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Recommended Items
Runes: CONQUEROR TO CONQUER THE JUNG - Sustain, attack speed and more deathss
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Ability Order
Royal Privilege (PASSIVE)
Qiyana Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Qiyana is not played anymore.It is not because she is a bad champion (although she is hard to master) but because she is seen as a total assassin. In fact, League has evolved into a bruiser game where assassins can only hope to be fast enough, so Qiyana has to fine her own place.
Why jungle?
Jungle is hard, like a gem inside League. But it is also funnier. You have to be aware of everything everywhere, and also know yourself very well. You are the lovely support who gets flamed to steal kills, protect your pals, and, when you can't do anything else, you are destroyed in the chat, but that's fine because when everything works fine you have complete satisfaction.
My approach
I tried to focus on Qiyana in a different way, so she has more sustain and can become a jungle, so is more fun and interesting to play. In order to do that, I built bruiser items and I found the best combination. This combined with conqueror runes I found makes a strong Qiyana which you can have really fun games.
My knowledge :D
There are three things Qiyana needs:
2.-Attack Speed
3.-Habilitty haste
And you always need to build damage. The first item gives you a little of everything, so you stay at the same level as other champs. Then you build full ability haste, attack damage, and critical strike. This is useful only when you can go for Rageblade, which transforms critical strike into damage and gives you more velocity. Last but not least, the guardian angel is the best for Qiyana.
Dont forget to put your Conqueror runes for sustain and damage.
Qiyana is not played anymore.It is not because she is a bad champion (although she is hard to master) but because she is seen as a total assassin. In fact, League has evolved into a bruiser game where assassins can only hope to be fast enough, so Qiyana has to fine her own place.
Why jungle?
Jungle is hard, like a gem inside League. But it is also funnier. You have to be aware of everything everywhere, and also know yourself very well. You are the lovely support who gets flamed to steal kills, protect your pals, and, when you can't do anything else, you are destroyed in the chat, but that's fine because when everything works fine you have complete satisfaction.
My approach
I tried to focus on Qiyana in a different way, so she has more sustain and can become a jungle, so is more fun and interesting to play. In order to do that, I built bruiser items and I found the best combination. This combined with conqueror runes I found makes a strong Qiyana which you can have really fun games.
My knowledge :D
There are three things Qiyana needs:
2.-Attack Speed
3.-Habilitty haste
And you always need to build damage. The first item gives you a little of everything, so you stay at the same level as other champs. Then you build full ability haste, attack damage, and critical strike. This is useful only when you can go for Rageblade, which transforms critical strike into damage and gives you more velocity. Last but not least, the guardian angel is the best for Qiyana.
Dont forget to put your Conqueror runes for sustain and damage.
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