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Orianna Build Guide by Jonasbaki1

Support Orianna Backline Support

Support Orianna Backline Support

Updated on February 17, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jonasbaki1 Build Guide By Jonasbaki1 3,966 Views 0 Comments
3,966 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jonasbaki1 Orianna Build Guide By Jonasbaki1 Updated on February 17, 2024
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Runes: Late game bis

1 2 3
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm


+8 Ability Haste
+2% Movement Speed
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
Heal if ADC doesnt. You got REVITALIZE
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Orianna Backline Support

By Jonasbaki1
Stages of the game. How to play
Quick Guide: Orianna Support Build

1. Runes:

Primary: Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, Gathering Storm.
Secondary: Conditioning, Revitalize
2. Starting Items:

Runic Compass
Health Potion x2
3. Early Game (Levels 1-6):

Focus on poking enemies with your basic attacks empowered by Spellthief's Edge and Command: Attack (Q).
Use Command: Protect (E) to shield your ADC or yourself from incoming damage.
If under massive pressure, keep ball on yourself of ADC depending on who they poke most, It gives passive Armor and MR and the shield activates faster.
4. Core Items:

Ionian Boots of Lucidity: Cooldown reduction for more frequent abilities.
Dreammaker : Protects ally from 140 dmg on first hit and provides 90 ap DMG on first enemy hit. Can become useless if used when ally is taking damage from minions since that will take down the 140 damage mitigation.
Ardent Censer: Enhances your ADC's 25% attack speed and provides 20 bonus magic damage on-hit when you shield allies.
Staff of Flowing Water: Grants 10% bonus movement speed and 30 ability power when you heal or shield allies.
You will be able to cast E every 6 seconds here, so the downtime on ardent censor is only 2 seconds, and Staff of Flowing Water is 3 seconds.
5. Mid to Late Game (Levels 7-18):
You will stop to use Q and W for damage. The only time you should use Q is for checking bushes to prevent getting jumped, and for placing W for slow og speed up, or for using ULT.

Coordinate with your team to secure objectives like Dragon and Towers.
Prioritize shielding allies during team fights and using Command: Dissonance (W) for crowd control and damage.
Keep vision control around key objectives using Control Wards and your trinket.
6. Situational Items:

Moonstone Renewer: Provides ekstra shielding for allies in team fights. Great for sustaining your team during prolonged engagements.
Dawncore: Offers additional Ability Power and Ability Haste, increasing your shield output.
7. Teamfighting:

Position yourself behind your frontline to protect your carries with shields and crowd control.
You can play in the middle of the fight becuase of the advantage you have with your E shield. You can always have an impact even though you are far behind from the fight as long as you have your ball on an ally or chokepoint.
Use Command: Shockwave (R) to initiate or counter-engage team fights by pulling enemies together.
Prioritize shielding low-health allies to keep them alive and turning the tide of fights in your favor.
8. Late Game (Level 18+):

Stick with your team and maintain vision control around Baron and Elder Dragon.
Coordinate engages and disengages using your abilities wisely.
Focus on protecting your most fed carry and utilizing your utility to secure victories.
9. General Tips:

Communicate with your team and provide vision around objectives.
Adapt your build based on the enemy team composition and game flow.
Practice positioning and timing of your abilities to maximize impact in team fights.
Stay flexible and adjust your playstyle according to how the game progresses.
Remember, mastering Orianna support requires practice, patience, and adaptability. Its a very passive form of playstyle since you are not focusing on the damage.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jonasbaki1
Jonasbaki1 Orianna Guide
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