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Morgana Build Guide by Dcatboone

Middle Morgana Mid (Melt them into Oblivion)

Middle Morgana Mid (Melt them into Oblivion)

Updated on March 8, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dcatboone Build Guide By Dcatboone 1,767 Views 0 Comments
1,767 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dcatboone Morgana Build Guide By Dcatboone Updated on March 8, 2019
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Champion Build Guide

Morgana Mid (Melt them into Oblivion)

By Dcatboone
Melting Morgana
This build typically will melt the enemy over time once they're trapped in your Q, W. If you can't consistently land your Q,W, this build probably isn't the best for you, and I would recommend going a little more utility, or bursty. Many times I've Q, W'd someone and then watched happily as their health bar ticks away either to half health or if they're squishy, they just die. After you shove a wave into tower, you either look to roam, take scuttle, ward, gank bot or top, or take turret plates. Early on, I would focus on taking turret plates, the gold is worth it, and odds are you can't stop your ADC from inting anyway.

Champs this build is fun to play against in lane, any melee AD assassin. They disrespect the Morgana pick, and get tilted being unable to farm, roam, or kill you. At the end of laning phase against a melee AD champ, you should have at least a 30 cs lead, and since they're aggro, you'll probably have kills as well. If you can't land your Q, you probably shouldn't play Morg. If a champ has a dash, wait until after they dash to Q them. Fizz for example will engage and bounce while being invulnerable, don't throw the Q until after she's done bouncing. Kassadin can very easily ult through your Q, wait. It's better to be patient than to die.
This build works very well against assassins, I have never lost a lane to a Zed, Talon, Kat, Akali, etc. unless they had a really proactive JG. However, Morgana suffers, in my opinion, against champions who can out shove her. Malz for instance can push Morg under tower, which makes it hard to be aggressive. Any mage who can hard shove a lane faster than Morg's W, makes it more difficult, not impossible, just more difficult during laning phase.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dcatboone
Dcatboone Morgana Guide
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Morgana Mid (Melt them into Oblivion)

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