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Just like you he'll mainly focus on farming and avoid fighting but you out-scale and out-poke him so you should be fine.
He has a very strong late-game so try to shut him down early thankfully he has no escape and is weak early game.
You can out-trade him with your superior range but never try to 1v1 him as his mobility will make it hard for you to hit him.
He has fairly short range so poke him down with your Q and the 4th shot of your passive. Make sure he's either dead or visible before you Ult or else he'll just kill you from behind.
She is a late-game hyper carry so try to shut her down early by abusing her lack of escape by poking her down with your range,Q and W.
Whoever makes the first mistake loses.
Avoid extended trades and back off if she lands her E on you. Be careful and set lots of traps as she will try to dive you.
Avoid short skirmish's and NEVER try to fight her alone because those two areas are where she excels.
Just farm and avoid her net and traps so she can't poke you down with her passive.
Dodge her Q at all costs,try to bait out her E with a W and make sure her Ult is on CD before you use your own Ult.
He has similar range to yours and his Ult is scary with your limited mobility make him a very scary lane opponent.
Will try to poke you often with her W so stand behind your minion wave and use your Q to poke and make sure her ult is on CD before using your Ult so she doesn't just stun you the moment you try to use your own.
She's a fairly short ranged ADC so keep her away with your E and W and make sure not to get rooted by her E or she will catch up and kill you unless your support has a good peel like thresh,Janna or Tahm Kench.
Miss Fortune
A very scary lane bully, avoid standing behind minions with low health so you won't be hit by her Q and her E is very annoying so just try to poke her down with your superior range and W.
Very scary with her absurd mobility on her passive and high damage on both her W 's passive and her E. Make sure to set up traps to catch out her support for when she throws them or her jungler at you and avoid extended trades.
Absurd lane pressure and damage play it safe by using your Q to harass and just farm as much as possible. However late-game you out-damage and out-range him so keep your distance in team fights and you should be fine.
A Jhin's worst nightmare, a fast close range ADC with a gap closer that's also a shield. Just like with Draven farm as much as you can and harass with your Q but be cautious of her late-game as she will try to dive you when you Ult.
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