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Kog'Maw Build Guide by dommakarov3

Middle [META] 13.10 Kog'Maw AP (+ On-Hit)

Middle [META] 13.10 Kog'Maw AP (+ On-Hit)

Updated on May 20, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author dommakarov3 Build Guide By dommakarov3 3,063 Views 0 Comments
3,063 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author dommakarov3 Kog'Maw Build Guide By dommakarov3 Updated on May 20, 2023
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Champion Build Guide

[META] 13.10 Kog'Maw AP (+ On-Hit)

By dommakarov3
Intro/How to play
Kog'Maw is typically viewed as an AD Carry champ who excels in his late game.
However, I like to play him as a lane bully AP champ, who is great in both early game and late gaame. Simply poke with E when arcane comet is up and if possible, attack with Q and W. However, if you don't take manamune first, you may want to play a little safer, as you will run out of mana constantly using abilities, especially once you put a few points into E.
Pros & Cons
+Great early game, great scaling into late game.
+Artillery: you can kill someone miles away!
+Good against both squishies and tanks
+Can be built as an AD champ if the team comp needs it
+Few counters in lane
+Easy to play

-Falls behind if down kills
-No movement to escape ganks
-Not a great frontline, if someone gets
on top of you, you're probably dead.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author dommakarov3
dommakarov3 Kog'Maw Guide
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[META] 13.10 Kog'Maw AP (+ On-Hit)

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