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Void Shift (PASSIVE)
Malzahar Passive Ability
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I main malzahar, and i used to do a normal build on him without cooldown reduction until i decided to try and i loved it.
I win my lane almost every time, some are harder than other ofc, but after i start this build and runes even against my counters I had no problems, farming is even more easy like this also.
Just try it, you'll love it!
Attack Damage and Hybrid penetration helps you to farm a lot better thanks to your voidling and ofc your basic attack. Its also very good to harrass your enemy when you have the voidlyng active plus your malefic visions.
Cooldown redution - Made 10%, this way you can get the 40% in game and spam those abilitys (mana will not be a problem with those items)
Health - You have low Magic resist because of the CD (also armor this way) but health is better early game anyway, so it will compensate that lack, after you'll just keep safe, and in your build you'll have more health
Cooldown redution - Made 10%, this way you can get the 40% in game and spam those abilitys (mana will not be a problem with those items)
Health - You have low Magic resist because of the CD (also armor this way) but health is better early game anyway, so it will compensate that lack, after you'll just keep safe, and in your build you'll have more health
Just a little tip:
Start Spamming the Q when the game starts (before buying items) this way you can use it twice and one more time to check a bush when you get to the river, then you got the Voidling active to help u in lane when you need it.
Always pay attention to when can you get the voidling, prepare it on the way while you walk.
Start Spamming the Q when the game starts (before buying items) this way you can use it twice and one more time to check a bush when you get to the river, then you got the Voidling active to help u in lane when you need it.
Always pay attention to when can you get the voidling, prepare it on the way while you walk.
Teleport or Ignite
Ignite is more agressive in lane but I prefer teleport because this way i can help my team mates, and is not hard just teleport to a lane and use your abilitys, manly ultimate ofc, your mate will do the rest. Is also good if you got a bad trade and you need to come back fast for he does not push your tower or even go against him full health when he is low.
Ignite is more agressive in lane but I prefer teleport because this way i can help my team mates, and is not hard just teleport to a lane and use your abilitys, manly ultimate ofc, your mate will do the rest. Is also good if you got a bad trade and you need to come back fast for he does not push your tower or even go against him full health when he is low.
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