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Runes: Electrocute Neeko
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order Mid and Support
Inherent Glamour (PASSIVE)
Neeko Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Neeko doesn't have a lot of counters however Malzhar's spellshield passive can be an issue. With his minions that can do burn damage if he builds liandry's it's hard to get rid of the shield with just an auto without taking damage. Using an ability forces Neeko to not be able to full combo, not only that but if it's already down and she tries to full combo she can get silenced before she can land her q on top of the e or not get the full blossom in.
With Senna's passive it's easy to play with. If Neeko gets a root and a blossom Senna can easily do damage when nearby even if she's not as close as Neeko which is perfect since they're both squishy.
With Senna's passive it's easy to play with. If Neeko gets a root and a blossom Senna can easily do damage when nearby even if she's not as close as Neeko which is perfect since they're both squishy.
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