Lucian top but more annoying. His damage is super high first few levels so don't try anything or you'll get chunked. Wait until level 5-6 and then you can start to murder him. If you can force his E swing by just Qing and walking at him then backing off, you can just W back in when he walks up for a free all in. He'll die if you ever get on top of him and you can eat him out of his E cast too if he tries to escape. Warden's Mail is super good vs his doubled autos.
Annoying matchup if he's good at spacing you with Q's, DON'T get hit by his passive auto early game and don't be afraid of walking INTO him to dodge his Q's, you can win all ins. Be careful of his stacked Conq+Ult outhealing your DPS.
This champion isn't very strong in lane anymore, Spam Q's on her to poke and proc Grasp regularly, Bami's rush will allow you to track her in shroud as you'll see her outline. It can be
hard to kill her due to her escapes but you can bully her and she wont have the damage to kill you unless you fall behind.
Easy, don't trade too hard level 1 since she heals with W and will likely have Grasp. Spam poke with Q's and look for stuns, you wont lose any trade if you're landing them. After that just constantly trade and once you get 3 stacks you can eat her out of her Hookshot when she tries to run. If you do that she dies 100% of the time. Be careful of her dodging your R>Q with her R untargetability.
If she takes Conqueror then it's ok, but with Phase Rush this is very hard. Avoid getting poked down early levels, then look for a Q>W combo, if it lands you should proc Ghost and take an all in, it's your best shot. Try predicting her ult and either dodge it or Devour her to mitigate the CC.
Trivially easy, don't trade super hard first couple of levels because his sustain is insane, but after that you can just all in if he's pushed up and run him down. Try and eat him if you're
getting hit by Q so you're both CC'd, but really just GHOST and dodge his Q's with it
Trivially easy, don't trade super hard first couple of levels because his sustain is insane, but after that you can just all in if he's pushed up and run him down. Try and eat him if you're
getting hit by Q so you're both CC'd, but really just GHOST and dodge his Q's with it
Dr. Mundo
Don't get Q'd too much early game, but if you buy healing reduction you should beat him hard pre-11. If you use your Q to stun him then the stun will be blocked by his passive but the SLOW will still apply so it's quite good to do. Freeze the wave near your tower and look for all ins. If he gets ahead he really fucks you so be responsible with your lead.
Brutal matchup in higher elo, may be easier vs less skilled Fiora's. She will play very aggressive levels 1-2 while you're weak so don't get chunked hard then, you can never really land W
and she can 100% parry it so don't try. Rush Bramble 1st item and if you're even at levels 7-11 you can fight her. Once you get 3 stacks WAIT until she parries and then Devour her as
soon as it's finished.Best tip here is if she ults you just W away and GTFO unless you're sure you'll win
No problem, don't get cheesed early and you're fine. Deny his passive by Q/Grasping him regularly and make sure you don't have boomer reactions to shield his ult. Good shielding just
means you outstat him at every point of the game. Only risk here is if he takes Ignite and Ignite-Qsilences-Ults you to execute while you can't shield, so don't be low HP around him.
Look for Q>W's in lane if his passive is down and you can take heavy trades which is hates, just be careful to not get poked down level 1 before you have E with his Passive/Q. He can
orange out of your ult so try and make him waste it on your stun first. If he doesn't then just use your ult as a repositioning tool. Ignite makes this matchup much easier if you're struggling.
Annoying, but eventually he'll make a mistake and you can kill him. Don't get poked too much, wait until he pushes up and transforms from Mega>Mini. That means he can't transform for
ages, hit Q and GHOST on him and he'll usually die if pushed up. All-inning Mega Gnar is possible but usually not worth it
If he takes Phase Rush then he'll be impossible to kill unless he fucks up, but he can't pressure you too much either. Before he gets Lost Chapter he's mana gated so you can abuse him
then by forcing him to waste Q/E to disengage all the time. When he Ults you can Devour him so you'll get knocked back together and keep the fight going.
This champion is not as bad now Fleet has been nerfed on him, however it can still be a problem. He has a very strong levels 1-3 where he'll permapush and poke you down, try to just sustain until
levels 5 onwards where you start to get a big all in threat on him. Look for fights with Q>W and if you get on top of him he's squishy and wont have the damage to kill you. Get healing reduction and
remember, both Shieldbow shield and your R last 3s so you can R him when his Shieldbow procs and by the time you spit him out the shield will have expired, easy kill.
