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Rek'Sai Build Guide by Ambuscade54

AD Offtank Mrs. Rex

AD Offtank Mrs. Rex

Updated on December 23, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ambuscade54 Build Guide By Ambuscade54 9,300 Views 0 Comments
9,300 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ambuscade54 Rek'Sai Build Guide By Ambuscade54 Updated on December 23, 2014
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Guides I generally see are explaining jungle like other lanes. But It shouldn't be. Jungler must be good at jungle to be strong.

Rek'sai has a potential of dealing much damage. Also It has too high mobility. U can kill and get away easily. Or when you caught up you may get away with your Tunnel skill. I will help you to learn how to play rek'sai in jungle.
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Creeping / Jungling

If you didn't get enough support in the beggining, don't try to kill Krugs. Use your first smite on Gromp, second smite on Red.

After first B, never use smite on Razorbeaks. Rek'sai can't use it's buff. If you kill jungle very easy; use smite on Wolves and Krugs, If you don't; use it on Gromp and Red.

It is so important locating tunnels on good spots. Good spots to have a good mobility can make you so much fast. Rek'sai 's tunnels can be a big advantage on jungling

These spot are examples to make you faster.
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Pros / Cons


High mobility


High instant damage


Strong late game


No need to go base


Can't gank in early


No mobility without tunnels


Tunnel ways can be dodged easily

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Generally people choose CDR(CoolDown Reduction). I choose Attack Speed, because rek'sai doesn't have too much need for CDR. Successfull ganks can easily kill. Attack Speed is also good at jungling too(with hydra).
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Attack Damage is the best way of getting strong in early game.
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Skill Sequence

Never try furious bite in level 2. It may help you to kill Blue easier. But you have hard times with Red.

Mixing Burrow-Furious bite may help at ganks. Furious bite cant be used with full fury in every gank.
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Tunnels can be prepared for ganks in early game. You can locate them in good positions that opponents cannot detonate them. For example:

(Numbers are priorities.)

You can change locations for every other champion. If a champion gets lane easily pushed, you may locate your tunnel in more offensive position.

These tunnels may help you to get away in faulty ganks too.
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Using your tunnels provides you high mobility. When you're getting away from opponent you may open a tunnel to other tunnel. This way will make you double faster. Try to avoid early fights. Rek'sai is a strong late game champion. It can kill jungle really easy in mid-game. It is hard to win fights before 15th min. Early kills makes Rek'sai stronger too. It can kill jungle easily after hydra(with no hp losing).
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ambuscade54
Ambuscade54 Rek'Sai Guide
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Mrs. Rex

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