running from him in the jungle if he catches you out of position and has strong enough magic damage that if you are at low life he will kill you.

Post Jungling:

MMMSomeone has to get the 1! Unfortunately, late game Nunu is just often a slow/buff bot. While this isn’t a horrible thing, having too many low damage dealers on a team is deadly and his slow isn’t enough to peel someone like Jarvan off of a carry. He gets good AoE with a deathcap late in the game, but it’s not enough to carry a game and he can become completely useless against some comps because of his lack of damage output.

Tips and Tricks:
  • Casting Absolute Zero in a bush does not reveal your position, so if you have the chance, get someone surprised with a thousand damage for an edge.
  • Nunu’s midgame damage and Blood Boil effect is very strong. Be sure to abuse it as much as possible in order to maximize your team’s victory chances.
  • If you are fighting around minions, consume one of them to gain some health back. It can mess with people’s combat math on the fly and keep you and possibly another team member alive.
  • If you get Ionion Boots of Lucidity, your snowball can be cast before the slow even finishes, meaning you can infinitely slow someone. Make sure to keep the timing down and keep them from escaping.
How to Beat Them:
  • Keep in mind that most Nunu players won’t do a lot of damage, but will slow you long enough for someone else to wail on you. You don’t have to be scared of Nunu 1v1 usually, however always be wary when he is around his teammates.
  • Wards, wards, wards. Nunu is always around the map and is a weak brawler, so knowing where he is at any point is integral to beating him. He has little power without his team, so this also allows you to hunt him down and get him.
  • Save your stun/silence for activation of his ultimate. He will try to use it at an opportune moment, but make sure that at least one person on your team has saved a stun for him. You don’t all have to focus him, but try to knock him out of the ultimate as soon as possible.

Putting them on a team:
MMMNunu needs a good AD carry and a good support champion that has an impact. The "lesser" supports and damage dealers ( Karma, Kayle, Malphite, etc.) on the team really jam Nunu up because he won't do amazing damage and having someone else that doesn't is really bad.

>Example Team: Anivia (mid), Udyr (top), Nunu & Willump (jungle), Alistar (bot), Ashe (bot) He can provide strong ganks for bottom and top lanes with his additional CC to help. He can also secure red and blue buffs for Ashe and Anivia, respectively, which is very important and powerful.

>Good against: Low hard CC teams, junglers weak to invasion

>Bad against: High CC teams, high burst/assassin teams (they kill your team and you're left alive, crying)
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  • Does true damage and otherwise spectacular amounts of damage
  • One of the best ultimates in the game
  • He’s a Viking that throws axes.
  • Best legendary skin in the game
  • Very early and strong ganks available
  • Is squishier than he appears to be since he deals damage to himself
  • Needs to be lower life to clear the jungle faster, aka more vulnerable
  • Can be kited and can’t do anything about it
  • Susceptible to counter jungling

Once you have the Undertow trick down, he does most of the work himself. He does a ton of damage on short cooldowns and his ultimate is very good. His jungling improves the lower life he goes and already started off really good!

Jungling Speed:

Olaf is an absolute beast clearer. He can rip through the jungle with a vengeance due to his passive. Because your speed keeps increasing, if you have auto attacks and blue buff he does some scary DPS to minions.

Jungling Sustainability:

He will get lower in health, but if he has a good lifesteal on top of his W, you really won’t be getting that low at all. He can also conserve mana if you are not using the Undertow trick to clear which means he can come out of the jungle often ready to rock.


His damage output is enough to kill someone three times over, however he is really reliant on landing an axe or a teammate having CC. Because of this, his ganks aren’t quite as potent as some of the other junglers. He also is relatively fragile early game when using reckless swing often, so it is easy to get bursted down when coming to gank. After level 6, his ganks are a little better because he can ignore characters like Malzahar or Annie’s CC, but is still relatively squishy and reliant on landing Undertow.

Ability to Deflect/Recover from Counter-jungling:

He really doesn’t deal well with people messing with him, is often low life on his routes and doesn’t come back from being behind very easily. This is also considering that you have to deal yourself damage in order to deal the most through your Reckless Swing ability. Because he has only a little steroid for his attack, coming back from being counter jungling is quite a task. If you can kill him once or twice or steal a camp, it is highly encouraged that you do so.

Ability to Counter-jungle:

He can get in and clear a creep wave pretty quickly, however he is normally not in the position to do so given that his life is generally around 50% through his route. Not awful at the job, but he’s no Nunu.

Post Jungling:


Olaf gets two scores here, one for when he is behind and the other for when he is ahead or on par. Any character is weaker when they are behind, but Olaf really needs that life and damage to keep up in the late game due to not having a good skill based buff and his primary damage dealing it to himself as well. When he does score kills, however, Olaf demonstrates that he is a carry and will pop his ult and ghost and there is absolutely no escaping, stopping or living near him.