Ironically this matchup becomes much more playable if she takes TP/Ignite. You'll never win fair 1v1 fights unless you're hugely ahead so play SUPER safe until level 6 and just try to maximise CS.
Post-6 your best bet is to bait fights near your tower and then R her into your tower. Since they usually don't take Flash they'll die to this as they have no way to escape. Honestly though this champion can
straight 1v1 you the entire game so be careful.
Out of meta, but shouldn't be an issue. Try and eat him when he starts channeling E to escape, then Q him when you spit him out. That way he wont be able to run and will have to fight
you. Other than that just be careful to not fight him in too many minions due to his healing/ignite cheese
Absolutely impossible, dodge 100% of the time. If you're forced to play it then try to kill his towers once you're level 3 with Q+auto and he'll lose some pressure. Realistically though you
have no chance unless he hard ints. Even the jungler cannot save you..
Very snowbally, but if you know Illaoi you can win. DO NOT GET HIT BY E and you'll be okay early, try and have the wave even/pushed into you, and as soon as she misses an E all in
her. Pre-6 she'll die to this. GHOST is insane here since it allows you to permadodge tentacles, ignite also makes this way easier.
Easy matchup but she has a ton of outplay potential here. Rush Bramble and fight her whenever, just be careful of her vamping off 10000 minions in a 1v1. Really though if she's pushed
up and you all in her she'll die if you hit your Q's. BE CAREFUL OF USING W>Q BECAUSE SHE WILL Q THROUGH YOUR Q IF YOU DO IT AT THE SAME TIME. Once she has BotRK
1v1s are much harder
Jarvan IV
I don't think this champion ever does enough damage to kill you, trade autos, trade Q's, do literally anything since you can't lose. He'll have to EQ out to disengage and will run out of
mana fast.
Extremely easy unless Jax is REALLY good. Be careful of his Level 1 trade with E, if he tries it then Q him, walk out, then walk back in. If you space like this you'll win the trade
even level 1. Later on if he E's try and eat him since the time used is irrelevant if you can't auto him. Rush bramble and take ignite if you want to make this even easier.
If they take Phase Rush and are zoomer 14 year old it's hard. Don't get poked too much early, rush Tabi and then wait for it to be pushed in. Land Q then W+Ghost and you can kill
him unless he Phase Rushes. If you're the best Tahm alive you can R him when he knockbacks so he knockbacks you while he's IN YOUR MOUTH and dies. Q spam HURTS him here
if you can land them.
She's a pain but you same strategy as all ranged tops, wait for her to push up Q>W+Ghost on her Even if you don't kill her she'll
scale to be pretty irrelevant unless she's fed so just farm and wait for her to make mistakes. Q poke if nothing else. Basically impossible to kill if she's smart enough to Mantra+W though to
heal when low.
This champion does more damage early than people think, but not enough to threaten you. Spam proc grasp on her and look for all in's post level 4. She is VERY fast so don't get kited
through minions. Eat her when she ults so her invulnerability time is useless. If you're snowballing, tell your jungler to come top and dive and you'll win 100%
Impossible if he takes Phase Rush, just try and scale. If you land Q>W you can bully him a bit but it's unlikely if he uses his E properly. Look for Q poke since his sustain isn't great but
don't pointlessly run at him, his disengage is too short CD. If you do get on top of him then eat him when he ults, that way you'll get stunned when he's in your belly and the stun won't
This matchup is really hard UNLESS you have a good understanding of how Kled works. Look for Q/Grasp procs but DO NOT dismount him randomly. Leave his mount on 1hp then all
in him after an auto. This is so you can BACKLOAD your damage into bursting him when dismounted. Also try and stun him when dismounted so he can't auto to remount. Ignite makes
this easier if you add ignite to him being dismounted too.
Lee Sin
Space out his E level 1 since it hurts really badly, after level 3 you can start trading heavily. He'll always disengage with W if he's good so you wont kill him, but you can bully him down
and dive after slowpushing a big wave under tower, denying him the ability to sustain. Bramble is super important here if you ever want to 1v1 him due to his W+Conqueror
This is a matchup people pick as a ""hard counter"", but often don't know what they're doing. Play safe until level 3, and then any time she has low passive stacks look for Q>Grasp on her. She's very squishy
so a couple of these will hurt a lot. Then look to all in when low. Shield her Q/W when possible and when she ults you, try and eat her so you're slept while she's eaten.
