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Dr. Mundo Build Guide by FiletedMinion

Support Mundo All Roles

Support Mundo All Roles

Updated on December 30, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FiletedMinion Build Guide By FiletedMinion 1,904 Views 0 Comments
1,904 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FiletedMinion Dr. Mundo Build Guide By FiletedMinion Updated on December 30, 2024
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Grasp of the Undying
Second Wind

Magical Footwear
Approach Velocity

+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health


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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Champion Build Guide

Mundo All Roles

By FiletedMinion
Standard Mundo shenanigans. This is his most common role, any guide can give you good information on it. Throw cleavers early game to last hit your farm and just make it to mid game where you dominate everyone not just your own lane. Fight only if there is a gank, I don't care who the matchup is against. Mundo is squishy early game.
Cleavers are always first. No Leash. Start on their topside jungle 100% of games. This will get you to dragon right on time to just rush the dragon before backing. My typical path is their top buff, gank top lane, full clear, get scuttle, gank bot if able, take out dragon. If their jungler is a total loss, you can also get grubs after backing. You will be low on health by end of dragon if you kill it with no assistance.
CLEAVERS! These are your main way of gaining gold and doing damage. You gain more gold from hitting a champ than you do from turrets or killing minions with your support item. It is a fairly short cooldown don't be afraid to spam it.....unless you are really bad at aiming. You only get the refund for hitting a target, and only full refund if it is a champ. Mundo has a super squishy early laning phase. Don't stat check anyone. By level 12 you can do as you please all over the map and go into a full split push if your ADC doesn't need you there to be a problem. Remember, you may be a turret demolishing fiend, but your first jobs are ADC protection and Vision.
Mostly the same as Top. Farm is more imporant than anything else... but mid laners are typically squishy, so feel free to toss cleavers at their faces. It can easily make them leave lane way faster than it would for a top laner.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FiletedMinion
FiletedMinion Dr. Mundo Guide
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Mundo All Roles

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