Tips and Tricks:
  • Use Undertow by throwing it at your feet. This will instantly pick up the axe, refreshing the cooldown on it. When done properly with blue buff, you will have a reliable, spammable AoE attack to use on jungle creeps.
  • Master the Undertow. It’s your key to ganking, poking and jungling so learn to use the skillshot and learn to use it well. Positioning is key, so try to throw the axe where you’re going to be running to if the enemy is fleeing you.
  • When you have your W active, you gain spell vamp. That means that SMITE will give you life back!
  • Your Reckless Swing ability does true damage. Make sure you use this to beat up those pesky tanks with tons of resistance, as it will truly hurt them more than anything else will.
How to Beat Them:
  • Dodge the axe! His axe is the key to almost anything he wants to do (unless he gets a good jump on you) so make sure you try your best to dodge the long range ones and juke the short range ones.
  • Counter jungle him hard. He is very prone to being messed with in the jungle, especially since he is usually low life on his routes around Red buff. Use this to your advantage in order to get him down and keep him there.
  • In a fight, try to bait his ultimate. There is a right and wrong time to use it, so make sure he doesn’t pick the right one.
  • Kite him. Just run and attack him and he’ll never catch you unless he hits an axe. If you see him pop his ult and charge at you, just leave until he’s not hunching down (in ult) anymore and then drop him like a rock.

Putting them on a team:
MMMOlaf is the best pick against teams with lots of CC. Other than that he does good damage and is kinda tanky, so he'll fit on most teams.

>Example ENEMY team: Annie (mid), Udyr (top), Rammus (jungle), Alistar (bot), Ashe (bot) He can go through Udyr's constant stun, Rammus/Alistar's life pools with true damage and can kill Ashe/Annie extremely quickly. Anyone else will have to sit through 6 years of CC before they can move again.

>Good against: Alistar!!!!! True damage goes through his ult and no CC works on him.

>Bad against: Fast characters or kiting style teams. Often times you'll pop an ult to just get outrun and then be a sad bro.
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  • Very tanky with his Defensive Ball Curl
  • Even better hard CC than Fiddle’s fear with his 3 second taunt
  • Two forms of disruptive CC
  • Super initiation with powerball/taunt combo
  • Talks very little
  • Needs a lot of assists, kills or farm to become insane
  • It’s a little easy to go crazy with taunting and initiating and get killed
  • Jungling is really slow and gets even more slow
  • Very susceptible to counter jungling

Note on Rammus: He's the unfortunate reciever of many of the 1's in certain categories. This does NOT mean he is bad and you shouldn't pick him. It simply means that if your team needs aspects of things from him that he's bad at, you will fail. Rammus was on the winning team for Dreamhack this year, so he is definitely viable. But if you cannot get a team to compensate for his shortcomings, things can be rough.


Rammus is a very straightforward character. You start with Defense Curl, smack things and then laugh when they hurt themselves on your spiked shell (you’d think they would see that coming?). Then when you want to gank, powerball in at approximately the speed of light, smash into something and taunt them. Easy kills. He also really messes with other teams in the later phases by severely punishing being out of position and having excellent initiation.

Jungling Speed:

His Defense Curl and Powerball really allow him to blow through the jungle quickly…at level 1. As those skills gain levels, they don’t match up with the minions and are mana intensive. He can also lower armor through taught which makes his auto attacks better on large minions like Ancient Golem, but overall when your primary source of damage is things attacking you...there’s a problem.

Jungling Sustainability:

He won’t lose much life, like Amumu, but he doesn’t really gain life back either. He needs blue buff like Amumu does, even though Defense Curl is cheap and effective. He isn’t the best at staying in the jungle or returning after a gank. Without blue buff he won’t have enough mana to powerball/taunt on a gank. Again, his primary source of jungling speed is things hitting him, so it’s really not the most ideal setup even though he’s very capable.


Hooray, a 10 for Rammus! Rammus is to gank as Mordekaiser is to Brazil, hiueehuiehuiehuiehiuehiu. But really, he can powerball in, taunt and you’re dead. Even if it’s just him. Even if you are full life. You don’t live through it, it’s hard to stop and can come very quickly. It is one of the most potent ganks in the game due to its inevitability and the fact that it can be done every 5-10 seconds, unlike Warwick or Nocturne’s super gankiness.

Ability to Deflect Counter-jungling:

Rammus can do approximately nothing about you coming into his jungle aside from pray that you’ll attack him until you die. While he can’t be killed, per se, he also can’t kill you usually or stop you from chasing him away. Also in this section that gives him a super low score is that he can’t recover well from it. If his camps are stolen and/or his ganks fail, Rammus is a pile of useless going into the late game. He will have good armor and resistance for a brief time, but not enough life to back it up or other items for him to be the juggernaut menace he can be.