Honestly nothing you can do if she chooses not to interact. She has too much kite. Luckily no one plays this shit. If you do run into it then look for Q poke, and if she E's away try and
eat her so she can't reactivate E to teleport there. If you pull that off then she should die
Annoying champ, just don't get poked too much early by using bushes and not going for minions that'll get you chunked. Most Lucian top players are really bad so get Bramble/Tabi
and fuck him up once he's pushed up. Ghost will let you stick to him easily. Theoretically he can carry but they'll nearly always hard int.
Hard due to his shield but it has a long CD so once it's down you can all in with Ghost. Avoid his E jumping to you by staying away from low HP creeps. If you instakill his voidlings he'll
push a lot slower and miss CS. Honestly your jungler should just come top here and he'll go 0/10 but if not and he plays very well then your opportunities may be limited to build a lead
Master Yi
Haven't played this matchup in years but I don't think he can do much. Don't let him dodge your Q with his Q, but you should fuck him in all-ins. Bramble vest is OP here. If it's funnel then
hope your botlane/jungler are good.
He's everything you love in a champion. Just farm Grasp procs off him all day for poke and healing, and look for all-ins. Try and stun/eat him when he Q's you so he can't use the MS to
run away. Rush MR if he's Comet/Lost Chapter rush to sustain
Same as Malphite, but he can heal a bit. Just farm him for Grasp procs and once the wave is pushed in you can all in and run him down with Ghost. If you're really smurfing you can eat
him when he Q's you so he's in your stomach when you get knocked back, and will come with you. Bramble is good vs him too since he needs to auto to proc his heal.
Not easy if he knows what he's doing. Careful not to fight him with proc'd passive/Conqueror unless you know you can win. If you can juke a Q/E then his passive will be slow to proc
afterwards as he'll have to auto twice. 1v1ing in the Death Realm is hard but doable. Overall just get Bami's and take ignite if you want to make the 1v1 easier, not necessary though.
Best chance to kill him is Ulting him under your tower.
Easy lane but be careful of scaling, once he has Sheen and Ult his 1v1 becomes VERY insane. I suggest letting the wave bounce to your tower and freezing it so he can't farm and then
all-inning when possible. Another lane where Bramble is needed. SPAM stun when he's ulted so he gets as few Q's as possible, don't eat him here because the AOE damage on his ult
will still fuck you up.
If it's AP it's okay, she'll run out of damage after the first few levels, AD is a different story. Don't get poked too much or get hit by her E through minions. Same ranged strategy of letting
it push in and ghosting on her when you land Q+she's pushed. Eat her when she ults so she's in your belly when you're stunned.
Pretty easy since nerfs, basically like easier Fiora given the spellshield hold your Swallow/Stun until it's timed out and you shouldn't be able to lose. Bramble is very good here
Insane 1v1 champ but you're stronger, don't take long fights 1-2 with his Conqueror, wait until 4-5+ to take longer fights. Once he's thrown an axe you can eat him and spit him away from
it, then slow him. This will significantly lower his dps. His ult 1v1 is crazy because you can't stun him but get Bramble and you should be fine
Surprisingly one of the hardest champions to 1v1, he takes Grasp too and his Brittle hurts. Don't get W>Auto'd ever by him or fight him in a lot of minions. Just take good trades and you'll
be fine. Stun/Eat him when his ult is reaching him to deny him the 2nd portion.
Very annoying for both of you. If he's good then he'll poke you down so you can't win the 1v1 hard. Just don't lose too much health level 1 before you get your E at 2. Once you're at
HIGH HP you can look for fights and all-ins. Don't fight when you're 60% hp or lower or you'll lose. This gets easier at level 5 onwards if you didn't feed first few levels
Her Q does a significant amount of %HP damage so avoid getting hit by both portions. Other than that spam Q+Grasp procs. When you swallow her don't spit her backwards since she
can insta charge you to ""escape"" towards wherever she needs to go, so consider spitting her sideways instead. If you're a smurf you can R her when she ults and take her with you
Same as all ranged matchups, don't get super poked level 1 before you get your E, wait for her to push up and Q>W+Ghost her. She can't kite THAT well if you keep landing Q's. If you
have 3 stacks on her then you can buffer your R on her so as soon as she tries to kick you away she gets swallowed.
He has tons of damage+tankiness+sustain+mobility, so you CAN'T take bad trades else you'll get outsustained and all-inned. Hard matchup but once his burst is done you'll win if you
can stop him from disengaging. His ult is very scary, try to kite it out if he uses it. Other than that just get Bramble/Bami asap and use your fundamentals well.
