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Heimerdinger Build Guide by BbbxConfuscius

AP Carry Mr.dinger can't touch this

AP Carry Mr.dinger can't touch this

Updated on May 31, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BbbxConfuscius Build Guide By BbbxConfuscius 2,252 Views 0 Comments
2,252 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BbbxConfuscius Heimerdinger Build Guide By BbbxConfuscius Updated on May 31, 2015
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Hi! introductions

Hi all new comers/veteran players to league my name is jake this is my first guide ever and i made it for fun. I've been a veteran player that started around the beta of LoL i've played all the chars we have now when they were more op and now that there more balanced. From my point of view heimerdinger is on of the champions that remained pretty much the same if not tweaked for the better by far. He has a solid win rate with just rushing zhonyas alone of about 70% and that is ranked challenger tiers and diamond plat etc. I know what it takes to be a good ****er so just read along and learn what i have learned threw years of experienced plays!
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When it comes to build paths heimer has a few depending on your enemy team and your lane opponent. The DOT build which stands for damage over time adds a good effect vs assassins trying to dive in on you and get in and out without dieing like zed with his r. When your turrets hit and you ignite the dot should take him out regardless. Even with your zhonyas alone mostly all assassins are countered instantly if timed right. Second build path helps you value from a more survival type base vs mages and tanks who will grind you out so you will need void staff asap to bypass their mr and ruin their day!
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Team Work

Heimer benefits from teamfights the most even if you dominate lane you will always wanna roam around 6 and let your team mates benefit from your passive in long term fights as you widdle the team away.
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Skills! his R!!!

Heimers r makes all his moves change you must know this and utilize this ultimate to get full potential outta him. The e is really effective if you need a big cc or someone is just outta range of rockets. His q is best used to get turrets pushed and especially if their carries dive you in a fight just r q then zhonyas! :D NOTE: his w ult makes it extremely easy to take out the enemy carry and mid so note if your having problems with them to use the ult on them directly. Heimers turret placement is how you control the pace of the laning phase always let the enemy slightly shove first level or two then go strong and shove them farm etc.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BbbxConfuscius
BbbxConfuscius Heimerdinger Guide
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Mr.dinger can't touch this

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