Ability to Counter-jungle:

Everyone notices a big, slow Bowser lookin’ dude in their jungle. He can get out relatively well, but to quickly clear a camp he has to blow a lot of mana and can’t necessarily get out as fast as he would like. Rammus really needs to worry about his own jungle more than yours, as he can barely keep that intact.

Post Jungling:

As said in the other section, he is sort of a hit or miss character. He has a natural armor and MR boost, which really helps him out a lot, but if he doesn’t get the health and extra stats he isn’t that great. His taunt is still one of the longest CC’s in the game as well as one of the more malleable and he still has good AoE damage in his ultimate. He can also take a tower down relatively well with a creep wave, so all is not lost for this spiked turtle.

Tips and Tricks:
  • Powerball can be charged in place in a bush, then you can take off so that you are even faster. This makes waiting for a gank good and gives your teammate a very clear sign that you’re ready to kick some face.
  • When defending a tower and taunting someone into it, you can powerball them in place in order to get an extra tower hit on them (the micro knockup keeps them there).
  • Your ultimate has some great AoE damage, don’t forget to use it in a teamfight.
  • After you taunt, be sure to activate Defense Curl so they take more damage when attacking you.
How to Beat Them:
  • Try to keep him down in the jungle by chasing him out often. You can’t necessarily kill him, but getting him out and having to recall goes a long way.
  • Don’t let him kill you in a gank. This sounds logical, but remember that his gank is stupid good and get out at all costs. The more assists and kills he gets, the more of a nightmare your late game will be.
  • Never, ever focus Rammus. With good items he’ll have over 200 Armor and MR which means his effective health is 6 billion. That’s a big number, so don’t do it. You’ll be taking damage when you focus him as punishment from me (Riot).
  • Quicksilver Sash! This is so useful against his taunt that I would almost say it is a must. Watching your character walk into the enemy team is a painful experience.

Putting them on a team:
MMMRammus fits very well on teams that can take advantage of and snowball from early ganks. He has extremely strong and early ganks, so an early advantage so big can be gained that his late game doesn't even matter. He also fits comps that need a tank, initiator or turtle.

>Example Team: LeBlanc (mid), Urgot (top), Rammus (jungle), Taric (bot), Miss Fortune (bot) A gank to any of these lanes will net a kill with high early damage and lane control partners. Because you will net kills on hardcore snowballers, your mid game will be a crush into a 20-min surrender.

>Good against: Anyone with a channel, teams with a single heavy damage dealer (taunt 'em)

>Bad against: Counter jungling strategies, disruption in the jungle, wards
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  • Is able to back door with his twin.
  • Does a ton of early damage and can gank at level 1
  • Can ward the map with his boxes for free.
  • Spectacular counter-jungler
  • Smiles often
  • Super squishy.
  • Has difficulty clearing the jungle without a lot of prep
  • Easily counter jungled
  • Can be really gimmicky (go figure the clown’s a gimmick).

MMMHis difficulty is not to be confused with how easy it is to kill people. Playing Shaco effectively means you have to be a complete terrorist. You have to be everywhere on the map ganking, baiting and counter jungling at all times while keeping up your farm and level. You have to be putting boxes down everywhere and monitoring them as well. You have to guage when and where to go into a teamfight and if you should backdoor instead. Many Shaco players just get a bunch of kills and blame their team for a loss. The reality is because you’re not a teamfighter, you have to compensate in many other ways in order to keep your game flowing in your favor. This constant juggling act gets to be difficult and stressful.

Jungling Speed:

MMMYour first camp is a breeze. After that, he actually slows down in the jungle if you don't build a Wriggle's or Razor because you have to attack things and take more damage than you want to. He can still jungle, for sure, but boxes need to be set up to take damage and you don’t necessarily have a super fast attack speed or Wriggle’s on some builds to do it quickly.

Jungling Sustainability:

MMMHe needs a large amount of mana for his first camp and to jungle effectively. If he doesn’t take his time jungling, he will take a lot of damage and is unable to gank or stay in the jungle for a while. He also doesn’t always build Wriggle’s, so he won’t have a lifesteal item for a while.


MMMShaco does a ton of damage, has a slow and can blink in or out of situations. You’ll be chillin in your lane until you hear a laugh and he backstabs you for half of your life. Then when you get him low he’ll blink up a cliff or run you into one of his fear boxes and finish the kill. Since he has an invisibility to him, he is a very strong ganker and can easily score many kills.

