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Extremely annoying matchup. Try to keep your distance.
My personal ban. Annoying to play against. If you can keep your distance you should be save tho.
A skilled Gwen can easily block your stun and q combo. Try to bait out her W and catch her off guard.
He has enough movement to surprise attack you. His stun is annoying and if he hits you with it you're most likely dead. Try to keep your distance and play save.
Dr. Mundo
A good Mundo will wreck you. Try to engage together with your Jungler and you should get ahead.
Dodge his E and you keep him at distance and you should be fine. Poke him down with your e + q combo.
Keep your distance and poke her down. If you can hit your E she is most likely dead or will go back. Don't let her engage you and if she does just try to fake her with w and run to the Tower.
Annoying. She is too fast and can easily dodge your E. if you somehow hit your E you need to engage directly since Lillia is very squishy.
Free lane in most cases. Keep him at distance and don't let him hit you with his Q.
Try to engage pre 6. you should be able to kill her easily early to mid-game. She outscales you in end-game tho.
Keep him at distance. Poke him to death and don't let him near you.
A skilled Akali will find a way to engage you and if she does you'll most likely be dead in the matter of seconds. Keep your distance.
She has a high engage potential on you. If she tries to engage W yourself out immidiately. Do not stand next to walls.
Like Akali but easier. You can keep her away from you easily if she tries to engage e + q combo her and she will most likely retreat.
You should have the upper hand pre 6. If you don't get a kil pre 6 you will most likely be in trouble. wait for your Jungler and engage with him. Keep your distance and don't go far away from your tower.
Annoying af. Try to stay behind Minions to dodge his abilities. e + q combo to poke him down.
Dangerously hard match up. Try to kill him pre 6 to gain the upper hand. After lvl 6 he will dodge your e with his ult and kill you in an instant. don't go far away from your tower
Free lane: Harass him and keep him away from farming.
Keep your distance and poke him down. If he ults you confuse him with your W root him with E and hope for the best that he won't kill you.
Tahm Kench
Keep your distance and dodge his W. Don't let him stack his passive on you.
Dissable his mushrooms with your W. Use your W for every step you take you won't know where he put his mushrooms down. Keep an eye on him to dissable his mushrooms.
Bait his wall and poke him down with e + q
Poke him down. Engage only with your Jungler. Don't let him hit you with his E. Stay back and Kill his minions.
Every Jungler with atleast one cc can help you out
Every Jungler with atleast one cc can help you out
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