Rengar OTPs are annoying but they hate you as much as you hate them, just don't get absolutely chunked 1-3 and baited into too much bush chasing. Treat his Ferocity W like GP, try
and eat him if he's holding it so he has to cleanse it and then Q him to slow so he can't disengage. If you don't take bad trades 1-3 against Ferocity Q you should outscale his damage
You're too tanky for her to deal with, but she's too mobile for you to kill. Just be careful of trades too big at level 1, since her 3Q's into disengage will outtrade you. Just keep trying to proc
Grasp/Q for poke since she has poor sustain. The only way she kills you is if she full stacks Conq and then ults and combos you AGAIN to burn down your hp bar. Don't trade too hard
into stacked Conqueror, she abuses the rune too well
Really hard now since his E shreds your MR. Treat him like a ranged champ, don't take minions that get you poked too hard early, then look for all-ins with Ghost once he's pushed up. If
you're not too poked out and can get an all in on high hp then you'll beat him. DON'T EAT HIM WHILE HE'S FLAMESPITTING SINCE IT'LL STILL DO THE DAMAGE.
Impossible if he takes Phase Rush, he'll hard poke/clear waves and outscale you in 10 minutes. If you're trying to win then try and make him waste his Phase Rush and THEN land a Q
and Ghost on him if he's still pushed up. Even then he can just ult away if he's smart. Rush MR, farm and help your team, you're not getting a 1v1 lead
Your laning patterns are similar so it's not easy. He'll try and take short trades with Grasp just like you except he can proc his shield immidiately and win the trade, so play around his shield
cooldown when looking to trade. Don't fight too hard level 1 since he'll benefit from it. Create slowpushes because his waveclear sucks and then if he Ults anywhere he'll lose minions and
plates. You can W to interrupt his ult, but a lot of the time you wont want to and it's better to let him finish the TP.
Should be easy as long as you DONT trade hard levels 1-3, his passive dominates these levels, wait a few levels and spam stun him and he wont be able to do shit. Eat him AFTER his W
procs and it'll let you wait out his shield while he's inside you. When spitting him out be careful not to spit him backwards or it'll allow him to ult you towards his tower, spit him sideways
Rare pick but you shouldn't have problems, don't trade into her super hard when you're E'd since it does % damage. You should statcheck her out of lane if you spam stun on her in all ins.
Just farm your Grasp procs and don't worry too much.
If you have Second Wind/DShield/Pots hit poison really does very little to you. Take Approach Velocity to stick to him and spam Grasp procs to make him sad. If he can get in a position to
proxy you can't chase him so don't allow that. Don't get flung into tower and there's no way you can die
He doesn't do enough damage to ever threaten you but his scaling is good so you'll have to dominate early. Stun/Eat him to cancel his Q and try to always pop his W because the magic
damage will chunk you. Other than that, good fundementals will let you win this.
Only one-tricks play this so they'll know there champion well, but there's nothing he can really do into you 1v1. He lacks the damage and tankiness to fight you so the ONLY threat is being
pulled into his tower, avoid that and it's unplayable for him. Watch out for jungle ganks post-6 too.
Definition of an unfair matchup, he's pure melee with a weak early game, just all in him and you'll win, he can't win if you use Ghost. Only way you can go wrong is if you let him spam on
you to poke/heal without retaliating. If you want to make this even more unfair you can take ignite so he can't even heal with W
Maybe the ""easiest"" ranged champion to play against since he lacks strong disengage. If he ever misses his root he dies, and if he's pushed up you can Ghost on him for an easy kill. He's
also fodder for your jungler, you can easily make him go 0/10 and spam dive him together. Only danger is if he takes Conqueror and full stacks it and ults you, he'll heal a LOT.
Annoying champ, give up some cs first couple of levels to preserve your HP bar, and then look for all ins when he's pushed up. When you all in him he'll Q you, don't bother autoing during
this blind time, just keep walking where he's walking so he can't kite you. Winning this is reliant on his mistakes but he can't teamfight so don't worry if you don't hardstomp lane
He's you but less versatile. Don't take super long trades into his Q early game, just take short Q/Grasp trades and wait until levels 4-5 when you can look for all ins. Be careful for his ult
because it'll make him very tough to fight, spam Stun on him so he can't DPS and you should win though. Bramble Vest is very good here. When he ults, swallow him for max duration to
wait it out.