Ability to Deflect Counter-jungling:

MMMGoing in and popping his level 1 boxes means he can’t jungle. Going in any other time will make him either have to Deceive away or die. He cannot really stop people from abusing him in the jungle unless he’s…

Ability to Counter-jungle:

MMMCounterjungling! This guy puts boxes in your bushes and then kills you. End of story. When his boxes aren’t being used for offensive purposes, they do a lot of supplemental early damage, have a fear effect and since Shaco has a blink built it, you can’t even run from him. I think Shaco is the best at killing in their jungle, while Nunu or Udyr remain the best at killing neutral creeps. Shaco makes up for the fact that he can’t stop you in his jungle by killing you for sport in your own.

Post Jungling:

MMMEven when Shaco is fed, he is relatively squishy. He will enter a teamfight and have to leave immediately and relies on people going after his clone. His real use is backdooring and assassination after teamfights, which isn’t always as useful as having a brawler on the team. I have seen a lot of Shaco players do very well early game and lose once the damage starts going up because they don’t know how to live through it. I have also seen a lot of Shaco players with high ratios losing because the 5v4 is just too strong for their team to deal with in fights. Shaco fits well on some teams and is really bad on others. Find his place and you’ll dominate, get it wrong and you’re left in the dust.

Tips and Tricks:
  • Shaco is very good at helping your team snowball by establishing early lane dominance. You must do this in order to take the game because you won't be able to carry in the late game, you must rely on your team to do so with the help you've given them.
  • You can particle dodge projectiles. This means that tower shots, skillshots, etc. can be dodged by using your ultimate AS IT HITS YOU. This leaves that spell hitting your particle cloud and neither you nor your twin incurs damage. This is really useful, so get it down.
  • Always take advantage of your passive. Get behind people and deal that extra damage, it does matter a lot.
  • If a team skirmish is happening, tell them to hold at a tower while you push. You can escape almost any situation with well placed boxes and Deceive, and even if they send a team at you your allies will get a tower or dragon for it.
  • Think of Shaco as a troll. Do everything you find extremely annoying to other people, like constant harassment, killing, escaping, etc. You will be most effective this way, though it’s odd advice.
  • For the love of God, don’t be an actual troll. There’s a lot of AP Shaco trolls that sit in a bush with 6 boxes waiting for someone to come. Don’t. Do. This. It’s not viable. It’s not cool. It just makes people angry while they beat you.
How to Beat Them:
  • Look for the poof! When he uses Deceive, he will leave a poof of smoke in the fog of war. This alerts you to where he might be.
  • Don’t chase him forever. He will outrun, flash or trick you. You’ll then find yourself alone in the jungle with whispers and jester noises surrounding you while he kills you.
  • When he uses Twin , click on the twin. The twin will have no items or buffs, so you can easily tell which is which. If you click on a Shaco and they have items, it’s a real person.
  • Remember his twin does DAMAGE when dying. Don’t just shank it because it exists, it will AoE your team.
  • Don’t facecheck bushes at less than half life. He might be there, the bastard.

Putting them on a team:

MMMShaco is really tough to put on a team. He doesn't fulfill a set role (assassin/backdoor/annoying?) and is generally squishy. Overall, he fits on many teams that can handle a 4v5 decently and is a counterpick to junglers weak against counter-jungling.

>Example Team: Doesn't matter, as long as they can fight (not a team full of squishies)

>Good against: Olaf, Fiddlesticks, Trundle, Warwick, low life laners

>Bad against: Burst damage, sustained damage, getting hit
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  • All of his skills are conducive to killing things
  • Pillar is very nasty and helpful
  • Shreds tanks armor and MR for a time
  • Kills anyone trying to counter jungle him
  • Initiation depends on map position with his pillar
  • Isn’t that mobile outside of his contaminated ground
  • Not the best pick against certain team compositions
  • Is a troll that’s not Danny DeVito

His jungling is cake, however the pillar requires a lot of judgment calls and knowing what to do. Overall, the only real hard decision is the pillar on him, and it’s a doozy. You can either use it early and separate a team or use it late and get the runners. Where and when you place it on an early gank can either ensure your victory or failure.

Jungling Speed:

He is really fast, then he is really, really fast. He has those two modes pre and post-Wriggle’s. After Wriggle’s he gets two chances to proc with Rabid Bite and he jungles with silly speeds. The only reason he isn't 10 is because he has no AoE.

Jungling Sustainability:

He is early game reliant on blue because of his W skill, but after the first blue buff, his reliance drops off. His passive gives him some life back after kills and once he has Wriggle’s the jungle minions just melt.



He has one of the strongest ganks in the game with his pillar…assuming you can use it properly. If done right, he will get a kill because his early damage is high with the double attack on his Rabid Bite. If done wrong you will anti-secure a kill, making sure that you can’t get to them and they get away like a giant ball of suck. If you don’t have the pillar up, his ganks devolve into him just chasing you really quickly.

