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Morgana Build Guide by Kenngi

Morgana support BLUE BUILD

Morgana support BLUE BUILD

Updated on April 2, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kenngi Build Guide By Kenngi 2,623 Views 0 Comments
2,623 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kenngi Morgana Build Guide By Kenngi Updated on April 2, 2016
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This guide is to help cover the basics of how to play support Morgana so enjoy!
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I like to build a mix of tankiness mixed with utility. I like merc treads for the tenacity, helps escape close calls, next i get eye of the watchers, MAKE SURE AND WARD!! the cooldown mixed with the mana regen and AP really helps all around a GREAT item if your going to support. i get frozen heart if there are 2 or more AD on the enemy team, the mana this gives is nice the cooldown it gives is even better, however more importantly it gives you armour to help protect you from the enemy ADC, plus it has a sweet passive which helps not only you, but your team!! If the enemy has 2 or more AP on there team I get the banshee, the health and passive shield it gives are both very key to your survival. Now most people fail to see the true the value of buying Rylia's!!! the slow this item gives combined with your tormented soil is just AMAZING!!! your support the more CC you can provide the better so Snare them!! Once that runs slow them with tormented soil!! Than exhaust them!! The enemy should be dead by now, BUT if not!! You have your snare off CD now and you have your ULT still!!! Use one of them if not both to kill the enemy. Lastly I get liandry's. When you snare an enemy it now burns them, when you cast tormented soil it slows the enemy which burns them. when you ult, it burns whats not to like??? free burns on almost all your moves a good chunk of health and Magic PEN YES PLEASE!!!!!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kenngi
Kenngi Morgana Guide
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Morgana support BLUE BUILD

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