Tryndamere REALLY hates you, you're too tanky to 1v1 so he'll try and farm out the lane. Spam Grasp procs early and then freeze the lane in front of your tower. When he ults stun him,
get 3 stacks while he's stunned and eat him so when he's spat out he'll instantly die. This takes some practice but if you learn to do it well it'll make him alt-f4 really fast."
Another ""easy"" ranged matchup, don't get flipped into minions level 1 and you'll be okay. He's too fat to dodge Q so spam that on him for poke and then look for all-ins. Stay on one side of
him so he can't hit all his leg passives. When he ults you just stun him, get 3 autos in and eat him, this will SEVERELY limit his DPS in this time and his ult should time out while he's inside
you. After that it's an easy kill.
HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH KILL ME. But in all seriousness, she's probably just picked this to counter you and can't actually play Vayne. Let her push in and get your jungler to
come top, if she falls behind you can dumpster her with Tabi/Bramble/Bamis. She'll hard int the rest of the game. 1v1 vs a good Vayne with no ganks is depressing though
This champion has been gutted too hard in lane to be a threat. Basically he'll try and abuse you super hard for the first few levels, if you can avoid this/give up cs then you'll be okay and
start destroying him for the rest of the game. Try and Q him while his W is moving at you to guarantee the hit/save some frames. RUSH BRAMBLE
In theory he should never be in danger if he doesn't make mistakes, but they ALWAYS make mistakes eventually. Eventually he'll waste his Phase Rush and get hit by Q a few seconds
after and that's your opportunity. Immidiately W then Ghost and all in him. He has no real agency over the wave so this is a matchup where wave control is very valuable. Focus on
setting up some slowpushes/freezes to obtain good backs and leads
Annoying champ, he's TOO tanky with a lot of damage to all in unless he fucks up. Early Bramble makes it winnable though. Don't ever get poked by his 2nd W or you'll fully lose lane. If
he wastes his E on the wave you can look for an all-in after his shield times out. Spitting him into your tower is your best bet for a sure kill. If he runs at you then Q him to kite it out and
you can look to all in after that. Bramble Vest is necessary to 1v1.
One of the only champions strong enough to fight you early, get Bramble Vest FIRST item and it becomes much easier. Stun him when he E's and he's pretty weak at 1v1ing when it's on
cooldown. DO NOT get baited when he's low and has E as he can outheal your DPS. You can eat him when he's Eing to deny the fear's value. If you have healing reduction and he's not
fed then he scales pretty poorly so going even is fine.
You do magic damage so this matchup is easy. Don't fight too hard level 1-3 since his early levels are insane between his passive+Conq. You can easily differentiate between real Wukong
and his Clone as his Clone will not have stacks like the real one will if they've been applied. Other than that you just statcheck him at all points of the game.
Xin Zhao
Rare matchup but should be easy, don't get chunked out 1-3 and you shouldn't have any issues. Farm Grasp procs off him and spam Stun, you shouldn't have a problem.
Yasuo constantly dashing around is annoying but as soon as you land a Q on him he'll die. Don't trade into minions level 1 as his Conqueror is strong and you'll be fine. If he's constantly
dashing through minions I'd recommend not throwing Q and just autoing him down while he tries to dodge something that isn't coming. If you need to you can R him at the same time he
starts his 3rd Q animation so he can't ult you too.
Same as Yasuo mostly, just a bit more damage but he can't dodge as much/Windwall. Don't eat him in his E because he can cancel the CC/Damage if it times out. He honestly has SO MUCH outplay
potential for your abilities that sometimes it can be hard to do anything, but once he makes a mistake he's pretty much dead. Not sure if it's a bug but you can eat him out of his R to negate the CC and his
followup damage. Q him when he Qdashes at you to land a free Q.
His Ghouls block your Q so you can't ever hit him which makes this hard, dodge his E in lane and he's pretty useless though. Farm him for Grasp stacks when he can't E you and poke
him down to 50%, poking him below that is hard because of his increased healing. Best bet for a kill is to spit him into your tower since he has no mobility to escape, but he's super easy to
gank if your jungler comes, just W out of the cage and fuck him. HARD FOCUSING Maiden in a 1v1 can make him lose a lot of DPS too. Kill Maiden and you win lane.
No one plays this anymore but he shouldn't be a threat, take good trades and be careful of jungle ganks because his setup is insane. Just perma farm Grasp and poke him out. Contest his
blobs because you're stronger and he actually damage himself with his skills if he doesn't pick them up.
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