Ability to Deflect Counter-jungling:

Trundle pretty much defines deflecting counter jungling. If you enter his lair, he will speed up, debuff you, buff himself and trap you there, all while mashing you with a giant, ugly club. Don’t tread lightly in his domain as he will likely rip your face off. He also isn’t fazed by being behind because his pillar and ultimate are super utility no matter what his items are.

Ability to Counter-jungle:

He is able to get in and out quickly, however Contaminated Ground gives everyone around you a big sign saying “Yo bra, I’m here.” So as far as discreet goes, he is far from it, and since his speed relies on that, he isn’t too well suited if they are paying attention.

Post Jungling:

He is a solid choice on a team and can save a team, save a player, complicate fights, weaken a tank and has some great skills. When looking at his skills with no items in consideration he can: Increase his attack damage while decreasing your carry’s, reduce CC on himself while increasing his attack and move speed, separate entire parts of your team from the others and slow them, and finally he can make your tank less tanky in exchange for making himself more tanky. Because of these quite good skills, Trundle is a very solid character and can also carry a game if he’s fed.

Tips and Tricks:
  • Trundle’s Rabid Bite can reset your auto attack timer, so double tap that sucka. It also applies Wriggle’s proc, making it effectively twice as good.
  • Wait to use contaminated ground until the fight actually starts. This will allow you to get in on the right targets at the right time instead of spreading filth for no reason.
  • When using Contaminated Ground in the jungle, put the circle so that no parts of it reach into the lanes. When you are at wraiths, they will be able to see your ground if you placed it at the center of the camp in midlane. This reveals your position and isn’t recommended.
  • When using the pillar, try to trap people against or near a corner, wall or creeps. This will mess with their pathing and provide you a few more auto attacks.
How to Beat Them:
  • Trundle is sort of reliant on his Contaminated Ground. He doesn’t need it, but being on it makes him very strong. Stay away from him on the ground if you value your life.
  • Trundle is a tanky guy, so focusing him isn’t the best option. It is better to ignore him at first or CC him away. He will do some good damage with Trinity Force, but it won’t rival a strong caster or carry.
  • Try not to fight in contained areas such as the jungle. It allows him to pillar paths off entirely which sets your team up for death. Engage him and the team on open ground in order to avoid this.
  • Use his pillar against him. If he does it to you, wait for it to come up and then flash or escape to the other side. This will force him to go around his own object and likely not catch you.

Putting them on a team:

MMMTrundle is really good on the right team and ok on another. His toolkit allows him to shred a tank and save a teammate, so he is overall really strong no matter what. He does fantastic is there is another initiate on the team and even better with the right map positioning.

>Example ENEMY Team: Annie (mid), Singed (top), Nocturne (jungle), Ashe (bot), Soraka (bot) Trundle can use his pillar to knock Singed and Nocturne back as well as catch Ashe, Soraka and Annie very out of position. He can also ultimate onto Singed making their primary damage taker significantly weaker and unable to run away easily.

>Good against: Kite compositions, AD and/or tank junglers, teams with a single tanky character, jungle or corridor fights

>Bad against: Open river fights, characters with escape mechanisms, your team not having an initiate
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Udyr (Phoenix)

  • He does crazy damage and lives forever
  • Has a stun for anyone he hits
  • Clears the jungle ball shrinkingly fast.
  • Absolutely kills anyone trying to counter jungle him
  • Is a manbeartigerphoenixturtle.
  • Is my favorite character (that scores points, right?)
  • No great initiation
  • No gap closers except a movespeed buff
  • Not the best pick against certain team compositions
  • Easy to kite

Udyr is very position dependent and has no gap closer aside from a movement speed boost. He can be kited or avoided altogether really easily if he comes in at the wrong time or angle, so learning how to get in with Udyr is necessary to succeed. Unlike the Tiger counterpart of Udyr, Phoenix doesn’t do as much single target damage in a gank, even though he clears the jungle much faster. Getting used to his forms, when to use them and how is also harder than learning most other characters.

Jungling Speed:

Phoenix Udyr has the absolute fastest jungle clear in the game. Massive AoE with AoE on third attack and sustainability to boot. Later game it gets so fast that sometimes you forgot you attacked the camp at all, they just burst into pools of death upon seeing you.

Jungling Sustainability:

Udyr doesn’t afraid of anyone and can turtle form his life and mana back if he wanted to. He can also clear so fast that his only issue was mana and has been alleviated in the last patch.


Phoenix Udyr can still run in and deliver a stun, however that’s just about all that’s going to happen and as I said earlier, someone can just leave if they see you. It’s important that you find the right time to get in, as there are ways to deny him opportunity to kill you without the use of summoners.

Ability to Deflect Counter-jungling:

While he may not have the ridiculous toolset that Trundle does, he will always be at high resources and is a complete monster in 1v1 combat. The Phoenix does great DPS if they choose to fight and will hit them as they are running and you are chasing them. Turtle form gives you a shield for their damage and the bear gives a stun every 6 seconds. Overall he can get you out of his jungle quickly and safely.

