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Nidalee Build Guide by MLG Lokshot

AP Carry Nid Solo Top

AP Carry Nid Solo Top

Updated on January 16, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MLG Lokshot Build Guide By MLG Lokshot 2,210 Views 0 Comments
2,210 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MLG Lokshot Nidalee Build Guide By MLG Lokshot Updated on January 16, 2013
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This guide is about how the solo top nidalee as a glass cannon can work out very well and easily counter many of the other solo top champions. Doings this guide at school so ill be adding different sections to the guide slowly.
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Flask + 5 hp pots : For great sustain against the enemy champ for solo top your going to want to sustain and then try to farm better than your enemy, also lock him out of his creeps and win trade those are the 3 essential points for early game. If you succesfully lock him out of his creeps early game then you can quite easily win mid and late game.
Then Build Haunting Guise and ionian as soon as you can unless you need some defensive stats for either ap or ad if ap get merc treads or if ad then ninja tabi's.
Then build the haunting guise into its upgrade for the extra damage and to take out the bruiser/tanky solo tops. This can easily be where you start to dominate. Then build into the rest of the build once your at all 6 items for your full build you are tanky, great dps, and good sustain.
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Skill Sequence

Max Q other than R when you can.
Then W
Then E

Your Q will be what you can win most trades with, then your w is for sight and guarding for ganks. Heal for pushing/sustain.
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Pros / Cons

Good Sustain
Great damage if you can land your spears
Easy escapes from ganks and skill shots after lvl 6

Hard to dodge/escape skill shots and ganks pre level 6
May not carry as hard as other champs you can pick
Takes some skill aiming your spear to hit them each time
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MLG Lokshot
MLG Lokshot Nidalee Guide
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Nid Solo Top

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