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Twitch Build Guide by conker749

AD Carry New meta twitch top

AD Carry New meta twitch top

Updated on September 15, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author conker749 Build Guide By conker749 4,077 Views 0 Comments
4,077 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author conker749 Twitch Build Guide By conker749 Updated on September 15, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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About me and this idea

Hi my summoner name is the conker749 im gold 5 and i notice that twitch has been a bit left out.I had a idea of bringing him to top a new adc cheese lane with vayne and Quinn top a new adc top idea so far it has been working 50% as long your team does not feed or have a hard time in lane your game can be perfect.
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Twitch top pros and cons

I have to admit this is new and i have not gone full out perfected it out and i need people to give feed back and make this twitch top reach its full potential so far here are the cons and pros
1.kiting for days=you get fed :)
2.his kit can surprise people and his passive hurts overtime in lane even if they all in you 5 stacks can rek them before they say wtf
3.ultimate safe for execution if the lane opponent wants to run away that range increase can help you get that kill plus your lord and savior ignite.

1. all in rekts twitch
2. ganks kill him before you can do anything
3. q takes forever dont rely on it if your gonna get hit by the enemy :(
4. poor position can get you killed and if you suck at adc tops then i would not recommend this guide
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Please tell me the flaws and solution to it

I'm not the best if you fail you have to find out how it sucks and not.I need help guys im not the best at guides first one by the way and also please tell me about how it sucks or how good it is any feed back is helpful to master this twitch top. So far I have played 8th games 5 wins and 3 losses so far its great playing it and really fun and I thought it would be good to share this new thing I have discovered.
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