Ability to Counter-jungle:

You clear camps so fast that the only reason I gave Udyr a 9 in this category is that his form changes let off sounds that can be heard from a little ways away. This will give up that you’re in the jungle and allow them more time to close in on your escape path.

Post Jungling:

Phoenix Udyr is mostly tanky DPS and runs around stunning and providing AoE damage to the enemy team. In that respect he is outclassed by many other heroes, especially given that someone can simply leave if he chooses to focus them. You can get some good damage on the team using phoenix and take a good beating with Turtle form, but you can’t dash in and destroy people like the other tanky DPS characters can.
Tips and Tricks:
  • Get used to the form changing in a custom game or you will super fail in a real game. Believe me, I’ve been there.
  • Learning when you should be form dancing (changing) is important because it will help you get across the map faster as well as make you sound like some sort of nightmare animal train.
  • Remember that your Phoenix is an Aura so you are able to switch forms right afterward in order to get benefit from another form. Remember to keep going back to Phoenix to keep the DPS up, however.
  • In this form your best method of team fighting is going between phoenix, turtle and bear to stun people running through to your carries. The bear can stun multiple people in the form and the turtle will keep you alive longer in the fight. Phoenix should always be active and radiating death.
How to Beat Them:
  • As I’ve said a few times, Udyr can be kited hard. Just stay away from brush when you’re over-extending and ward river to see if he’s flanking you. You’ll get out before he can hit you and if you’re Ashe just fire and take a step back, repeat.
  • If you choose to fight Udyr alone, don’t. He can soak up tons of damage with a shield every few seconds as well as dish out some serious pain if you stick around to take it. Don’t forget that he can dodge your attacks with his passive.
  • Running from Udyr for a long distance is also tough to do. Try not to put yourself in situations where he can chase you up a lane or river as he will outrun you eventually.

Putting them on a team:

MMMUdyr is great on any team and the primary reason to not play him is because he's banned. Other than that, he isn't great against strong kiting comps, they have to have a few kiters/anti-initiators to make it not worth it, though, so choose wisely!

>Example team: Doesn't matter.

>Good against: Everything he's not bad against.

>Bad against: Ashe (permaslow = permafrown), Alistar (headbutt = useless screaming bear man thing), Janna (CC queen), Kayle (slow and invuln is big), Lee Sin (kicks you in the face and can deal with your burst well), skill teleporters ( Ezreal, Tristana, LeBlanc, etc.)
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Udyr (Tiger)

  • He does crazy damage and lives forever
  • Has a stun for anyone he hits
  • Clears the jungle ball shrinkingly fast.
  • Absolutely kills anyone trying to counter jungle him
  • Is a manbeartigerphoenixturtle.
  • Is my favorite character (that scores points, right?)
  • No great initiation
  • No gap closers except a movespeed buff
  • Not the best pick against certain team compositions
  • Easy to kite
  • I copied these from Phoenix


You won’t be clearing the jungle as fast with this one, however it offers the ability to dragon easier as well as ganking better.

Jungling Speed:

He is really quick still, but losing the AoE does hurt the time on his clear.

Jungling Sustainability:

He still has all the tools needed to keep his resources up during the jungle.


He can do a better job by preloading tiger and stunning for a large burst damage on top of whatever someone else adds to the fight. Overall it is stronger than Phoenix but suffers the same faults in that you have to be close to someone in order to perform it.

Ability to Deflect Counter-jungling:

It is just as strong, if not stronger, than Phoenix form. He does more single target damage, so messing with him is even worse an idea. Plus with bear form Udyr is around his jungle very quickly.

Ability to Counter-jungle:

It simply isn’t as fast as the Phoenix form, despite doing more single target damage. He can still get in and out quickly and it makes red/blue buff stealing much faster.

Post Jungling:

He now does more damage in place of less AoE damage, so he can burst down squishies and be a menace overall. He still isn’t as powerful as the other tanky DPS options, though.

Tips and Tricks:
  • Get used to the form changing in a custom game or you will super fail in a real game. Believe me, I’ve been there.
  • Learning when you should be form dancing (changing) is important because it will help you get across the map faster as well as make you sound like some sort of nightmare animal train.
  • You can preload your tiger strike to be able to double strike them. You do this by putting up tiger form, which lasts for 5 seconds, charge in with bear form, hit them and they get both stunned and tiger form proc’d. You then switch to tiger again immediately and continue bursting them down.
How to Beat Them:
  • As I’ve said a few times, Udyr can be kited hard. Just stay away from brush when you’re over-extending and ward river to see if he’s flanking you. You’ll get out before he can hit you and if you’re Ashe just fire and take a step back, repeat.
  • If you choose to fight Udyr alone, don’t. He can soak up tons of damage with a shield every few seconds as well as dish out some serious pain if you stick around to take it. Don’t forget that he can dodge your attacks with his passive.
  • Running from Udyr for a long distance is also tough to do. Try not to put yourself in situations where he can chase you up a lane or river as he will outrun you eventually.

Putting them on a team:

MMMUdyr is great on any team and the primary reason to not play him is because he's banned. Other than that, he isn't great against strong kiting comps, they have to have a few kiters/anti-initiators to make it not worth it, though, so choose wisely!

>Example team: Doesn't matter.

>Good against: Everything he's not bad against.

>Bad against: Ashe (permaslow = permafrown), Alistar (headbutt = useless screaming bear man thing), Janna (CC queen), Kayle (slow and invuln is big), Lee Sin (kicks you in the face and can deal with your burst well), skill teleporters ( Ezreal, Tristana, LeBlanc, etc.)
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  • Sustainable in the jungle, the fight and life
  • One of the strongest ultimates in the game for ganking
  • Is able to stick in the jungle with no potions
  • Very tough to kill
  • Doesn’t do a lot of damage unless he’s squishy
  • Ignite makes him sob
  • Ganks are awful before level 6
  • Easy to hear coming if you’re not smart
  • Crossdresses as an old lady

The only difficulty arising from Warwick is knowing who to suppress at a given time. In a teamfight, knowing when and who to suppress will make or break you and this applies to your Hungering Strike as well. Hitting a tank will heal you more and hitting a squishy will kill them faster, you have to gauge which is more important on the fly and go with it.

Jungling Speed:

Warwick’s first clear is kinda quick and once he gets his Razor’s he will be a bit faster at clearing the jungle.

Jungling Sustainability:

If I had to rate Warwick’s life sustainability in the jungle, it would be 15/10 like Fiddlesticks, however his mana is the issue. He relies on blue buff unless he changes his skill order around, and without blue buff his jungle slows down a lot.



Another dual grade! Before level 6 Warwick’s ganks are alright. He can provide a little extra damage but they won’t be far enough up that your Blood Scent will matter, you won’t have enough mana to keep swiping them and your w has a really long cooldown. This leaves you with just an auto attack gank which is less than great. After you turn level 6 the whole game changes. You now become an instant threat and hearing the howl means you’re probably dead already. Jumping onto someone in the lane every 60 seconds is pretty awesome and a 2.9 second suppress is enough to take down nearly anyone, especially with a follow up Hungering Strike.

Ability to Deflect Counter-jungling:

Warwick is good 1v1 and can stop people from messing with him pretty good. He probably won’t be able to kill you unless you’re deep in his jungle and he has Blood Scent going on you. At the same time, you probably won’t be able to kill him, so there’s that.

Ability to Counter-jungle:

Warwick is too slow and mana hungry to invade the jungle early in the game and later on he’d be better off just ganking a lane or securing dragon in most cases. It’s not that he’s bad at it, per se, just that he’s so good at other things that it’s a waste of his talent.

Post Jungling:

Warwick gets really beefy when you build him tanky DPS and just takes down teams. He can kill any target he wants and then swipe another to keep his life up. After he has Madred’s and a fair share of tanky stuff, he’s nearly unkillable and dishes out some serious DPS. He can also solo Baron as well as perform an early Baron when you get Madred’s up.

Tips and Tricks:
  • Hungering Strike can reset your auto attack, though the timing is a bit weird.
  • Hungering strike does a % damage, so when you use it on a tank you will heal more than on a squishy. Keep that in mind when you’re running low on life.
  • Your ultimate applies on hit effects, which is why Madred’s is awesome on him.
  • If you want to sneak up on someone that is low life, you can turn your Blood Scent off and the just walk in, ultimate them and turn it back on to chase if necessary. I’ve done this many times as a good player will roll out as soon as they hear the howl.
How to Beat Them:
  • Warwick becomes a lot less tanky when he is ignited. Overall, unless he is ignited or the last person standing, do no focus him. He’ll do an ok amount of damage and cause some mayhem, but he is not a carry nor does he do carry damage.
  • If you hear the howl and he is level 6, you have to get out of there quickly. Also be aware that if you’re low he can and will dive you because his ultimate will slice you up.
  • Quicksilver sash and/or stunning him mid-flight of his ultimate will get him out of it. Keep this in mind if you have a stun or are constantly dying to him.
  • A majority of Warwick’s damage is magical, so building MR is effective as it shuts down his Hungering Strike and Madred’s bonus damage.
  • Construct a team that can do something without the main damage dealer. Warwick against a team that is focusing around a main source of damage will have that source focused, jumped on and killed immediately. You have to make sure that your team can mop up without your main carry.

Putting them on a team:
MMMWarwick is a tough nugget to put on a team. He's a bit like Cho'Gath in that he really fits any team, does a ton of tanking and has some great utility. He is also like Cho in that if you build damage, you'll be underwhelming and if you build tanky, you rely on your team to deal the damage. If you have a competent, damage dealing team, Warwick fits. Think of him as the most well rounded jungler there is.

>Example team: Annie (mid) (STUPID COMBO, STUPID I TELL YOU), Rumble (top), Warwick (jungle), Vayne (bot), Sona (bot) This team allows for large burst damage that synergizes well with Warwick's ultimate as well as letting him be a primary tank for the team (next to Rumble)

>Good against: Single person all-stars ( Katarina), Anyone with a channel ability

>Bad against: Ignite, Ignite effects ( Gangplank, Miss Fortune, etc.)
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Xin Zhao

  • Super early and strong ganks
  • Not blue buff dependent in the least
  • Sustainable with his passive and Wriggle’s
  • Very strong early/mid game
  • Squishy if you’re not ahead
  • Bad at teamfighting later in the game
  • Fades off in the late game as other AD carries step up
  • Tough to do well if you’re behind
  • Has a pansy voice for a manly man

Xin Zhao is an auto-jungler. You just get some stuff, click and every once in a while push a button and bam you’re 18-0 and the game’s over already. While his power fades in the higher levels of the game, he can absolutely stomp worser players or people playing recklessly. His jungling is easy, ganks are easier and he is a strong damage dealer to begin with.

Jungling Speed:

He is quick in the jungle, but only has single target damage (AoE on charge doesn’t count). So as the game progresses he will clear faster and faster because he does more damage, but there is no magic AoE fast clear that the other junglers might have.

Jungling Sustainability:

His passive gives him life back on attacking and his abilities cost next to no mana. He is entirely blue buff independent in that respect and because he can keep his life up he is very sustained in the jungle.


Xin can start ganking right away at level 2. I have had games where I go from blue golem to bot lane and get a double kill right away. He only gets better and does more damage as the game goes on, so his ganks get better and better.

Ability to Deflect Counter-jungling:

He can usually chase someone out of the jungle pretty well, but isn’t always around to stop them. He will spend a lot of his time ganking as well as harassing lanes in general, so his jungle is ripe for the picking at those points. He doesn’t recover the best because his steroid is only for 3 attacks and attack speed, so crippling his jungle does hurt him a bit more than others.

Ability to Counter-jungle:

He can get in and out relatively quickly and kill the enemy jungler if he wants to. While that’s strong, he generally will be wanting to do better things with his time, like Warwick.

Post Jungling:

Xin is like Rammus in that if he doesn’t get those early kills, he turns into a pile of useless. He will still dish out some damage, but when a character relies on dashing into someone’s face in order to deal it, they better do a ton of damage or have some tankiness to them. Xin will have neither if he gets behind. If he stays on par and sees mild success, he is still not the greatest teamfighter and his assassin-esque role is filled much better by other characters. When he is fed, however, Xin rocks the house until the late late game.

Tips and Tricks:
  • Three Talon Strike resets your auto attack, so swing then push Q for a quick double attack.
  • When using Three Talon Strike, you can hit anything twice and then the third hit will knock someone up. You can hit two neutral minions and charge out of the bush to get the third knockup hit on them.
  • When you are ganking someone, save your charge and use better positioning to get the hits in. They will flash away if you get close enough to hit them and THAT is when you should charge in. This will allow you to get them no matter what.
  • Your charge ability plus Three Talon does massive damage, so test your limits on who and when you can tower dive as Xin can generally kill someone before the tower even blinks and take only a hit or two.
How to Beat Them:
  • Be wary of early ganks. When you see him, wait for his charge and then flash out
  • He is relatively squishy unless he builds really tanky (even as tanky DPS with Mallet/Wriggle’s), so don’t be afraid to lock him down
  • He relies heavily on getting early kills and farm. If you can ward well and not give him that, he will taper off hard into the late game

Putting them on a team:

MMMXin is really great on early snowball teams and dive compositions. He can dive extremely well and pairing a strong laner on your team against a squishy can still end in kills for your team. He doesn't fill the role of AD carry too well because he has to get too close to not build tank items.

>Example Team: Vladimir (mid), Jax (top), Xin Zhao (jungle), Alistar (bot), Vayne (bot) This comp allows for really strong dives on every single lane while maintaining a fierce lane presence. This team will win hard early or struggle through the late game, but you can dive 2-3 people whenever you want thanks to pool, leap strike, Vayne's stun arrow and Alistar's ultimate combined with your burst mobility.

>Good against: early game squishies

>Bad against: Anti-initiate, Tanky DPS stronger than him, anti-dive (something like Singed or Udyr)
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